PGM Rt W Bro Rev Trevor Walker hosted the annual
Christmas Carol Service at
Binbrook Parish Church
What better way to start the Christmas Festivities? A lovely atmosphere was enjoyed by all who attended. The usual mince pies and wine were available afterwards. Thank you to all those who came along and helped make it an extra special evening.
If you missed out this year, do come along in 2017, to get into the Christmas spirit and start the Festivities early!
I would walk 1000 miles.
W.Bro Michael Stocker pledged, in the presence of Rt W Bro Trevor Walker, that he would walk a cumulative 1000 miles between 1st January 2017 and 31st December 2017, to raise funds for the 2018 Festival.
You can download a sponsorship form HERE.
December Draw
The December Draw was made at The Earl of Scarborough Lodge on Wednesday 14th.
The winners were £300 W. Bro. Richard Kent, £200 W. Bro. Peter Hooper, £100 W. Bro. John Figge, £60 W. Bro. G. Simmons, and 2 x £60 Bro. D. Densham.

The photograph shows W. Bro. Mike Robinson presenting W. Bro. Roderick Williams, Master of The Earl of Scarborough with a cheque for £3,460 which has been forwarded to the Festival making a total, so far, of £30,832 from the Draw.
If you are not already in it there is an application form on this site, just download it an join!

Worshipful Master of St Wulfram’s Lodge MMM No 916, Bro Simon Butler claimed the travelling gavel from St Botolph’s Lodge MMM No 946.

W. Bro. Bryan Skinner is seen handing over the traveling gavel into the safe custody of W. Bro. Simon Butler.
The gavel was hard fought with four Lodges attempting to claim it. St Wulfram’s narrowly edging out Nene Lodge.
A packed Lodge enjoyed an excellent and interesting presentation by W. Bro. Derek Bontoft entitled “Mark my Words”
The Sceptre was successfully claimed by the Haven Lodge from St Mary at Louth last night. Haven next meet on Thursday next week the 1st December at Cleethorpes.
I know fish n chips will be on the menu so try and come along to support an attempt to claim the Sceptre.

The Travelling Gavel being presented to W.Bro. Bryan Skinner, the WM of St Botolphs Lodge of MMM No 946 by the WM of St Wilfrids Lodge No 209.
Nine members of the St. Botolphs Lodge travelled from Boston to Alford to claim the Gavel and enjoyed a very special double advancement ceremony in the presence of the Rt. W. Provincial Grand Master.
St Botolphs next meeting which is on Tuesday 29th November. Get your members together and go and claim the gavel for your lodge!

Half Marathon Cross Country Challenge
W.Bro Geoff Burgoin ran the Spires & Steeples 1/2 marathon cross country challenge from Metheringham to Sleaford on Sunday 16th October to raise money for Hope for tomorrow 2018 festival.

