Grand RAM Assembly
Following the Grand RAM assembly which took place last week at Freemasons' Hall, I am delighted, on behalf of our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, to advise that the following Brethren of Lincolnshire received preferment at the meeting which was presided over by our Most Worshipful Grand Master.
W. Bro. Michael Robinson - St. Swithuns Lodge RAM no. 445;
W. Bro. Michael Allen - Earl of Scarbrough Lodge RAM no. 1032;
W. Bro. Richard Garn - Mercia Lodge RAM no. 1240.
I am sure that you will join me in congratulating these Brethren on their hard earned promotion to RAM GR and wish them well in their future roles as Grand Officers in this special degree.
best regards,
Stephen Roberts
Provincial Grand Secretary
Lincolnshire Province of Mark Master Masons
Latest Mark Prize Draw Winners

Many congratulations to these Brethren and continued thanks to them and all the Brethren who participate in the Provincial Prize Draw, which continues to give great support to the Province and our Charitable giving.
Any Brother who is not currently a member of the draw and wishes to take part should contact W. Bro. Andy Carr, the draw Administrator, or the Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Steve Roberts for further details.- stay lucky
The St Wilfrid Lodge RAM No. 209 claim the Traveling Sceptre
Haven Lodge RAM No 1732 were the holders of the Travelling Sceptre until Thursday 2nd December 2021, when the Worshipful Commander and 4 of members the St Wilfrid RAM No 209 claimed it and took it back to Alford for safe keeping.
The next meeting of the St Wilfrid Lodge RAM No 209 will be on Monday 24th January 2022, when they will be celebrating "Burns Night", so a good time is on the cards for all who attend.
Get your self booked in now for the Burns Night meeting, by contacting the Scribe at antmarston@googlemail.com
St Barnabas Hospice receives £1000
On Monday 18th October, Nene Lodge made a presentation of our token cheque for £1,000 at the St. Barnabas Hospice in the Hospital at Grantham.
That was where one of our Nene members, Bro. Ray Pearson, passed his last days almost two years ago.

On the photo from left to right are:
Paisley Paddison. The St. Barnabas fundraising Officer.
Cathie, the Ward Sister, receiving the token cheque from Margaret Pearson, the widow of our late member.
W. Bro. Alan Wills, the Worshipful Master of Nene lodge.
Continuation of the MBF Hospice Donation Project
The PGM continued the MBF Hospice Donation Project with a visit to the final four Hospices that had been nominated by Lincolnshire Mark Masons.

He commenced a week of presentations on Monday 13th September at the new Louth Masonic Centre where he presented Beverley Petchell of the Louth and District Hospice with a cheque for £2000 following its nomination by Urania Lodge No 326 and the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers Lodge No 1910. Also present were W Bro Les Darby, W Bro Mike Robinson, W Bro Ken Rose and W Bro John Laking.

On Tuesday 14th it was to the Dove Cottage Day Hospice where he presented the £1000 donation on behalf of St Wulframs No 916 to Dora Walls, together with W Bro Peter Chandler and W Bro Steve Heath of St Wulframs, along with W Bro Steve Roberts, Provincial Secretary.

On Thursday 16th it was the turn of St Barnabas Hospice to receive a bumper donation of £8000, having been nominated by Remigius Lodge No 117, John O’Gaunt Lodge No 172, St Wilfrids Lodge No 209, Nene Lodge No 427, St Guthlacs Lodge No 1122, White Stone Lodge No 1203, Bayons Lodge No 1365 and Mayflower Lodge No 1899. Paisley Paddison of the St Barnabas Hospice met with the PGM at the Lincoln Masonic Centre, where he was supported by V W Bro Keith Robinson, and W Bro’s Maurice Cockburn, Frank Powell, Tony Marston, Steve King, John Speed, Mike Bull and Bruce Goodman.

