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MMM Prize Draw

The latest MMM Prize Draw has yielded the following lucky winners in time for Christmas:

Drawn at

Barton, St Matthew MMM






WBro A Carr



WBro T Burton


Prize Tally:



Ticket No.



Sent out


£              250.00


Simon Butler

St Wulframs



£              200.00


Raymond Wade

St Oswald



£              150.00


Les Darby




£              100.00


John Robinson

Spurn and Humber



£                 50.00


Chris Fletcher

St Matthew


Royal Ark Mariner Assembly 11th December 2018





Travelling Gavel moves on

The Traveling Gavel is now in the safe hands of the John o Gaunt lodge No 172. Brethren from the John O Gaunt Lodge MMM arrived in numbers and made a successful claim on the Gavel from the Urania lodge in Louth on Tuesday 13th Novmber.

Why not get a group of brethren from your lodge to claim the gavel for yourselves at the next John O Gaunt meeting on Monday 21st January 2019.


Team Visit to ST Oswald's Lodge

Rt W Bro Trevor Walker was please to present Bro Iain Morrison with his 50 Years Certificate in Mark Masonry.
Iain took his Mark Degree in Scotland on 2nd November 1964 in Lodge Doric Killwinning No 68, Scottish Constitution.
He joined St Oswalds Lodge No 387 on 12th January 1998.
The WM of St Oswalds Lodge, W Bro Rob Pursey kindly presented the Lodge with a new set of Mallets for the WM, SW and JW.
These were hand turned in Walnut with Ash handles.
The PGM, RW Bro Rev Trevor John Walker dedicated and blessed the Mallets.
The WM presented one to the JW (Bro Rick Brady), one to the SW (Bro Barry Bradley) and the PGM presented the WM with his.

Lincolnshire Mark Master Masons Prize Draw 

Rule Changes for Payments Made from 1st October 2018

The Lincolnshire MMM Prize draw has been run for the past few years to excellent effect by the team of WBros Mike Robinson, Phil Anyan and Chris Oates.  It has raised a tremendous amount for the MBF towards our Provincial total. This team have decided that they wish to step down in September 2018 as the Festival in Lincolnshire is over.

The Provincial Grand Master has decided that he would like the draw to continue with the same great momentum that has already been built up.  To this effect he has authorised WBros Andy Carr, Trevor Burton and Steve Roberts to act as the new committee for running the draw.

The PGM wishes that, after running expenses attributable to the prize draw are deducted, the remainder of receipts will be allocated to the General Fund of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire and further distributed by and at the discretion of the Provincial General Purposes Committee.

The continuing lottery does not require a licence and comes under the Gambling Commission category of a Private Society lottery.  This means several small changes to the rules have had to be made, as provided for under rule 18 of the draw.

What does this mean for you?

You are entitled to a copy of the new rules, found overleaf.

All monies up to and including those paid in September were included in the scheme under the previous rules and distributed accordingly.  By Sept 30th the account balance will stand at £0.00

Any monies paid in and collected from 1st October onwards will accumulate quarterly for the next draw.

The Provincial Grand Master sincerely hopes that existing members will continue to support the draw and that charity stewards will continue to promote it as an easy way to support the aims or our Order and worthy causes.

If you wish to still be in with a chance of wining a prize, you need do nothing, the usual banking arrangements will still apply.

Remember - there are still very good odds on winning a sizeable cash prize, and we encourage you to maintain the great impetus that our previous committee have built up.


 Lincolnshire Mark Master Mason's Prize Draw



Sceptre Moves On


The Travelling Sceptre was claimed by the Worshipful Commander, and a number of Brethren, of St Wulframs RAM Lodge no. 916 from the newly installed Worshipful Commander of the Ark RAM Lodge no. 1910 at Alford last week on the 13th July.
The next chance for your lodge to visit and claim the Travelling Sceptre for yourselves is at the next meeting of St Wulframs RAM Lodge is on the 10th of October at Grantham.
A total forty seven brethren attended the meeting, and a great night was had by all.


This picture shows W Bro David Burnett, the W Cdr of the Ark Lodge, handing over the sceptre to W Bro Stephen Heath, the W Cdr of St Wulframs, along with the accompanying brethren of his Lodge.