He thanks all those who have sponsored him so far, but looks forward to hopefully receiving some more from those he hasn't seen yet.
On Friday 30th September, the Worshipful Commander Worshipful Brother Paul Ellis opened a Special meeting at Cleethorpes to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Heneage Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners. It was indeed a special meeting in that in attendance, not only was the Provincial Grand Master, Rt Worshipful Bro The Reverend Trevor John Walker, and the entire Provincial team but the occasion was graced with the presence of the Assistant Grand Master, Rt Worshipful Bro John Prizeman and the Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro John Vause.
It was a packed house as when the Lodge was called off, the Ladies were admitted to listen to Rt Worshipful Bro Gordon Walkerley Smith give a most interesting history of the Lodge since its consecration.
The consecration of the Lodge took place on 28th September 1916 at the Grimsby Masonic Hall in Osbourne Street, Grimsby. It was named after the Provincial Grand Master, the Hon George E Heneage, who strangely, was not a member of the Royal Ark Mariner Fraternity, so could not conduct the Consecration ceremony himself and it was performed by the Grand Mark Treasurer, V W Bro J F Cleeves. Bro Frank Barrett was installed as the first Worshipful Commander. In order to regularise matters with the PGM, an emergency meeting was held on the 4th December when the Hon George Heneage was elevated in the presence of many distinguished visitors.
Rt W Bro Gordon Smith recalled that at that time in 1916, the country was half way through the Great War and the Battle of the Somme had begun on the 1st July and did not end until November. During those months hundreds of young men from the Grimsby area, known as “the chums” had been killed. He reflected that it must have been a depressing and sad town at that time and on that particular day, the government proposed that there would be one meatless day to cut food price rises.
Colonel George Heneage, as he was then, had been installed as Provincial Grand Master of the Mark degree in 1905 and was so until 1954, a period of 49 years. He became Lord Heneage in 1922 and succeeded Lord Yarborough as Provincial Grand Master of the Craft in 1936 until his death in 1954. He had also been Provincial Prior of Lincolnshire from 1910 until 1954.
In 1937, V W Bro Frank Barrett presented to the Lodge a brass tablet for the Roll of Past Commanders. This was beautifully executed by local craftsmen and is a highly prized ornament of the Lodge today. Interestingly, the first Past Commanders jewel was presented to V W Bro Frank Barrett in 1916/17, which for some unexplained reason became lost, but surprisingly was found in a second hand shop in Hull by a brother who recognised its worth and he organised its return to the Lodge and is being worn today by W Bro Philip Spicksley who is the current IPC. The jewel is gold and the Lodge have permission to use the jewel this way as Gold jewels are normally only worn by Grand Officers.
Rt W Bro Gordon Smith concluded, “tonight we recognise 100 years of history, being the third senior RAM Lodge in the Province, the Lodge is enjoying “good times” and as the Psalmist has written – This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”.
The Assistant Grand Master, Rt W Bro John Prizeman presented the Centenary Warrant and addressed the brethren and ladies, after which The Provincial Grand Master, Rt W Bro Trevor Walker, dedicated a new Lodge Tracing Board.
A magnificent festive board was enjoyed by all.


The Province of Berkshire 2017 MBF Festival lapel badges

The Province of Berkshire is hosting the 2017 MBF Festival and lapel badges are available at a cost of £10 each to support their festival. If you would like one please contact one of the following who will arrange delivery to you:
Steve Hallberg - stephen.hallberg@btconnect.com
Mick Stocker - mick.stocker@yahoo.co.uk
Dave Wheeler - davewheels@tiscali.co.uk
From July 2017 the Lincolnshire Provincial lapel badges will be available so 'watch this space'!
Lincoln Mark Masons were joined by Brethren from around the Province, their family, friends and local people at the first Summer Fair held to support the MBF 2018 Festival at the Lincoln Masonic Centre on Saturday 6th August 2016.
Thanks to many generous donations there were some very successful activities including bric a brac, cake and craft stalls together with a tombola, raffle, shoe-shine, games and refreshments that ensured a very happy and sociable occasion. The event raised £1228 for the MBF Festival which was a tremendous effort from all involved.
Pictured is W.Bro. Mike Clay of Remigius MMM Lodge no. 117 with the first prize in the raffle, a gallon of Bells whisky, very generously donated by Gerard Buckle of Spurn and Humber MMM Lodge 1199. Mike, who collects bottles of whisky was both delighted and surprised to receive his prize.

JULY 2016
Are you and your family coming to SUMMER FAIR on Saturday 6th August? Something for all ages.
It was a great success last year and, with your support, we hope it will be again this year.
All proceeds will be going to the MBF Festival 2018.

Prize Draw Presentation

W Bro Mike Robinson presenting prize draw cheque £3.444 to W Bro Les Darby for the 2018 Festival.
Interesting Talk about the Childrens' Fund of Sri Lanka

W Bro Les Darby presenting a cheque £220 to W bBro John Speed which was collected at the festive board for the children's fund of Sri Lanka supported by Freemasons of Lincolnshire as a thank you for a very interesting talk by W Bro Speed about the visits he has made to Sri Lanka and how the money is distributed.
Elaine's Second Birthday
The 7th Mobile Chemotherapy Unit 'Elaine', which was named in memory of the wife of Phil Anyan, has now celebrated her second birthday.
The Mobile Chemotherapy Unit is now fully staffed and in use. It is currently working in Lincoln and Grantham. This autumn, the unit will be working in two further locations, in Skegness and Louth.

