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January 11, 2025, 10:44
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Travelling Gavel – NOW RESIDING at NENE Lodge (SLEAFORD)  next meeting 28th Sept

A great night was held in Scunthorpe on Tuesday night to witness W.Bro David Carswell install his successor WBro Chris Rimmington. Among the visitors were 9 members of the Nene Lodge who travelled from Sleaford to watch this ceremony, and claim the Gavel.

Nene Lodge were successful and here we see W.Bro Chris Rimmington handing over the gavel to W.Bro Roger Burrell the WM of Nene Lodge.

Why not arrange a trip to Sleaford on Thursday 28th September and try to take the gavel home with you?


Travelling Gavel now resides with St Matthew Lodge MMM 1239

The 'Travelling Gavel' has moved on again, and another great evening was to be had when brethren of the St Matthew Lodge MMM 1239 made the journey to John O Gaunt Lodge MMM No 172 to claim the Travelling Gavel for their lodge.
W Bro, P.W. Spicksley representing St Matthew Lodge MMM No1239, receives The Travelling Gavel from Worshipful S.J. Riding, Worshipful Master of John O Gaunt Lodge MMM No172, at their regular meeting on Monday 18th November. 

Travelling Gavel moves on

The Traveling Gavel currently resides at:

John O'Gaunt Lodge MMM No:172

Meeting in Gainsborough on Third Monday, November, January, April (I), September.

Contact the lodge secretary, Martin Levick toget booked in.

The Traveling Gavel is now in the safe hands of the John o Gaunt lodge No 172 in Gainsborough.

Brethren from the John O Gaunt Lodge MMM arrived in numbers and made a successful claim on the Gavel from the Urania lodge in Louth on Tuesday 13th Novmber.

Why not get a group of brethren from your lodge to claim the gavel for yourselves at the next John O Gaunt meeting on Monday 21st January 2019.


Travelling Gavel and Sceptre

Both the Gavel and Sceptre are in the custody of the Mark & RAM lodges in Scunthorpe at the moment this is the first time I think that this is the first time they have been in the same masonic building a unique occasion as the both were the instigated by W.Bro Alan Birkett from the St Oswald's lodge in Scunthorpe.



Now at St  Guthlac's Lodge, Next meeting 27th March


The Travelling Gavel being presented to W.Bro. Bryan Skinner, the WM of St Botolphs Lodge of MMM No 946 by the WM of St Wilfrids Lodge No 209.

Nine members of the St. Botolphs Lodge travelled from Boston to Alford to claim the Gavel and enjoyed a very special double advancement ceremony in the presence of the Rt. W. Provincial Grand Master. 

St Botolphs next meeting which is on Tuesday 29th November. Get your members together and go and claim the gavel for your lodge!





On Monday 18th April, ten members of the St Wilfrid's Lodge at Alford travelled to Gainsborough and claimed the gavel. They clocked up 490 man/miles.  

It may be claimed from St Wilfrid’s on Monday 24th October 2016.

Second were St Swithun’s (Crowle) with 3 members( 66 man/miles).




WM, W Bro Mike Denny, of St Swithun's Lodge MMM 445 Crowle, at their last meeting presenting the Travelling Gavel to WM, W Bro Barry Cooper, of John O'Gaunt Lodge MMM172. 



It now resides at the John O'Gaunt Lodge MM 172.

The next meeting of John O'Gaunt Lodge MMM is on Monday 18th April 2016. If you would like to raise a raiding party and would like to dine, please contact the secretary, Chris Oates  email:

We welcome any Lodge wishing to attend and stake a claim !



The Travelling Gavel was claimed from Worshiful Master of the White Stone Lodge MMM in Lincoln, in time for the Provincial Meeting in March 2014, by the Worshipful Master of the St Swithun's Lodge MMM in Crowle.

Brethren of the Spurn and Humber Lodge MMM in Cleethorpes had also travelled in goodly number in an attempt to claim the gavel, but with only nine brethren, were unable to match the 16 strong force of brethren from St Swithun's Lodge MMM.


Urania Lodge of MMM No 326 from Louth reclaimed the Travelling Gavel from St Wilfrids Lodge of MMM No 209 from Alford on Monday 24th November.

It was not planned, it was their Installation Evening and when in the Temple it was discovered that the Worshipflu Master, Bro.Les Darby, plus 7 other brethren of Urania Lodge were present so he reclaimed it from the new Worshipful Master of St Wilfrids, Bro.Gerald Howden.

As W.Bro. Ian Casteldine said in his report...."Sorry about the picture no one had a camera so I took it with my mobile phone you may be able to clean it up but at least we will have a record of it. It is our Installation Evening on Tuesday 9th December so I don't think we will be in possession for very long. 

On Tuesday 14th October Bro.Philip Odling and 12 of his Brethren from St Wilfrids Lodge of Mark Master Masons No: 209 of Alford went to Urania Lodge MMM No 326 at Louth and successfully claimed the travelling Gavel.

The Worshipful Master of St Wilfrids Lodge, Bro. P. Odling, receiving the gavel from the Master of Urania Lodge, Bro. Les Darby watched by other Mark Master Masons. Two of the St Wilfrids members are not shown in the photograph.

The Travelling Gavel can be claimed whenever a visiting Master and four of his Lodge Brethren attend the Lodge holding the gavel. If two Lodges were to arrive to lay claimthen the largest number takes the gavel. If both Lodges have the same number of Brethren then the Lodge having travelled the farthest distance gets the gavel. The idea is to promote travelling betwen Mark Master Masosns Lodges.


The WM along with 10 brethren of Urania Lodge No:326 of MMM went to St Swithuns Lodge No:445 of MMM at Crowle on Wednesday 26th March, 2008 and successfully claimed the Travelling Gavel which will be taken to Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Mark Master Masons at North Hykeham on Saturday 12th April to be presented to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.


W.Bro.Cliff Reeves WM of St Swithuns Lodge No. 445 of MMM presenting the Travelling Gavel to W.Bro.Les Darby WM of Urania Lodge No.326 of MMM.
At Crowle that night there were 41 members of St Swithuns Lodge present and 39 visitors, and a very enjoyable evening was had by all.

The next meeting of Urania Lodge when visitors can turn up to claim the Travelling Gavel will be on Tuesday 14th October 2008 so how about forming a raiding party to see if your Lodge can lay claim to the gavel!.


In November at St Oswald's Mark Lodge No:387 which the Provincial Grand Master had arranged to visit, there were an unusally large contingent of visitors as well as the P.G.M. and the Pr.G.D.C. This was probably down to the Travelling Gavel which had started out at Scunthorpe earlier in the year.

 The contest was keenly fought on this occasion with W.Bro. E.C. Coleman of Whitestone Lodge MMM No:1203 making a claim on the Travelling Gavel followed by W.Bro. C.M. Reeves of St. Swithun's Lodge MMM No:445 also making a claim. It came down to the rule which states that the largest amount of members with their Master, wins.

The Travelling Gavel is passed from (left) the acting W.M. of St. Oswald's Mark Lodge No:387, W.Bro. D. Metcalf, to W.Bro. Cliff Reeves of St. Swithun's Mark Lodge No:445.

On counting the numbers of visitors from each MMM Lodge, Whitestone totalled 12 while St. Swithun's totalled 15, so W.Bro Reeves was the first to claim it for St. Swithuns.