The Committee of W. Bro's. Phillip Anyan, Chris Oates, and Mike Robinson would like to thank everyone who has been in The Draw during the last four and a half years. You helped us to raise £54,412.00 towards the Festival whilst, at the same time, we were able to pay out £14,888 in prize money.

As you have all been informed by the P.G.M. in a letter, sent to you via your Lodge Secretary, it is intended that a Draw should continue. Over the years the Province of Lincolnshire has spent a lot of  money on charity as well as the running of the Province and funds are very low. Regrettably one of the options is to increase the Provincial Annual Dues.

I have enjoyed running The Draw for you and The Festival especially with the incentive of the possibility of winning something for my money. The thought that that can continue and , at the same time dangle the carrot of possibly winning something for paying my subscription, appeals tremendously. What is even better is that any surplus from running the Province will go to charity.

Please continue to support The Draw and look forward to the quarterly draws when YOU might be a winner.

During the period that we have been running it it has not been feasible to pay out every £ of prize money that has accumulated so this month we held a draw to empty the bank account of the £3,500.00 which had accumulated. I am pleased to tell you that the following were winners:

£500.00  -  Mrs. J. Robinson, W. Bro. I. Gilliatt, and W. Bro. D. B. Richardson.

£400.00 -   W. Bro. F. Clarke, W. Bro. J. Bush, and W. Bro. D. F. Price.

£200.00  -  W. Bro. G. Young, W. Bro. J. Haslam, and Bro. J. Robinson.

£100.00  -  Bro. J. G. Tasker, and W. Bro.C. Hunton.

 Festival Thanks

The 150th. Mark Benevolent Fund Festival hosted by our splendid Mark Province of Lincolnshire came to a wonderful conclusion last Saturday 7th. July 2018. It was a great personal delight when the Grand Secretary Rt. Wor. Bro. Ryan Williams announced the total raised was a staggering £853023. This is a wonderful achievement and I congratulate the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner brethren.

I am especially pleased as I was determined that no targets were to be set and I would trust the brethren of the Mark Province of Lincolnshire to support the Festival to the best of their ability. As I stated on Saturday you did not disappoint and I sincerely thank all who have given to the Festival in this most generous total raised. Lincolnshire can be truly proud.

I am very grateful to those who have worked so hard on the Festival Committee and brethren who served as Lodge Champions, Lodge Festival Stewards and in so many other ways. I have been amazed on my visits to Lodges at the amounts donated to the Mark Benevolent Fund by brethren and the number of fund raising events arranged. Thank you for all your efforts which have contributed to our amazing Festival total.

Especially I thank those who contributed in any way to make the Festival weekend and the Banquet at the Epic Centre such a resounding success. The staff at the Epic Centre delivered both a delicious meal and efficient service.  Our many visitors have already commented on the warmth of the welcome they received and how much they enjoyed being with us.

The money raised for the Mark Benevolent Fund will go a long way to enable it to continue its charitable work into the future. Thank you Lincolnshire for making me so proud to be your Provincial Grand Master for the 2018 Mark Benevolent Fund Festival. The 150th. Anniversary Festival will long be remembered. 

Yours most sincerely and fraternally,

With my best wishes,

Revd. Trevor John Walker  -  Provincial Grand Master





Over £853,000 raised for the 150th MBF Festival.

The 2018 150th Mark Benevolent Festival has come and gone. The countdown clock stopped on Saturday 7th July 2018. The party is over and the baton handed on to the Province of Sussex who will host the 151st Festival banquet on 6th July 2019 in Brighton. That's a short summary of what has been a tremendous effort on behalf of all Lincolnshire Mark and Royal Ark Mariners; their families and friends. The Festival weekend was a wonderful celebration and the culmination of many years of hard work by a lot of people. I thank everyone who took part, whether donating to the Festival or helping out at the numerous events that have been held.

I know that everyone who was at the Festival banquet on Saturday 7th July 2018 will never forget the moment when R.W. Bro Ryan Williams, the Grand Secretary, revealed the total raised for the 150th MBF Festival.

£853,023 is a staggering amount of money, raised over a short period of time and exceeds all expectations that anyone could have had when the Festival was officially launched in 2015.

Thank you to you all on behalf of the Lincolnshire 2018 Festival Committee.