JUNE 2016
Pictures after the Grand Investitute meeting at Great Queen's Street on Tuesday 7th June.
Congratulations to W.Bro Dennis Berry on his appointment as Assistant Grand Inner Guard.

Below: W Brothers, David Gentle, Ron Harrison PGJD, having received their new appointments enjoy their meal at the Connaught rooms. Accompanied by ! W Bros, Malcolm Forrest, Arthur Baxter, Dom Limkin, Les Darby, Garry King, Jack Geelhoed, John Winter, and Ian Gilliat. All supporting our Provincial Grand Master.

MAY 2016
Once again, and by kind invitation of W. Brother Richard Woods, an open day was held to view Richard's model railway at Gainsborough in aid of the 2018 Festival.
As you can see from the photos, a good number of people turned out to enjoy the three model railway layouts and also to be treated to tea and a wonderful selection of delicious cakes baked by Joy. It was a delightful afternoon, both watching the trains and relaxing in the garden, and a great way to raise funds for the Festival.
Grateful thanks go to Richard and Joy Woods, and their many helpers, for all of their hard work in putting together such an enjoyable event.
Hope for Tomorrow
Sponsored Vintage Motorcycle Ride
Around The Mark Masonic County
Derek Perkins has now finalised the dates for his ride to every Masonic Centre, which has a Mark Lodge meeting there, on a 1929 AJS motorcycle.
Southern half of the Province
Commencing at Deeping St. James at 0900 and finishing at Grantham via Spalding – Long Sutton – Boston – Skegness – Alford – Spilsby – Sleaford and Grantham.
SUNDAY 19th JUNE 2016
Northern half of the Province
Commencing at Lincoln at 0900 and finishing at The Fun Day at Market Rasen via Gainsborough – Crowle – Scunthorpe – Barton on Humber – Grimsby – Cleethorpes – Louth and Market Rasen.
Derek would be pleased to have the company of other Masonic Motorcyclists, Ancient or Modern ( Bikes not the Bikers!!).
Derek can be contacted on 01778423610.
Lodge Champions will have sponsor forms
Grand Rank Appointments for 2016
This year’s appointments are as follows:
Active Ranks ( First Appointment)
W Bro Dennis Berry- Grand Assistant Inner Guard
W Bro Phil Anyan -Grand Steward
Past Rank Promotions
W Bro Tony Greswell- Past Grand Senior Deacon
W Bro Ron Harrison -Past Grand Junior Deacon
W Bro Bob Paterson -Past Grand Junior Deacon
W Bro John Winter- Past Grand Junior Deacon
First Appointments- to Past Grand Rank
W Bro Geoff Burgoin -Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
W Bro David Gentle -Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer
If you wish to attend the Investiture meeting on 7th June to support our brethren, W. Bro. Ray Wade may have some spare places on the coach - his email contact is

Meeting of Mark and RAM Lodge DC’s and ADC’s on Saturday 16th July 2016
Lincoln Masonic Centre, Nettleham Road, Lincoln, LN2 1RR.
It is some time since we had a meeting of lodge DC’s and a number of issues have been raised recently which have needed clarification.
It was felt therefore that a meeting would be beneficial to all concerned for which purpose the Deputy PrDC and I will be holding the above meeting in the hope that we can all go into the new season with confidence in the knowledge that we all know how things should be done.
The plan is to start about 10.am and hopefully conclude around Noon depending on the number of questions raised in conclusion.
Please let us know if you plan to attend in order that we can arrange seating and refreshments.
Please make every effort to join us.
Yours fraternally
Nev Storey
The Travelling Sceptre is currently residing at St Wilfrid's Lodge RAM No. 209

During an enjoyable evening at the St Mary Lodge RAM No 326 Installation evening the Travelling Sceptre was claimed by St Wilfrid’s Lodge RAM No 209.
St Wilfrid’s Lodge next meet on TUESDAY 17th MAY at 6.30pm in ALFORD.
This is 3 days before the RAM Assembly on 20th and of course the custodians of the Sceptre will have their Commander present it to the PGM on Friday 20th.
There is therefore an incentive for someone to grab it before the meeting of the Provincial Assembly .
The St Wilfrid’s Scribe is our own Provincial Registrar Dave Robson and I’m sure he would welcome multiple visitors- his contact dave.robson32@talktalk.net
Good hunting!!!!

