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The Installation meeting of The Earl of Scarbrough (EoS) Lodge No1032 of Mark Master Masons, was held on 14 December 2022, at the Skegness Masonic Centre.  The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the PGM (R.W.Bro. Stephen Hallberg) and a great deal of his ‘active’ Provincial.

Team for 2022 to witness the Installation of the ‘new W.M’ and commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Lodge being formed; all be it two years after the fact, due to Covid restrictions!  After a very successful Installation meeting, most of the brethren attended a very convivial Festive Board, of some 36 diners.  A raucous game of ‘Heads & Tails’ was organised to raise funds for the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF) and the Lodge Charity fund, this along with a ‘Raffle’ were very well supported.  With the proceeds of the ‘Raffle’ and ‘Heads & Tails’ raising £257:40 (which will be split equally between the two funds), along with a ‘Envelope’ Collection which raised £142:00 (for the MBF) bringing the total raised for Charity to a respectable £399:40.  The evening ended with all the brethren departing full of Festive spirit and fraternal friendship whilst looking forward to enjoying their ‘Mark Masonry’ in the coming year.

 From Left to right: R.W.Bro Stephen Hallberg PGM.  The newly appointed W.M (W.Bro Michael Robinson) together with his IPM and Installing Master (W.Bro Neville Stockdale) and the DPGM (W.Bro. Stephen Roberts PGJD)






On the right - Some of the EoS 2023 Team along with the

Provincial Team 2022.

 RAM Grand Assembly

Despite concerns with respect to the inclement weather and possible problems with rail travel, the PGM was supported by a contingent of 15 Lincolnshire Royal Ark Mariners at the recent meeting of RAM Grand Assembly, held at Freemasons' Hall along with some 500 other Brethren from across the country.
It was a particularly special occasion for W. Bro. Neil Hollingsworth, our Provincial Secretary and W. Bro. Roger Bacon who were both invested with Grand RAM rank by the Pro. Grand Master.
Following the ceremonial, an excellent festive board was held at the Connaught rooms.
Many congratulations to W. Bro. Terry Wallhead who also received preferment to Grand rank but was unable to attend on the day.
Brethren are reminded that all Royal Ark Mariners are able to visit the Grand Assembly which takes place on the 2nd Tuesday in December regardless of rank and all would be more than welcome to attend future meetings and enjoy the unique fellowship of such an occasion. 

50th Year Certificate 

In any organisation, one of the nicest duties is to recognise the long service and contribution of it's members.

Such was the case recently when our DPGM, W. Bro Stephen Roberts, accompanied by W. Bro. Alan Wills, the current Worshipful Master of Nene Lodge MMM, no. 427, visited the home of W. Bro. Derek Bush, a Past Master of the Lodge and had the honour to present him with a 50th year certificate (along with a bottle of amber nectar).

Derek was initiated into Freemasonry in Shire Lodge, no. 5610 at Sleaford in 1968 and subsequently advanced into the Mark Degree in 1971.

He became Worshipful Master of Nene Lodge in 1992 and was then awarded a Provincial rank of active Senior Deacon in 1996 followed by promotions to Past Master Overseer in 2000, Past Junior Warden in 2005 and finally Past Senior Warden in 2009.

Particularly notable was his dedication to Nene Lodge, rarely missing a meeting and serving as the Lodge Organist for some 35 years.

Despite his advancing years which now prevent him from attending, Derek retains his sense of humour and a pleasant hour was spent remembering his time in the Lodge and Mark degree with his best wishes and thoughts to all the Brethren who know him.


Charity Donation

At a recent meeting of Heneage Preceptory of Knights Templar, the Mark Provincial Charity Steward, W. Bro Mick Stocker was delighted to receive a charity donation of £50  from the Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight, Malcolm Bilton, on behalf of the Lincolnshire Pre-loved Regalia.
The money was raised by Ivor Hallam and Mark Driffill (not to forget their wives) who refurbish old regalia from all Masonic Orders and then resell to the brethren of the Province - the proceeds of which are then distributed to all the different Masonic Orders represented in Lincolnshire.
It's most definitely a win-win situation with brethren being able to purchase good quality regalia at a decent price which in turn benefits a good number of  charities.

The picture shows Right Eminent Knight Bilton presenting the donations to Mick Stocker, our Provincial Charity Steward along with our DPGM who also received a donation in his position as the Intendant General of the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, along with Ivor Hallam, one of the organisers for the Lincolnshire Pre-Loved regalia..