The final presentation was on Friday 17th, at the Butterfly Hospice Trust in Boston, where Bridget MacPherson, CEO of the Trust, together with Steve Dawes (Finance) and Lorraine Lenton (Chair) received a cheque for £5000, the trust having been nominated by St Botolphs Lodge No 946, Earl of Scarbrough Lodge No 1032, Alexandra Lodge No 1230, Mercia Lodge No 1230 and finally The Leonard Anderson Lodge of Installed Masters No 1412. The PGM was once again ably supported by the APGM, W Bro Jack Geelhoed, and W Bro’s Keith Munn, Peter Mason and our Provincial Secretary, W Bro Steve Roberts.
The PGM said ‘undertaking this wonderful task on behalf of the MBF Hospice Project has been a humbling experience. Every single one have been very grateful for the donation’ and he thanked every Lodge for their nominations and support at the presentations.
50th Certificate

The RW Provincial Grand Master was delighted to present a certificate to mark 50 years service in the Mark degree to W.Bro Reg Brittan.
As a further surprise W Bro Brittan was also handed a beautiful gold and blue Mark token kindly provided by V W Bro Derek Bontoft our Lecture Master and a 50 year lapel badge which we are sure he will wear with pride.
The PGM recounted some of the major milestones in his illustrious Masonic career including his time overseas and Reg in turn spoke of his affection for the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees.
The evening was rounded off by a superb festive board and a good time was had by all who had the privilege of attending Reg’s presentation.
Lincs MMM Prize Draw
Many congratulations to those who were lucky winners on this occasion.
On behalf of the PGM, many thanks to all the Brethren who have continued to support the draw during these troubled times, which in turn continues to strengthen the Province and importantly aids the many charitable causes we contribute to on an ongoing basis - we couldn't do it without your assistance which is so much appreciated.
Drawn at
Bayons Lodge
Prize Tally:
Ticket No.
£ 200.00
Chris Fletcher
St Matthew
£ 150.00
Mike Bull
White Stone
£ 100.00
Roger Bacon
£ 100.00
Arthur Baxter
St Matthew
£ 50.00
John Riding
John O'Gaunt
Address to the Brethren by PGM - Provincial Grand Lodge 11th September 2021
Brethren: I thank you all for attending this Provincial Grand Lodge meeting today and for your tremendous support during the last 17 months . It is easy to forget these meetings are a necessary part of the Mark Constitutions & Regulations and the fact that we are now able to do this face to face is not only a great pleasure but an enormous relief for me. I will not dwell too much on the recent past it is too depressing – we must look forward to a brighter future, and will have more to say on that in a short while.
Provincial Grand Lodge particularly in this format requires a tremendous amount of organisation and once again I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial Grand Secretary Steve Roberts along with our Provincial DC Keith Robinson.
My thanks too to our Deputy Provincial Secretary Phil Aitken who has been particularly busy organising the Mark Provincial Calendar- a most difficult job – I know because I used to do it ! and Assistant Craig Maurier in providing technical assistance with Summons/ charts and plans . He also maintains our website which I hope you will start to re-visit regularly and which hopefully now will start to be filled with good news and seeing Mark Masons doing what they do best- enjoying our wonderful Mark & RAM meetings.
Once again as I have done repeatedly during the last 17 months I praise Steve Robert’s work behind the scenes- he has been phenomenal and often helps me to interpret rules as well as almost every Secretary or Scribe in Lincolnshire. Thank you so much- I could not do this job without you.
I am looking forward to celebrating Bayons Mark Lodge’s 50th anniversary on 16th next Thursday - a big day for them and like today a big day in Lincolnshire showing the way forward.
Many aspects of our lives have changed by necessity however I must emphasise the work of the MBF continues , even more so pressing in current times. I have already presented cheques to 2 Hospices this week with another 4 to follow next week- in total £22,000 donated by the MBF IN Lincolnshire to mark the life-long dedication to duty of the Duke of Edinburgh in total 1.25m throughout the UK to the Hospices whose fund-raising capabilities have been so much neglected due to the pandemic. Likewise we must keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us- we have this year in March donated another £5000 to the Craft 2025 Festival and also earmarked £3000 to Surrey’s 2022 Festival in July next year.
To that end I ask you all as soon as circumstances permit to continue making donations to our Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund with Lodge collections and raffles. Closely linked to this charitable giving is our Mark Prize Draw, still administered by W Bro Andy Carr and his team, for which I am extremely grateful and take the opportunity to once again thank Andy for his sterling work - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. Not only does it distribute great prizes , it gives us the ability to fund both our Provincial Grand Lodge and use funds for Festival donations. I can look you in the eye knowing I increased my single draw ticket of £5 to three a couple of years ago- a monthly standing order for £15 doesn’t really get missed.