APRIL 2016
The Mark Festival Newsletter is now on the Festival 2018 page. Please click HERE

St Wilfrid's Lodge Mark Master Tony Marsden accepting the travelling gavel after it had been claimed from John O'Gaunt Lodge, Gainsborough on Monday 18th April 2016.
On Monday 18th April, ten members of the St Wilfrid's Lodge at Alford travelled to Gainsborough and claimed the gavel. They clocked up 490 man/miles.
It may be claimed from St Wilfrid’s on Monday 24th October 2016.
Second were St Swithun’s (Crowle) with 3 members( 66 man/miles).
The Charity Collection envelopes for the 2018 Festival are being used in the majority of Mark and RAM Lodges and the Festival total is slowly rising as a result, especially with the addition of Gift Aid tax relief. Our Provincial Charity Steward, W. Bro John Clements, would appreciate the Lodge Secretaries, Charity Stewards and brethren being reminded of filling in the Gift Aid form fully otherwise they may not be credited with the donation which counts toward their honorifics. It would also be helpful if all sponsorship forms were fully completed with the name and address of the sponsor or that the sponsor form is accompanied by a completed Gift Aid slip completed by each donor for the same reason.
MARCH 2016
Following the discussion and agreement at the last Festival Committee meeting, I have now come to an arrangement with HSBC that they will accept cheques made out either to “Lincolnshire Festival 2018” OR “The Provincial G.L. of M.M.M. – 2018 Festival Cttee”.
I hope this will assist in simplifying both the writing of cheques and banking them.
S & F,
Mick Stocker
Another Successful Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Rev. Trevor John Walker and members of Provincial Mark Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire were pleased to receive the Assistant Grand Master R.W.Bro. Raymond John Smith and many distinguisehed guest at our Provincial Grand Lodge on Saturday 12th March 2016 at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground.
After greeting our distinguished guests, Rt W Bro Rev Trevor Walker was pleased to appoint and invest his active team for the coming year and other Past Rank appointments and promotions.
The Provincial Grand Master then gave the following address to the assembled brethren:
It is a very great pleasure for me to welcome you all brethren to this 142nd. Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Lincolnshire. Thank you for your support and I hope you will discover friendships renewed, new friendships made and great enjoyment from your Provincial Grand Lodge meeting.
I have already welcomed our distinguished guests and heads of other orders but brethren I am sure you would join with me in emphasising just how delighted we are to welcome our Assistant Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Raymond John Smith. Sir, on behalf of the Province of Lincolnshire we thank you for taking time out from your very busy schedule to come to Lincoln. We hope you will enjoy your visit and return home with many happy memories of your time amongst us.
On Tuesday 7th. June there will be a very special meeting of Grand Lodge. The Most Worshipful Grand Master will be installing new Deputy and Assistant Grand Masters in addition to investing recipients of Grand Rank. Brethren I am sure you all join with me in congratulating our Assistant Grand Master R. Wor. Bro. Raymond John Smith on his promotion to Deputy Grand Master. We really are honoured today brethren for the Assistant Grand Master elect R. Wor. Bro. John Herbert Prizeman is also with us. We offer you our sincerest congratulations and wish you both many happy years in these offices.
W. Bro. Ray Wade will again arrange the coach trip to Grand Lodge. You will need to book early brethren as this Grand Lodge Meeting will be very heavily subscribed. There will of course be the traditional celebratory dinner at Baldock for those travelling on the coach. If you have never attended Grand Lodge, then I do urge you to do so. It is always a most splendid occasion and you will be supporting your brethren from Lincolnshire being honoured with Grand Rank. The meeting is open to all Mark Master Masons and you can either travel on the coach and dine at Baldock or join me and other brethren at the Connaught Rooms. Whichever you choose you will be guaranteed a most enjoyable day.
The Provincial Grand Secretary being a model of efficiency contacted me shortly after last year's Provincial meeting to say we had a problem looming for 2016. Our scheduled meeting date would conflict with Easter weekend – we would have to change it. I did tell him I ‘d be working at Easter anyway but was reminded that other people enjoy holidays at Easter so a change of date had to be arranged. I do apologise for the fact we have clashed with the Province of North and East Yorkshire meeting this morning at York. We shall be back to our usual date next year and meet on the fourth Saturday in March – 25th. Please put the date in your diaries and I do hope we shall see all our guests with us again next year.
This is our second meeting to take place at the Epic Centre at the Lincolnshire Showground as a consequence of the Bishop Grosseteste University being unable to accommodate us. We have been victims of our own success as our attendances and dining numbers have increased to a level the university was unable to handle. I am delighted we are at the Showground again hoping this meeting will be as successful as last year and meet with your approval I hope for many years to come.
It has been a busy year in the Mark Degree. Last June the Grand Master honoured W. Bro. Tony Austin and W. Bro. Keith Robinson who were promoted to P. G. Jun. Deacon, W. Bro. Mike Robinson received a first appointment as P.A.G.D.C., W. Bro. Steve Roberts P.A.G.Swd.B., and W. Bro. Ian Castledine P.G.Std.B. W. Bro. Les Darby was appointed to the active rank of Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies. All these brethren continue to work very hard for the Mark Degree and we congratulate them on the recognition afforded by those appointments which were so well deserved.
I now take this opportunity to thank brethren who have accompanied me to the other meetings of Grand Lodge. They have all been happy enjoyable occasions. As well as your company at Grand Lodge I am very grateful to those have travelled with me to other Provinces for their Annual Meetings. We all enjoy these visits and you would wish me to say to our visitors from those Provinces how much we appreciate the most generous hospitality extended to us and hope your visit to Lincoln will be equally enjoyed by yourselves.
Last year the Provincial Team made five official visits in the Province. Without exception these were delightful occasions. I am especially pleased by the support of the provincial officers - virtually 100% attendance at each visit. Thank you brethren, as I confess it does make me feel proud to be led into a lodge by such a long column of officers. It is also impressive for the brethren of the host lodge to see their lodge being honoured by so many Provincial Officers. Without exception the lodges we visit have given us a wonderful welcome and very happy evenings have been enjoyed by all present. I also thank you for the warm welcome extended to me and my Directors of Ceremonies when I personally attend your lodges. The puddings continue to please as well!