The quarterly draw, for this last quarter of 2022 has been drawn,

Cheques are on their way to the following winners and hopefully will arrive in time for Christmas.

You've got to be in it, to win it!!!



Ticket No.




£              200.00


Colin Hornsey

White Stone


£              150.00


B Hunt

White Stone


£              125.00


Bob Paterson

St. Wilfrid's


£              100.00


Ivan Slapp

White Stone


£                75.00


Brian Luckwell


Alexandra Team visit

On 22nd November the PGM and a team of his Provincial Officers made the long trip to Long Sutton to witness the Advancement of  Bro. David Whitwell.

A great night was had by all and the PGM can be seen welcoming Bro Whitwell into our wonderful Order and experiencing the Magic of the Mark.

He was delighted to present a brand new Mark tie  to our newest  member which had been donated  by David’s good friend Bro. Andrew Wrisdale.

David is seen taking wine with the WM.  W.Bro Shaun Dickson to conclude a thoroughly enjoyable evening.


Team visit to Spurn & Humber Lodge MMM

On Tuesday 8th November the Spurn and Humber Lodge of Mark Master Masons received a full team visit for the advancement of Bro James Wright.

Bro James was particularly honoured to receive the signs and secrets from the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro Stephen Hallberg, who gave a sincere rendition of this important piece of ritual in the advancement ceremony.

The lodge was host to 24 visitors, and a convivial evening was enjoyed by all present. The lodge has another two new members in the pipeline, and it was good to see younger and committed masons like Bro James wanting to advance their masonic career in the progressive degrees, and come to enjoy the "Magic of the Mark".

Bro James said that he really enjoyed the evening and the ceremony certainly gave him some food for thought. He is looking forward to attending another advancement to try and take it all in.

R.W.Bro. Hallberg said it gladdened his heart to see so many brethren sat together in the room, enjoying such a thoroughly good evening.

If you would like to know more about the Magic of the Mark Degree, Click HERE for our information leaflet about Mark Masonry.

Travelling Sceptre

At the Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners earlier this year the Provincial Grand Master stated that he would present the Travelling Sceptre to Mercia RAM Lodge when the Provincial Team visited as the Sceptre had not been in the south of the County for some time.

If you would like to claim the travelling sceptre for your RAM lodge, why not organise a raiding party for the Meeting of Mercia Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners to be held on 27th October 2022 at the Masonic Hall Spalding?


150th Anniversary Meeting 

At the Installation meeting of the Remigius Mark Master Masons Lodge No. 117 on Thursday 29th September the Province of Lincolnshire were honoured by a visit by R.W. Bro. Prof. Denovan K. Wilson the Assistant Grand Master for the 150th Anniversary meeting of the oldest Mark Mason Lodge in Lincolnshire.
R. W. Bro. Stephen Charles Hallberg, Provincial Grand Master welcomed R.W. Bro. Wilson who was attended by the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies V.W. Bro. Paul Paterson.
The Provincial Grand Master was accompanied by his Deputy, W. Bro. Stephen Roberts P.G.J.D. and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Jack J. Geelhoed P.G.J.D. and a team of Provincial Grand Officers together with their ladies.
Following the Proclamation of W. Bro. J. G. Harvey as the Worshipful Master for a further year, the visitors were welcomed into the lodge where W. Bro. B. Goodman presented an interesting talk on the history of the lodge which was followed by the presentation of the 150th year certificate by R.W. Bro. Prof. Wilson.
The members, guests and ladies enjoyed a lovely festive board before the Assistant Grand Master was presented with a gift of Lincolnshire treats before the Brethren retired. 

Latest Winners in the Mark Prize Draw 

Remember, you've got to be in it, to win it!!!


Ticket No.




£              200.00 


Terence Leaning

St. Matthew


£              150.00 


Kenneth Wainwright

St. Guthlac


£              125.00 


Paul Doughty



£              100.00 


David Richardson

St. Wilfrid's


£                 75.00 


Roger Bacon


A Grand Day Out


Mark Master Mason Grand Lodge meeting at Great Queen St, Tuesday 13th September. The Mark Provincial Grand Master R. W. Bro. Stephen Charles Hallberg was joined by W. Bro. David Wheeler (Craft P.G.M.) and other members of the Provincial Team for the festive board at the Connaught Rooms following a wonderful ceremony in the Grand Temple where the new Pro Grand Master, Deputy and Assistant Grand Masters were installed.
Sadly due to the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II the Grand Master Prince Michael of Kent was unable to be at the meeting.
During the very enjoyable meal, we were accompanied by the London Banqueting Ensemble's full seven-piece orchestra who played a variety of tunes from their repertoire, with the Henry Wood 'Hornpipe from the Fantasia on British Sea Songs' getting some very enthusiastic audience participation.
They rounded off their performance with two of the Trumpeters descending from the Minstrel's Gallery to challenge each other in the Post Horn Gallop.
Another experience of the Magic of Mark