Turning to Grand Mark Lodge: We attended and saw first appointments on Tuesday for W Bros. John Speed PAGChaplain, Richard Garn PAGDC, Andy Carr PAGSwdB and a much deserved promotion to my Deputy PGM Ron Harrison to V W Bro status, PGJO.
I congratulate each and every one of them for the work already done and that yet to undertake, and particularly the bravery of you Ron for the challenges you have been facing. We also saw W Bro Peter Dolby finally get invested as a Grand Steward from 2020 and W Bro Gro Geoff Tuckett as Asst Gig, both looking resplendent with their chains of office today.
I congratulate all Provincial Officers appointed/ promoted and invested today and remind each and every one how very important the rank is- you will be
looked up to for an example of good order and practice, and for that reason I ask you set high standards for yourselves and all those around you.
Work which was ongoing with ‘’Awareness evenings’’ planned before the virus intervened will continue early into the New Year when things have settled down and necessary Installations have taken place. On that subject I thank publicly V W Bro Derek Bontoft, our Provincial Lecture Master for his work in putting together informative and entertaining Zoom Talks whilst the various ‘’lockdowns’’ have been affecting us, even more appreciated because of his own health problems. It is a great delight to see you with us here today Derek.
I note from the Registrar’s report that we suffered a larger than acceptable reduction in the number of subscribing members particularly in our Royal Ark Mariner Lodges and any decline is to be regretted, but inevitable with a global pandemic affecting us all and deaths of good Mark men.
If we take the extra time and effort both to prevent resignations and encourage membership things will surely improve? Clearly we can now do a great deal to promote our two Orders of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner, both beautiful in their own rights.
Now our Province is open for business those Lodges who are presently finding difficulty in attracting candidates - we will try to offer help and guidance for retention and recruitment and on Tuesday this week at Mark Grand Lodge the MW Pro Grand Master indicated that Grand Lodge is intending just such an initiative also. Essential to this of course is ensuring our Craft Lodges remain vibrant and providing the right men to join us.
Finally: I have said repeatedly what I consider a good night out - good administration , the Secretary doing his role well, good ritual being performed, good food and good company. If all those are present great things will happen.
Make it happen in your Lodges Brethren !
I continue to be thankful to you all for the privilege of being your Provincial Grand Master and wish you continued happiness in our Mark & Royal Ark
Mariner Masonry.
May the Great Overseer of the Universe bless you All & Mark well.
Provincial Grand Master
The Mark Provincial Grand Lodge meeting this year was necessarily on a much smaller scale than Lincolnshire Mark Master Masons have been used to enjoying, but it was no less enjoyable for those who were able to attend.
Brethren and staff of the Skegness Masonic Hall welcomed approx 60 brethren to this year's meeting, and what a wonderful meeting it was.
After the fine lunch enjoyed by the attending brethren afterwards, The Provincial Grand Master, Senior Warden and Junior Warden gave their traditional toasts of congratulations and thanks. The brethren left having enjoyed a truly enjoyable and memorable day, with hopes for a return to the usual numbers able to attend and join in the Mark Provincial Grand Lodge next year.
I hope you can all be there in 2022.
PGM leads the commencement of the MBF Hospice Donation Project.
RW Bro Stephen Hallberg, PGM, together will members of the Provincial Executive, and representatives from a number of Mark Lodges began the presentation of donations to six Lincolnshire Hospices as part of the project to recognise the lifetime of service and dedication to the Crown and the nation by his Royal Highness, the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Lincolnshire’s 22 Mark Lodges were allocated £1000 each to donation to a Hospice of their choice, which in turn is part of a Major Capital Grant of £1.3m to over 250 hospices in England, Wales, Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
On Monday 6th September, Lindsey Lodge Hospice in Scunthorpe was the first recipient of £3000, being nominated by St Oswald’s Lodge No 387 of Scunthorpe, St Swithuns Lodge No 445 of Crowle and St Matthews Lodge No 1239 of Barton.
The PGM, joined by W Bro Phil Aitken, Provincial Deputy Secretary, and Bro Andy Urry of St Oswalds, W Bro Mike Robinson of St Swithuns and W Bro Keith Lacey of St Matthews presented the cheque to Kirsty Walker, Fundraising Manager.