Dave Wheeler
Lincolnshire Festival Committee Chairman


      Published    Additions       Totals
Lincolnshire Mark Lodges      289,361      49,051      338,412
Lincolshire RAM Lodges        17,619      26,110        43,729
Unattached Lodges           4,024             4,024
Provinces and Districts      346,857        4,194      351,051
Other Masonic Orders        18,049          18,049
Other Donations        77,079           246        77,325
Total Donations      752,989     79,601      832,590
Interest Credited to the festival from MMH        20,300           133        20,433
Festival Total      773,289     79,734      853,023
In addition to the published figures a further £79,734 has been received as below: 
Lincolnshire Mark Lodges            49,051    
Lincolnshire RAM Lodges            26,110    
Berkshire                  250    
Hong Kong                  569    
Oxfordshire              1,100    
Wiltshire              1,000    
Worcestershire              1,000    
Other sundry donations                  521    
Interest                  133    
Making a grand total of          853,023    




50th year Mark certificate

At the last regular and Installation meeting of the Millennnium Lodge of Installed Commanders no.1412, our Right Worshipful Grand Master, the Reverend Trevor Walker had the pleasure and honour of presenting his predecessor, Right Worshipful Brother Gordon Walkerley Smith with a 50th year Mark certificate.
Right Worshipful Brother Gordon was advanced into the Sutcliffe Lodge MMM no.188 on the 12/01/1968 and has served this Province with outstanding commitment and diligence ever since, especially since having being Installed as the Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire in 1993 until 2007 when he handed over the reins to our current PGM.
The Provincial Grand  Master gave a brief overview of Right Worshipful Gordon's Mark tenure (to do so fully would have taken all night such is his contribution in the Mark degree) to which Right Worshipful Brother Gordon replied in his usual inimitable manner thanking all for the surprise and their support & friendship - A truly outstanding Mark Mason.
The Provincial Grand Master also took the opportunity to present his good lady wife, Lynne  with a certificate of appreciation to the 'Mark & RAM' ladies which had been received from the Grand Secretary on behalf of the MBF.
Since the 2018 Festival fund had been commenced in 2014 and unbeknown to any of the Brethren, the Ladies who have attended the various functions have undertaken to raise their own contribution to the fund, culminating in the presentation of a cheque to the Provincial Grand Master for £1000.00 at the RAM Provincial Assembly - who says a Lady cannot keep a secret !!!
Ladies all, we thank you for your support and generosity.

Happy and Very Successful Afternoon 

Once again Frank and Julia Powell pulled out 'all the stops' to host a magnificent summer barbecue at their lovely home, the Old Schoolhouse, Lea, Gainsborough on Sunday 24th June 2018. All in aid of the MBF 2018 Festival, the food; drink; weather and company were exceptional and a great time was had by all who attended. Available drinks included a local brew, 'vino collapso' which went down extremely well and there was also a chance to end the day with a substantial measure of Pussers rum which, as a former submariner, was Frank's parting shot. There was also a very enjoyable raffle with many prizes to be won so everyone went away very happy.
The happy and very successful afternoon raised the tremendous sum of £500 for the MBF 2018 Festival and grateful thanks go to Frank and his family for, once again, putting on such a wonderful event. 
The photograph shows, from left to right, Brother Frank Powell; his daughters and granddaughter; wife Julia; APGM Ron Harrison and DPGM Nev Storey receiving a cheque for £500 for the 2018 MBF Festival.


Many thanks to all the lodges who conducted a "Heads and Tails" competition.

A draw has been made and the Provincial Grand Master presented the football to the winner....W Bro John Speed at the Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Assembly in Grimsby.

Apologies go to W Bro Steve Roberts who wanted to kick it into the river Slea!!!!!!!!!!!!



Grand Mark Lodge Annual Investiture
Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London

1.00pm Tuesday 12th June 2018

The annual coach trip has been organized by W. Bro. R. Wade for the Grand Mark Annual Investiture on the above date. Each year the Province is well represented at this meeting to support those being promoted or receiving their first appointments.

All Mark Master Masons are invited to attend, and those who have never been to Grand Lodge are particularly encouraged to attend this splendid occasion.

A full itinerary together with costs can be download if you click HERE. If you would like to attend, please contact W. Bro. R. Wade with the information requested.