Such visits are an opportunity for new friendships to be made by the Provincial Officers of the year. I hope these new friendships might be continued by joining the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers’ Lodge. I have a feeling the secretary will supply application forms for any Provincial Officers who are not yet members! The lodge only meets twice a year (where have you heard that before?) but the installation meeting is very much a social occasion when wives and partners join us for the festive board. I hope all Provincial Officers will seriously consider joining.
Our meeting today is primarily for the appointment, promotion and investiture of the Provincial Grand Officers. I do congratulate all those I have just appointed, promoted and invested and thank you for all your efforts in the Mark that has earned you this honour. I am sure I do not need to remind you that it is also an encouragement for further service in the Degree and to your lodges. That goes without saying - doesn't it brethren? But I have said it!
I now wish to record the tremendous work done by the Provincial Wardens . W. Bro. Barry Humphrey and W. Bro. David Wheeler have visited all the lodges in the Province travelling from one end of Lincolnshire to the other – and that can be a long way! I know they have enjoyed their year in office and I am sure W. Bro. Trevor Knight and W. Bro. Mick Stocker will have an equally successful and enjoyable time as Provincial Wardens this year. I am sure you will welcome and look after them when they visit your lodges.
The Grand Officers in the Province represent me at Installation meetings and also act as liaison officers to the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges. I am very grateful to them for fulfilling these duties and for the reports they compile. These reports help to identify brethren for promotion and also enable assistance to be given to any lodge where required. Sometimes it is thought that receiving Grand Rank means you get a nice apron and sit at the top table and do nothing else. Not in this province brethren. The Grand Officers work very hard and I am pleased to place on record my thanks and that of the province to them.
It is now 846 days until we celebrate the 2018 Mark Benevolent Fund Festival here at Lincoln. It is a very special festival for it is the 150th. and we are very honoured to be the host province on this historical occasion. I know the festival is very much in all your minds and you are doing so much to support the Festival Fund. The number of events happening is truly staggering ranging from sponsored leg waxings - ouch! sponsored rides and walks, sponsored slims, and many others besides. There was the dinner dance held last September, race nights, Last Night of the Proms, model railway exhibition, organ concerts and others too numerous to mention.
All these events add to the generous donations you are making through collections, supporting the Mark Draw, and your regular giving to the Mark Benevolent Fund. I am confident we shall raise a splendid total for the Festival but please do not let the momentum slow. There are only 846 days to go! I do thank you for working so hard to make the Festival a success and I also pay tribute to the members of the Festival Committee, the Lodge Festival Champions, and Charity Stewards.
This year has seen many Lincolnshire brethren receive Mark Benevolent Fund Honorifics. These honorifics are permanent jewels and will continue to be worn in your Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Lodges for as long as you are Mark Master Masons. They are not Festival Jewels but are a recognition of your generosity and an advert for the Mark Benevolent Fund that will hopefully encourage others to give their financial support. I now ask the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies to bring W. Bro. Ian McFeeters forward. I now present this Grand Patrons Jewel.
We know in Lincolnshire that the Mark Benevolent Fund is supporting the Hope for Tomorrow Charity in providing Mobile Chemotherapy Units and have, ‘Elaine’, our Lincolnshire Unit, already in use. The Mark Benevolent Fund does much more than support Hope for Tomorrow. Some £100,000 has been given to assist in those parts of the country affected by the recent flooding, money was donated to assist with the devastation in Vanuatu, and the fund continues to support needy brethren and their families. Your donations are put to very careful, good use and help many hundreds of people here and abroad. Thank you for your support of the MBF.
In Lincolnshire we have a very happy relationship between the Craft and the Mark. You have already seen that expressed by the very generous donation to the 2018 Festival from the Provincial Grand Master for the Craft Rt. Wor. Bro. Graham Ives. Bro. Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies please escort V. Wor. Bro. Ives to me. Graham, I thank you for the donation you presented but noticed you did not appear to be properly dressed. Your very busy schedule precludes you from attending as many lodge meetings as you might wish. I am very aware you support the Royal Ark Mariner Degree as much as you can so I now have the very greatest pleasure in conferring on you Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank and investing you with the collarette of that rank. You now look properly dressed! You’ve also saved the fee of honour!
The Registrar’s report shows an increase in subscribing members for 2015 over 2014. That is very gratifying but we must constantly look to the new Master Masons in our Craft Lodges to identify those who would make good Mark Master Masons. Perhaps you could hand them a copy of the leaflet produce by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master that explains the degree? Please remember it is from the Craft we find our members and it is therefore so important for us to get the right men into our Craft lodges. I urge you all to be active in your Craft lodges and do all you can to make them successful growing lodges.
Meetings such as this require much work. The brethren of the Haven Lodge No. 1732 and the brethren of the Lincoln Lodges have undertaken the local arrangements by preparing the lodge room, transporting furniture and all the preparations of these last few days. I thank W. Bro. Malcolm Forrest our Provincial Organist, not just for the wonderful music, but also for getting the organ here. He’s a wandering Minstrel! The Provincial Stewards and Directors of Ceremonies with their team have provided flawless choreography, and the Provincial Grand Secretary and his team have seen to their usual highly efficient arrangements. W. Bro. Craig Maurier the Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary has organised printing and we especially thank him for all his efforts whilst not being in the best of health and wish him a speedy recovery.
It is a wonderful privilege to serve as your Provincial Grand Master and I have enjoyed many happy hours visiting your lodges and representing the Province of Lincolnshire around the country. Happy hours brethren, for that is what being a Freemason and especially a Mark Mason is for. We are a happy Degree and I wish you - many, many happy hours in your lodges and in the year ahead. The words from the second degree remind us what it is all about, “Happy have we met, happy have we been, happy may we part,” and especially, “Happy meet again”.
May the Great Overseer be with you all in a happy Mark Masonic Year to come.
After the meeting, brethren who were able to stay for the meal were treated to an excellent meal with convivial company. If you were not able to come this year, make sure your reserve the date in your diary for next year, when our next Provincial Grand Lodge meeting will be held on Saturday 25th March 2017.