Following this, Bro Andy Urry and W Bro Aitken presented Kirsty with a further Cheque for £1200 from the Brethren of St Oswald’s Lodge.

Later that day, it was the turn of St Andrews Hospice in Grimsby to receive another £3000, nominated by Sutcliffe Lodge No 188 of Grimsby, Spurn & Humber Lodge No 1199, and The Haven Lodge No 1732, both of Cleethorpes
The PGM was joined by W Bro Steve Roberts, Provincial Secretary, W Bro Phil Aitken Provincial Deputy Secretary, and W Bro Neil Charlesworth of Sutcliffe Lodge, W Bro Terry Willis of Spurn & Humber and W Bro Mick Boulton of the Haven, and presented the cheque to Caitlin Brewitt

Four further Presentations are planned in the coming week….
Watch this space for more details
Dear Sir & Brother
I am most happy to announce that the local suspension I was forced to impose in Lincolnshire earlier this year will be lifted with effect from midnight on 31st August 2021. This means we can ALL start to resume our most happy of Masonic Orders , our Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Masonry.
I attended my first face to face meeting yesterday evening albeit in a different Order and it was wonderful to share the company of Brethren I have not seen since March 2020. Suffice it to say it was a most enjoyable experience.
The reason I am giving in effect a month’s notice is to allow Lodges to prepare themselves for forthcoming necessary Installation/ Proclamation ceremonies to get us back on a path to recovering from the dreadful pandemic which is at last showing signs of abatement. What I ask is that everyone proceeds with caution- not everyone will be quite so keen to get back to normal as I am! Be thoughtful of other’s concerns and accommodate them whenever possible.
Always be aware of restrictions still in place issued by the government or Masonic directives, these are all designed for our welfare.
We have much ground to make up and have lost through deaths many good Mark men. I encourage you to promote our happy and friendly Order as we look forward the future.
May the Great Overseer of the Universe Bless you All
Mark well.
Provincial Grand Master
2021 Q2 Prize Draw
The winning numbers for the 2021 Q2 Prize Draw have been drawn and the lucky Brethren on this occasion are :

Amount Ticket No. Name Lodge
First £200.00 74 John Stead Bayons
Second £150.00 97 Chris Fletcher St Matthews
Third £100.00 156 Roger Ward Spurn & Humber
Fourth £100.00 55 Paul Darlaston St Wilfred’s
Fifth £50.00 263 Geoff Tuckett Urania
(Left) DPGM W. Bro Ron Harrison presents a cheque to W.Bro John Stead
You've got to be in it to win it!
Many congratulations to these Brethren and continued thanks to them and all the Brethren who participate in the Provincial Prize Draw, which continues to give great support to the Province and our Charitable giving.
Any Brother who is not currently a member of the draw and wishes to take part should contact W. Bro. Andy Carr, the draw Administrator, or the Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Steve Roberts for further details.- stay lucky.
10 Things to think about
Brethren, I am delighted to advise that the series of talks given by V.W. Bro. Derek Bontoft is to continue and the next one will take place on;
Tuesday the 27th of July at 7pm via zoom
I am sure that those Brethren who have logged into the earlier talks have appreciated the work and preparation that Derek has put into presenting them and have also enjoyed them immensely and I would urge those who have not yet done so, to join in this event.
Topic: 10 Things to think about
The necessary zoom joining instructions are available from your lodge secretary.
Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank Appointments for 2021
Provincial Grand Master is delighted to confirm the Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand rank appointments for 2021 which despite the postponement of the Provincial Assembly are effective from the 5th of June.
Many sincere congratulations to the recipients on their deserved preferments and it is intended that the appointments will be ratified at the proposed combined Mark Provincial Lodge / Royal Ark Mariner Assembly scheduled to take place on the 11th of September at Skegness.