Congratulation to the following on their promotions and appointments:

Please be advised of the following appointments to Grand Mark for Lincolnshire Mark Brethren which will be conferred at the Grand  meetings on Tuesday the 12th June (Active Officers and 1st appointments) and on Tuesday the 11th September (Promotions).
I am sure that you all will join the Provincial Grand Master in congratulating these Brethren on their forthcoming appointments, whom I am sure would welcome your support at the respective meetings.
V W Bro John Board (PDPGM)  - promotion to PGSO;
W Bro D.S. Bontoft (PAPGM) - promotion to GJO;
W Bro V.B. Topliss - promotion to PGSD;
W Bro S.C. Hallberg - promotion to GJD;
W Bro M.J. Stocker - 1st appointment to PAGDC;
W Bro T.W.E. Knight - 1st appointment to PAGDC;
W Bro D.W Southwood - 1st appointment to GStwd



Arthur’s epic rugby rugby ramble from Market Rasen rakes in £4,500

Read all about Arthur's exploits detailed in the Market Rasen Mail by clicking HERE.


 Address to the Brethren at Provincial Grand Lodge, 24th March 2018,

by Rt W Bro Rev Trevor Walker.

It is a very great pleasure for me to welcome everyone to this 144th. Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Lincolnshire. Thank you for your support and I hope you will discover friendships renewed, new friendships made and great enjoyment from visiting Lincoln. A most important item in all our Masonic Meetings is to welcome our guests. I have already welcomed our distinguished guests and heads of other orders but brethren I am sure you would join with me in emphasising just how delighted we are to welcome so many who have travelled long distances to be with us. We are delighted you are here.

We too have travelled from Lincolnshire. Last June many brethren journeyed to London to witness the impressive installation of the Pro Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Assistant Grand Master by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. Freemasons Hall was packed to capacity and similarly afterwards the Connaught Rooms struggled to dine some two thousand brethren. Nevertheless it was a most memorable day for all who were privileged to be there.
At Grand Lodge the Grand Master invested W. Bro. Gary King as Assistant Grand Standard Bearer and appointed W. Bros. Len Armiger and Barry Humphrey to the rank of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. W. Bro. Dave Wheeler was appointed Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer and W. Bros. Malcolm Forrest and Roger Hansard were promoted to the rank of Past Grand Junior Deacon. We once again congratulate those brethren on receiving these well-deserved honours which are a credit to them and our Province.

Now I have just said the meeting last June was extremely well attended but unfortunately this meant some were not able to be accommodated in the Grand Temple nor able to dine in the main dining room afterwards. Grand Lodge realised this situation is not acceptable and decided to address the problem. This year those appointed to active Grand Rank and those receiving first appointments will be invested as usual at the June meeting of Grand Lodge. Those receiving promotion in Grand Rank will be invested at the September meeting. Please also note that letters offering promotion will not be sent until after the June meeting. So if you have not received the letter you thought you were going to receive in April – don’t lose heart it might still arrive in June!

Hopefully this new arrangement will alleviate the pressure on the June meeting without having to restrict the number of those attending. So please come to Grand Lodge in June to support those getting active or first appointments. We are all very grateful to W.Bro. Ray Wade for arranging the usual coach to Grand Lodge. It is hoped this year you will find it easier to obtain a seat in the Grand Temple.

Each year I am delighted to welcome the Worshipful Commanders and representatives of the Royal Ark Mariner Lodges into Provincial Grand Lodge. If you are not yet a member of this lovely order then I urge you to seriously consider joining. I also remind you that we hold an Annual Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly alternating between Grantham and Grimsby. This year the meeting is at Grimsby on 18th. May when I shall invest the recipients of Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank. After the meeting we shall dine together with our ladies and guests. Do please support this meeting which is always a very happy and enjoyable occasion.

I now wish to thank the Provincial Officers who have supported the Team Visits we have made since last April. The turnout has been tremendous and as I have said before and will not cease to say I always feel so privileged to walk through such a long column of officers on our entry into lodge. I know it is an impressive sight for the members of the lodge we are visiting. I look forward to further team visits this coming year with the officers appointed today. I also thank the lodges we visit for their wonderful welcomes and the hospitality so generously bestowed.