The newly appointed and invested Senior Warden, W.Bro. Trevor Knight proposes his toast the Rt.W. Provincial Grand Master
Grand Mark Lodge Annual Investiture
Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London
1.00pm Tuesday 7 June 2016
The annual coach trip has been organized for the Grand Mark Annual Investiture on the above date. Each year the Province is well represented at this meeting to support those being promoted or receiving their first appointments.
All Mark Master Masons may attend, and those who have never been to Grand Lodge are particularly encouraged to attend this splendid occasion.
A full itinerary is below together with costs.
Travel Details
07.15hrs Depart Eastgate Car Park, Sleaford, (behind The Mallards, NG34 7DJ)
08.00hrs Arrive Asda Supermarket, Union St., Grantham, NG31 6NZ
08.45hrs Arrive Premier Inn, Norman Cross, Peterborough, PE7 3TB
09.30hrs Arrive ‘The Templars Hotel and Carvery’, Baldock, for ‘Bacon butties’
10.15hrs Coach leaves for London
12.00hrs Arrive Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London
16.00hrs Leave Freemasons’ Hall
17.30hrs Arrive ‘The Templars Hotel and Carvery’, Baldock, for evening meal
19.45hrs Leave Baldock
20.45hrs Arrive Norman Cross
21.30hrs Arrive Grantham
22.00hrs Arrive Sleaford
The cost depends on numbers travelling on the coach; with a full coach this would be £49;this includes travel,bacon buttie on outward journey and 3 courses evening meal on the return journey but excluding drinks. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master will preside at the Festive Board.
Please contact W. Bro. R. Wade, PAGDC, RAMGR, if you wish to attend or for further information.
Copies of booking forms are available via e-mail (see address below) or on the Provincial web site:
R. Wade, Esq.
15 Westwood,
N. Lincs.,
DN20 0AU
Tel. No.: 01652 652592; e-mail: ray@wade01.fslife.co.uk
Click HERE if you would like to download this form.
Provincial Grand Lodge MMM Lincolnshire 2016
By now, you should have received your summons to the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting for 2016. Because of the clash with Easter weekend in 2016 the date has been moved forwards to SATURDAY 12th MARCH 2016 at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground,Lincoln.