On Tuesday 18th May 2021, forty brethren from around the province enjoyed an entertaining and informative Zoom presentation by our Provincial Grand Lecture Master, VW Bro Derek Bontoft, entitled "Stones.
The talk discussed the ancient and modern uses of this versatile substance, upon which our masonry is founded.
At the start of the meeting there was doubt that Derek would be able to give the talk because of a problem with the audio on Derek's new laptop. After a short while, whilst the brethren caught up on local masonic chat, Derek was able to dial in to the meeting to give his talk, much to the relief and delight of the assembled brethren pictured below.
HRH Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh

We mourn the sad death of one of our own - RIP Sir, Thank you for your service to our Queen and Country, calm seas and fair winds,
Sincere condolences to her Majesty The Queen and the rest of our Royal Family.
Lincolnshire Grand Lodge Appointments
On behalf of our Provincial Grand Master, I am pleased to advise that the following appointments have been made by Grand Lodge for 2021 in respect of Lincolnshire Mark Brethren.
Re- appointments
W. Bro. Chris James (Earl of Scarbrough Lodge no.1032) to Grand Senior Deacon
W. Bro. Geoff Tuckett (Urania Lodge no. 326) to Assistant Grand Inner Guard
W. Bro. Peter Dolby (St. Guthlac's Lodge no. 1122) to Grand Steward
W. Bro. Ron Harrison, (Bayons Lodge no. 1365), DPGM, to Past Grand Junior Overseer (and therefore becomes a V.W. Bro)
First Appointments:
W. Bro. John Speed (Mayflower Lodge no. 1899) to Past Assistant Grand Chaplain;
W. Bro.Richard Garn (Mercia Lodge no. 1240) to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies;
W. Bro.Andy Carr (White Stone Lodge no. 1203) to Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer.
I am sure that you would wish to join our Provincial Grand Master in offering hearty and sincere congratulations to all these Brethren on their well deserved appointments and hope that they enjoy the honours awarded.
Past Provincial Grand rank Promotions
As our Provincial Grand Master has noted in his recent message - Saturday the 27th of March would have been our annual meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.
As advised several months ago, following the decision to postpone the meeting, the current 'Active'' Officers will be rolling forward for another year until March 2022.
However, our Provincial Grand Master has been pleased to confer Past Provincial Grand rank Promotions on the following Brethren and sends his best wishes and congratulations to these Brethren.
Despite the postponement of Provincial Grand Lodge, the Promotions will be effective from the 27th of March 2021.
1199 BOB STEPHENS Insp Wks
I am sure that you would join our Provincial Grand Master in his congratulations to these Brethren, with thanks for all the work they have undertaken on behalf of their respective Lodges and the Province.
If all goes to plan, it is intended to hold Provincial Grand Lodge later in this year after our (hoped for) return to 'normality when these Brethren will be recognised by our Provincial Grand Master.
Letter from PGM
26th March 2021
- Scheduled for 27th March 2021
Dear Sir & Brother ,
At this point in our Mark Masonic year I would normally be putting the finishing touches to my Address to be delivered in the morning ( having re-read it about 50 times!) to a Lodge Room at the Epic Centre brimming with about 300 happy, smiling fellow Mark Masons .
Sadly once again this year we are blighted by the hideous Covid-19 virus which puts our lives on hold and a perpetual see-sawing between ‘’lockdowns’’ and ‘’freedom.’’ However now in March 2021 with the continued success of the vaccination programme we can , at long last, begin to look forward with growing confidence to a re-starting of our much loved Mark and Royal Ark Mariner meetings.
I have attended many VBM’s ( virtual business meetings) over the last 11 months and congratulate those Lodges who have embraced the technology to keep in touch and undertake essential Lodge business. On each occasion I have included in my remarks that the Province will lend as much support as possible to Lodges re-starting when the government restrictions allow. The most important thing for us to bear in mind is that some of our members may feel reticent to come back quickly and no pressure whatsoever should be put on them to do any other. If that Brother has an office to fill then the Lodge should make alternative arrangements, and I’m sure everyone will feel the same way I do.
It is my great hope we can meet face to face in Provincial Grand Lodge some time soon after September and invest those officers I was unable to in 2020. The Wardens I can assure you are chomping at the bit to get out and fulfill their duties !
Finally I take the opportunity to wish you all well, to keep yourself and your families well and to look forward to better times ahead.
Mark well
Yours sincerely & fraternally,
Provincial Grand Master
Congratulations to John Higson