Brethren of Lincolnshire can I tell you that when you are represented either by myself or others from this Province on our visits to other Provinces we without exception receive wonderful hospitality. It is a privilege but also a very great pleasure to make these visits and I thank again those other Provinces for their generous and warm welcomes. I hope their visit to Lincolnshire today will be some small return and be as enjoyable to our visitors as the hospitality we have received.
Visiting is at the heart of masonry and this is especially true for the Happy Degree. Several years ago we inaugurated the Travelling Gavel and Travelling Sceptre to encourage visiting in the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges. Over the years they have moved the length and breadth of Lincolnshire and raiding parties to claim the gavel or sceptre have boosted lodge attendances immensely. Most importantly these visits have made for more happy meetings and more new friendships made. Because of the gavel and sceptre some lodge attendances have exceeded eighty. Please do continue to visit around the Province.
I have enjoyed receiving reports from those representing me at Installation meetings and from the Provincial Grand Wardens. I am pleased to note that our lodges are in good heart with candidates being advanced and good ceremonies performed. Complacency though is not an option and we must always be looking for the right master masons to join the Mark. Likewise the standard of ritual must always be maintained. It is not acceptable to read the ritual for learning means understanding it and only then can we convey the meaning to the candidate. Please do keep up those good standards that have been reported to me.

Our meeting today is primarily for the appointment, promotion and investiture of the Provincial Grand Officers. I congratulate all those I have just appointed, promoted and invested and thank you for all your efforts in the Mark that has earned you this honour. I am sure I do not need to remind you that it is also an encouragement for further service in the Degree and to your lodges. That goes without saying. But I do say it, I said it last year and I say it again, without apology.

I now wish to record the tremendous work done by the Provincial Wardens. W. Bro. Colin Fox and W. Bro. Tim Bird have visited all the lodges in the Province travelling from one end of Lincolnshire to the other – and that can be a long way! I know they have enjoyed their year in office and I am sure W. Bro. Bruce Goodman and W. Bro. Steve Siddall will have an equally successful and enjoyable time as Provincial Wardens this year. I am sure you will welcome and look after them when they visit your lodges.

I looked at the Provincial web site so expertly maintained by W. Bro. Craig Maurier and noticed the clock is still counting down. Only 104 days to go until the 150th. MBF Festival which we shall host in this building on 7th. July. All the arrangements have been made with my very grateful thanks to W. Bro. Dave Wheeler and the members of the Festival and Banquet Committees. It will be a most splendid and memorable occasion and I urge anyone who has not yet booked their place at the banquet to do so without further delay. You really will not want to miss 7th. July and your wives and partners will not forgive you if you do not bring them to the festival.

I am staggered at the number of fund raising events and efforts that are taking place. W. Bro. Ed Backus’ sponsored bike ride, W. Bro. Mick Stocker walking over 1000 miles, W. Bro. Geoff Burgoin and the Spires and Steeples half marathon, W. Bro. Arthur Baxter walking from Market Rasen to Leicester. Events still to come are W. Bro. Richard Woods and the model railway exhibition on 7th. May and the Family BBQ on 24th. June with thanks to W. Bro. Frank Powell.

These are just a few events brethren. Thank you for your continuing support of the MBF by your individual donations and support of the Mark Draw. I know that your support has been extremely generous by the number of MBF honorifics I have presented. I now ask the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies to please conduct W. Bro. Dave Wheeler to the pedestal. W. Bro. Wheeler by command of the Most Worshipful Grand Master I am delighted to present you with your Grand Patron Diamond Award. Thank you for your generosity but also for your hard work as chairman of the Festival Committee. I also take this opportunity of congratulating you on being our Provincial Grand Master elect for the Craft in Lincolnshire. Do enjoy many happy years as Provincial Grand Master.

Freemasonry is a family. This is shown to me by the way in which all our masonic orders work together in mutual support. I have seen this particularly in the most generous donations I have received for the 2018 Festival. I have already acknowledged the outstanding donation from the Lincolnshire Craft Province. Brethren I have received donations for the Festival from many orders which to me has been most humbling and shows what freemasonry really is all about. Helping one another. I thank the Allied Masonic Degrees, the Worshipful Society of Freemasons, the Holy Royal Arch, Order of the Secret Monitor, the Scarlet Cord to name just a few. We are on track for a Festival Total that I am sure will make Lincolnshire proud. I look forward with great anticipation to that moment on 7th. July when our Festival Total will be announced.

If you are still wondering how you might assist at the Festival then I have been asked to say that because of extra bookings just being taken more stewards are required. Please contact the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies W. Bro. Keith Robinson if you are able to offer your services in that capacity. He will be extremely pleased to hear from you.