W Bro Mike Carr is seen receiving his 50 year certificate from the Provincial Grand Master R W Bro Rev Trevor Walker at St Matthew Lodge MMM 1239 on Tuesday 9th February. Looking on is the Worshipful Master W Bro Andrew Dollery. The Provincial Grand Master paid tribute to Mike’s long and distinguished career in both the Mark and other Orders both in Lincolnshire and the North & East Ridings of Yorkshire.
A good night was had by all and Mike was able to attend the Festive Board in his honour and then treated all present to a glass of wine!
W. Bro A V Judge Receives 50 year Certificate

W.Bro Tony Judge received his 50 year Certificate from W.Bro John Hockin in recognition of his membership of Mark Masonry at a meeting of Remigius Lodge 117. Tony was Advanced into Remigius Lodge 20th December 1965 and finally became Master in 2003, and is currently PPrGSD within the Province.
Tony has also now achieved 60years in Freemasonry being Initiated into Ashlar Lodge5219 26th January 1956 when they met at the Masonic Rooms in Mint Street Lincoln, before the move to the Assembly Rooms in the early 1960’s.
The New Provincial Mark and RAM ties are now available!
I know that many brethren will be excited to know that the new Provincial Mark and RAM ties are available to buy for only £15. The profits will go towards the MBF 2018 Festival.

The ties are available from W.Bro's Mike Robinson, David Wheeler, Stephen Roberts and Craig Maurier.
If your lodge would like to get a group order together, please do so through your lodge secretary.
£75,000 pledged to help Provinces
Mark Benevolent Fund – It seems that not a week goes by without reports of severe storms and flooding somewhere in the world. The United Kingdom has certainly had its fair share this winter and most recently the Mark Provinces of East Lancashire, North & East Yorkshire and West Yorkshire have taken a hit.
The Trustees of the Mark Benevolent Fund have once again stepped up to the plate and pledged £25,000 for each of the Provinces to use to help those in distress. The funds will be used to help individuals and larger community projects – wherever there is a need.
We hope this will go some way to help alleviate the stresses and strains of those who have been affected.