John Higson proudly holding his 1st place winnings from the latest Mark Draw. Remember - You've got to be in it to win it!
2021 Q1 Prize Draw
The winning numbers for the 2021 Q1 Prize Draw have been drawn and the lucky Brethren on this occasion are :
1st £200.00 John Higson Spurn & Humber Ticket no. 219
2nd £150.00 Robert Holland St Wulfram's Ticket no.181
3rd £100.00 Chris Judge John O'Gaunt Ticket no. 82
4th £100.00 Derek Bush Nene Ticket no. 52
5th £50.00 Shaun Dickson Alexandra Ticket no. 157
Many congratulations to these Brethren and continued thanks to them and all the Brethren who participate in the Provincial Prize Draw, which continues to give great support to the Province and our Charitable giving.
Any Brother who is not currently a member of the draw and wishes to take part should contact W. Bro.. Andy Carr, the draw Administrator or the Provincial Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Steve Roberts for further details.- stay lucky
Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly Postponed
May I advise you that the decision has reluctantly been taken by the PGM and his GP Committee to postpone the Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly which was scheduled to take place on Saturday the 5th June.
Despite the dates recently set out by the Government for the return to 'normality', it was thought that it was feasible that delays in the timetable may occur and that it was therefore best that a postponement was made sooner rather than later.
It is hoped however that if/when the situation should improve, a meeting will be arranged for later in the year and failing that as a fall back, could possibly be combined with the intended Mark Provincial Grand Lodge.
The PGM and his Committee are obviously very disappointed to have to make this decision but it was thought that under the circumstances, it was the best course of action to take in the current situation along with the ongoing uncertainty,
Best regards, S & F,
Stephen Roberts
Provincial Grand Secretary
Lincolnshire Province of Mark Master Masons
Provincial Grand Lodge
Brethren all, further to the recently imposed restrictions imposed by the Government and following a recent meeting of our Provincial Grand Master and the General Purposes Committee, it is with great regret that I advise you that the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, scheduled for Saturday the 27th of March 2021 has been postponed until a later date in the year.
As you are no doubt aware, the current conditions in Tier 4 set by the Government preclude any meeting at present and it is believed that any relaxation of these conditions prior to the date of the intended meeting could still possibly impose a limit on the number of attendees.
There are of course also many of our Brethren who would normally attend the meeting that would quite rightly, be anxious about being present, given their personal circumstances and health concerns.
After deliberation, it was felt by the Committee that any such limitation on the allowable attendance coupled with the general uncertainty overall with respect to the restrictions, both current and future, would certainly diminish the attendance along with the significance and enjoyment of the meeting which is an important part of our calendar.
The PGM and the Committee fully appreciate that the decision, which was not taken lightly, will be regretted by all brethren and particularly by those who were to receive honours, but given the circumstances, it is believed that this is the correct choice to make at an early stage to avoid the even greater disappointment of a possible late cancellation.
The vaccine gives us much hope and the decision will be reviewed on an ongoing basis over the forthcoming months and it is the intention that the meeting can be re-arranged at an appropriate time as soon as possible when we can all attend safely and with peace of mind,
Best regards, S & F,
Steve Roberts
Provincial Grand Secretary
Lincolnshire Province of Mark Master Masons