Meetings such as this one require much work. The brethren of the Urania Lodge No. 326 and the brethren of the Lincoln Lodges have undertaken the local arrangements by preparing the lodge room, transporting furniture and all the preparations of these last few days. I thank W. Bro. Malcolm Forrest our Provincial Organist, not just for the wonderful music, but also for getting the organ here. The Provincial Stewards and Directors of Ceremonies with their team have provided flawless choreography, and the Provincial Grand Secretary and his team have seen to their usual highly efficient arrangements. Thank you brethren.

Time marches on and change as they say is inevitable. This is now the twelfth Provincial Grand Lodge I have called. I have enjoyed them all immensely and they have been occasions I shall never forget. This Provincial Grand Lodge of 2018 is special in that I have not had the opportunity to appoint W. Bro. Steve Hallberg to any office. W. Bro. Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies please bring W. Bro. Hallberg to me. W. Bro. Steve Hallberg you have served this Province and me as a most efficient Provincial Grand Secretary and before and after as Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary. As a small token of my gratitude for all your help and assistance I now present you with my Certificate of Merit.

As I have just said brethren time marches on and now I, and I am sure you, will be pleased to know it is time for me to cease talking that we might proceed to our refreshment. I thank you all for your attention and look forward to welcoming you here in July for the Festival. I wish you a happy Mark Masonic year ahead and may the Great Overseer ever bless and keep you.


Travelling Gavel

The travelling gavel was claimed on Tuesday 20th March from St Wilfrid's Lodge MMM No. 209  by Urania Lodge MMM No. 326  - the PGM's own Lodge and just in time for Provincial Grand Lodge!
The Traveling Gavel moves on again. Why not get a group together from your Mark Lodge and go and claim it for yourselves?

Traveling Sceptre

The Ark Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners claimed the Traveling Sceptre last night from St Owald RAM Lodge No 387.
Eight members had travelled to St Owald RAM Lodge to claim it.
W. Bro Ron Harrison was the leader of the raiding party
We had a candidate for elevation Bro Rob Pursey a great night was had by all
Thirty two brethren enjoyed the comradery at this splendid meeting. See if you can get a group from your own RAM lodge to claim the travelling sceptre for yourselves, and add to the fun.

RAM 50 Year Certificate 

At a presentation ceremony in his home on Monday 12th March 2018, W.Bro. Peter Bray PrRAMGR of Mercia RAM Lodge 1240 in Spalding was presented with his RAM 50 Year Certificate by senior members of the Lodge. W.Bro Bray (aged 93) will in fact be celebrating 55 years in the degree in 2018 but had somehow managed to slip through the net regarding his certificate! The Lodge Scribe, W.Bro Barry Humphrey RAMGR explained to W.Bro Peter that a recent trawl of Lodges, at the request of the Provincial Secretary, had uncovered the anomaly and that they were there to put matters right.

The Certificate was then formally presented by W.Bro. Bryan Robinson RAMGR aged 92, the senior member of Mercia RAM Lodge and himself a holder of a RAM 50 Year Certificate (and currently heading towards 60 years service) and W.Bro Douglas Drakard RAMGR (age 81) the third senior member of the Lodge after W.Bro Peter Bray. The photograph (showing left to right W.Bro Bryan Robinson, W.Bro Peter Bray and W.Bro Douglas Drakard) with over 153 years of service between them, was taken by W.Bro Barry Humphrey RAMGR, Lodge Scribe.

The winner of the first quiz on Coastal Towns...

... was Joy Geelhoed with Runner Up being Bro. Chris Rimington who both scored 50/50...the winner being decided by a draw.

Just to prove that it was not a fluke and what experts they are at these quizzes, the winner of the Castles Quiz, again with 50/50 was Joy Geelhoed... the Runner Up was Bro. Chris Rimington who got 49/50.

Many thanks to all who submitted entries.

Derek Bontoft.


Arthur's Epic Trek

MBF Hope for Tomorrow Charity and The Matt Hampson Foundation Walk

Tuesday 6th February 2018.   Market Rasen to Lincoln

My walk started with a great send off by the President Tony Smith and members of Market Rasen and Louth RUFC AT 8-30 am with a weather temperature of  -1 deg C , and a sprinkling of snow.
The Club had pledged the sum of £250-00 so I was warmed by this generosity for two very worthy causes.
I proceeded to Linwood, Lissington, Wickenby, Snelland, Scothern, arriving at Lincoln Rugby Club Nettleham at 3pm. A few photographs were taken and I proceed to Lincoln Cathedral thus ending my journey at around 4-15pm., having completed 18.9 mile. Well and Truly worn out.