Whilst W Bro, Arthur Baxter was working in his garden in 2019, he was surprised to see his good friend V W Bro, Ron Harrison, Dep PGM, for the Mark Province of Lincolnshire pull up in the driveway with his wife Angie. We sat down and had a cuppa’.

Ron had come from Louth hospital and wanted to tell me he had Prostate cancer- what a shock! Over the next couple of years things seemed to be going well, but then took a serious turn for the worst in the autumn of 2021. Ron was cared for by St Barnabas Hospice in the early days but sadly passed away, on 28th February 2022, in St Andrews Hospice, Grimsby.

Arthur spoke with Angie Harrison, with the idea of a charity walk for benefitting, the two Hospices and Prostate Cancer UK. Very quickly “THE 100 PLUS CLUB” was formed, the idea being 100 MMM’s , doing a sponsored walk around the Market Rasen Racecourse. With the willing support of R W Bro, Steve Hallberg, our PGM , along with massive support and IT input, from W Bro, Phil Aitken, our DepPrGSec, “we were off” ! It was a pleasure to see so many Mark Masons, along with their wives, families, and pets, take part. The walk was started off by our PGM, his wife Angie, and Angie Harrison.

The walk was made possible with the help and support of W Bro, Derek Butcher, his wife Joy, and the Provincial Craft Social Committee, allowing us to use the course on the Craft’s FUN DAY, 26th June. A donation was made by the Mark Province to the Social committee for their help and support which they greatly appreciated.

With the support of the Mark Province, and gift aid, the magnificent sum of £6,000 was raised - to be divided equally between the three charities. The presentation of cheques took place on 14th September 2022, at the Installation Meeting of The Leonard Anderson Lodge of IMM’s No 1412, at Louth Masonic Centre. As usual on this occasion the ladies were invited and along with the guests representing the charities, were entertained ‘’ royally’’ by Keith Hanson, retired Beefeater, in charge of the Crown Jewels Tour. Keith gave the talk and presentation on the Crown Jewels which was very well received by the ladies. The PGM’s wife was telling him snippets of information on them for days I’m told!

The four invited guests enjoyed a three course meal with us, and the cheques were presented after the meal. The PGM welcomed the guests at the festive board, and particularly Angie Harrison, widow of the late V W Bro. Ron. He mentioned the £22, 000 already donated in September 2021 to Lincolnshire Hospices, by the MBF to mark the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh and his life of devoted duty. He also informed them that funding was available, for capital projects that may be required by them from the ‘’Worthy Causes Committee’’ at the MBF.

Angie Harrison presented cheques of £2,000 to W Bro, Terry Aldridge representing Prostate Cancer UK, Liza Williams & Steph Sewell, representing St Andrews Hospice, and Ellie Carter, representing St Barnabas Hospices. St Andrews Hospice in turn presented Angie Harrison with a “Ruby Book” representing milestone events over the last 40 years. There was reference in the book of VW Bro. Ron’s bravery in 1991, saving the life of a man being attacked by a Lion in Grimsby.

A really nice night was enjoyed by all 63 in attendance and a raffle took place raising over £300 for the Masonic Hall’s Fabric Fund.

On Wednesday 14th September the Leonard Anderson Lodge of Installed Mark Masons No 1412 met at Louth for their Installation meeting. W. M. W. Bro. R. L. Brittan PGJD Invested W. Bro. A. Baxter PGJD.
Following the ceremony our ladies and guests joined us for a lovely festive board.
Three cheques for £2000 each were presented to St Andrew's Hospice, St Barnabas Hospice and Prostate Uk Charity.
The money was raised by members of the Mark members at a Sponsored Walk in June in the cause of the charities who had supported and cared for our late Deputy Prov. Grand Master Ronald Henry Harrison.
Our photographs show W. Bro. Harrison's widow Mrs Angie Harrison presenting the cheque to charity representatives and receiving a book from St Andrew's Hospice in which her husband featured whilst in their care.
It was a very moving event and the money was presented with love and dignity.