Wednesday 7th February 2018. Newark to Grantham
I did not want to get out of bed ! Or rather I couldn't. My hips sere sore, my feet were sore, and old sporting injuries seemed to return.
I was thinking ! What excuse can I make so as not to go. All the way to my start point, I was still thinking ! How can I get out of this.
I could not think of any good reason, so I started my journey to Newark.
Called at Pennells for a quick cuppa.
After a couple of "painfull miles" I headed towards Haddington, Thurlby, Bassingham, Norton Disney to Stapleford.
Taking the route through Stapleford woods, which was endless.
I continued on my journey to Coddington. Stopping at the Plough Inn for a cup of tea and sandwhich. Getting up was hard work as I had sat for half hour and was  "stiff"  again.pp
I continued into Newark down the hill ( thankfully not up the hill) and was beginning to tire.
I past the Castle and headed for Newark Rugby ground. Arriving at 3-20pm.
I met the President of the Club Mr Alan Swain, who was very accommodating . I had another cup of Tea and more photo's.

Friday 9th February 2018  
I started my journey from Newark  at 8-30 am, Feeling pretty well considering the journey so far.
I was anticipating rain, sleet and brisk winds. However! Fortunately neither appeared.
I hit Long Bennington and picked up the Viking Way across the A1 motorway.
The state of the Viking Way heading towards the Grantham Canal is terrible. A real disgrace.
The servicing of the fields by the farmers is a necessity, and must come first. However! The water levels and "deep ruts" by tractors in my opinion is dangerous. Perhaps notices saying "not recommended for use at this moment of time"
You guessed it ! I fell in a trench after it gave way.
I eventually made the Grantham Canal  and had a pleasant walk along the "Tow Path" into Grantham.
Faced with the prospect of Somerby Hill to the Kesteven Rugby Ground, I headed through Grantham Town appearing like a "mud man" and receiving some very strange looks.
I arrived at Kesteven RUFC  about 3-30 pm, about 1 hour ahead of schedule.
Again! I was greeted by the Club President Mr Mick Money, along with 6 other club members.
Again photographs were taken.
The clubs press officer reported my walk to BBC Radio Lincs, who I gave brief details to. I understand BBC wish to talk to me again when I set off on my next leg from Grantham to Melton Mowbray.
I received the sum of £340 with a further amount to be donated shortly.

I have noticed on my journey how close the clubs are with each other, the friendships they have made over the years, and the respect for each other's efforts. Keep it up.
At Newark the junior membership is around 430 kids
Kesteven about  350.
Market Rasen and Louth. ?
I am already looking forward to the journey to Melton Mowbray and Syston.
My journey takes me from Melton Mowbray to Burrough on the Hill, where I will be visiting the New Matt Hampson Foundation Building which is named Better Living and is for those sportsmen who have suffered Catastrophic sporting injuries.
No doubt I will find it a bit emotional seeing these youngsters.
So the Matt Hampson Foundation will benefit so will the MBF who have pledged £2.6 million pounds to "Hope for Tomorrow " for 10 mobile Chemotherapy units.
One of which is based at Lincoln Hospital.
This Unit travels to Boston, Skegness, Louth, and Grantham and saves already poorly patients the arduous journeys traveling to major hospitals for treatment. This has already saved patients  in excess of some 2 million miles travelling.
So two very worthy causes.
I must thank John Wood of Rasen, who has been there for me at every twist a turn to ensure I was ok. Middle of nowhere he would appear. Taking me to my start point and picking me up at the daily finishing point.
I thank members of Market Rasen & Louth RUFC particularly Tony Smith, adding his weight to introduce me to other clubs. Secretary  Claire Fenwick , for taking my request forward, and not forgetting those who turned up in the freezing cold to see me off.
Thank you all
Best wishes

Striding Out Tuesday 6th February between Market Rasen and Lincoln

Arriving at Lincoln Rugby Club welcomed by W. Bro John Wood

Welcome to Lincoln Masonic Hall by DPGM W.Bro Neville Storey


Wednesday 7th February Start again from Lincoln here pictured at passing Lincoln Pennells Garden Centre

Arthur with President of Newark RUFC Mr Alan Swain, after competing Stage 2, Lincoln to Newark RUFC 8th February .

A note from the Chairman of the MBF 2018 Festival Committee 

As the 2018 Festival end date of 7th July 2018 is rapidly approaching there is a need to ensure that all Festival merchandise and monies for the same are consolidated as soon as possible. If you have any pens, ties (both RAM and Mark) coasters, tokens, key rings, cufflinks or 2018 lapel badges, or the cash raised from selling these items, can you ensure it is passed over to Dave Wheeler at the Mark Provincial Grand Lodge on Saturday 24th March 2018 please? Dave will be looking after a table selling such items in the foyer of the Events Centre, Lincolnshire Showground and will be on site from 08.30.


I would walk 1000 miles update

Last year W.Bro Mick Stocker pledged, in the presence of Rt W Bro Trevor Walker, that he would walk a cumulative 1000 miles between 1st January 2017 and 31st December 2017, to raise funds for the 2018 Festival.

Mick also opened a sweepstake to win a bottle of whisky if anybody could estimate the total number of miles he would walk, and having complete his epic journey of 1355 miles, W.Bro Stephen Roberts came nearest with an estimate of 1342 miles.

Rt W Bro Trevor Walker was on hand to present the bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label to the lucky winner.

Congratulations to W Bro Stocker for completing the walk and raising £1122 for the MBF Festival 2018, and  to W Bro Roberts for winning the sweepstake. 



Support W. Brother Arthur Baxter on his Epic Trek!

At a young 75 years of age, W. Brother Arthur Baxter is planning a Sponsored Walk for the MBF 2018 Festival and the Matt Hampson Foundation.

All Masonic donations will go to the 2018 MBF Festival and any other donations, from rugby clubs etc. will be spilt 50/50 between the MBF 2018 Festival and the Matt Hampson Foundation whose aim is to provide advice, support, relief and/or treatment for anyone suffering serious injury or disability which has arisen from any cause, but in particular from participation in or training for any sport, sporting activity or other form of physical education or recreation.

Arthur is receiving great support from the local rugby clubs and also Premiership side Leicester Tigers where Arthur is a regular visitor.

How can you help?


Planned Itinerary for Arthur:

6th February 2018

8-30 am, Market Rasen RUFC to Lincoln RUFC arriving about 2-30 pm

7th February 2018

Leave Lincoln at 8-30 am, to Newark RUFC arriving about 4pm

9th February 2018

Leave Newark at 9 am, to Kesteven RUFC (Grantham), arriving about 4-30 pm.

15th February 2018

Leave Kesteven at 9am to Melton Mowbray RUFC, arriving about 4pm.

16th February 2018

Leave Melton Mowbray at 10am to Syston RUFC arriving about 2-30pm.

17th February 2018

Leave Syston at 9am, arriving at Leicester Tigers about 12 to 12-30pm






St Wilfrid's MMM Lodge No 209 claimed the Gavel from St Oswald's MMM Lodge No 387 on 9th January 2018 

It was a great night with 58 brethren present. made up of 36 Member's and 22 visitor's 13 from St Swithin's MMM Lodge No 445 . 8 from St Wilfrid's MMM Lodge No 209 And 1 from John O'Gaunt MMM Lodge No 172 
The Prov Junior Warden was the Principal Guest and a member of St Wilfrid's MMM Lodge No 209
St Oswald Mark Lodge made a presentation to the prov Junior Warden of a check for £1000.00 to the 2018 festival 
There was an excellent presentation of the Mark Lecture by Junior and Senior Brethren which was well received by all present.


Travelling Gavel and Sceptre

Both the Gavel and Sceptre are in the custody of the Mark & RAM lodges in Scunthorpe at the moment this is the first time I think that this is the first time they have been in the same masonic building a unique occasion as the both were the instigated by W.Bro Alan Birkett from the St Oswald's lodge in Scunthorpe.

The January Antiques, Fine Art, Silver & Jewellery Catalogue Sale - Lincoln - Lot 2196

To be sold on behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund Charity

An early 20thC Continental silver Masonic crown wind triangular pocket watchAn early 20thC Continental silver Masonic crown wind triangular pocket watch, the mother of pearl dial decorated with various symbols, the case with similar decoration, sold with a silver watch chain and Masonic related fob, stamped Mexico 950. 

Raised £850 at auction. A tremendous sum towards the festival.

  • Click HERE for detals