In Memory of V.W. Bro Ron Harrison

On Sunday 26th June, approximately 60 Mark Masons, family, friends and pets gathered at the Market Rasen Racecourse to walk a circuit of this famous course in memory of V.W. Bro Ron Harrison, Deputy Provincial Grand Master who sadly lost his battle with cancer on February 27th this year. Ron’s wife Angie joined the walk on a very sunny but windy day. The walk was the brainchild of W Bro Arthur Baxter, with the aim of raising money for the 3 Charities which helped Ron during his final few weeks, namely Prostate Cancer UK, St Barnabas Hospice Trust and St Andrews Hospice Grimsby.

It was a great success and the generosity of everyone who knew Ron shone through and £6000 was raised and is to be split equally by the 3 Charities, with cheques being presented at the September meeting of the Leonard Anderson Lodge of Installed Masters.


It was a lovely way to remember Ron and everybody enjoyed the day.


St Mary Lodge of RAM Centenary Celebration 

The St Mary Lodge of RAM at long last held its Centenary Celebration on Saturday 23rd July, having been delayed for two years by the covid pandemic.

Sixty Royal Ark Mariners turned up for the meeting, including an impressive turnout of over twenty members of the Provincial Team. The Lodge was also delighted to welcome twenty wives and partners on this unique occasion.


The Worshipful Commander, Andrew Wrisdale, opened the Lodge and, after completing various items of business, adjourned the meeting and admitted the ladies to witness the dedication of a new Triangle and Porphyry Stone. The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Steven Hallberg and his team processed into the Lodge and the dedication commenced.

W. Bro. Bob Read gave a fascinating history of the first hundred years of the St Mary Lodge and then, after an oration given by the Provincial Grand Chaplain, W. Bro. Geoff Tuckett, the Provincial Grand Master dedicated the new items of Lodge furniture.

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of a Centenary Warrant by the Provincial Grand Master to Worshipful Brother Wrisdale, which will be on display at all future meetings.

A splendid luncheon was held after the formalities of the day, including a slice of a Royal Ark Mariner Centenary cake, which had been created by a good friend of the Worshipful Commander’s wife.


All agreed that St Mary’s special day had been a great success, and everyone went home happy and with some great memories.

P.S. For those eager to see the new Triangle and Porphyry Stone, the next meeting of the St Mary Lodge is on Tuesday 25th October.

 Provincial Prize Draw Winners

The Winners are: 



Ticket No.




£              200.00


Andy Sharpe

St. Guthlac


£              150.00


David  Metcalf

St. Oswald's


£              125.00


Keith Musson



£              100.00


John Stead



£                 75.00


Mark Thornton

St. Botolph's

Congratulations to the latest winners in the Provincial Prize Draw - Remember, "You've got to be in it, to win it!".

R.W.Bro. Field Marshall Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Aspall, P.Dist Grand Master of Egypt & the Sudan, P.Dist Grand Master of the Punjab and Past Grand Junior Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England.

The brethren who attended the St Swithun's Lodge MMM on Wednesday June were enlightened and entertained by a presentation from W.Bro. Ian Smith about R.W.Bro. Field Marshall Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Aspall, P.Dist Grand Master of Egypt & the Sudan, P.Dist Grand Master of the Punjab and Past Grand Junior Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Recent research has revealed that this iconic poster was not widely used as a recruitment poster as most people believe and was in fact first used on the cover of "London Opinion" magazine and designed by graphic artist Alfred Leete.

Mark Grand Lodge 

The recent meeting of Mark Grand Lodge at Freemasons' Hall in Great Queen Street saw the PGM accompanied by the DPGM, the APGM  and some 26 other Brethren attending to support  those from Lincolnshire who were receiving an active rank or a first appointment.
The actual meeting was very well attended by approximately 1000 brethren and also saw the new Assistant Grand Master, Frank Spencer installed by the Pro Grand Master, following which the Brethren retired to dinner at the Connaught rooms with some 850 dining, including 18 from Lincolnshire.
Many congratulations to:
W. Bro Ray Wade who was promoted to Active Deputy Grand Inspector of Works;
W. Bro. David Wheeler who was promoted to Active Deputy Grand Sword Bearer;
W. Bro. Mike Allen wo received a first appointment to Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer;
and W. Bro. Graham Steen who received a first appointment to Past Grand Standard Bearer.
The list was further complimented by the first appointment of W. Bro. Paul Busby to Active Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies - Paul is currently the Provincial Grand Secretary for Essex but has recently relocated to Lincolnshire and is a joining member of Alexandra Mark Lodge at Long Sutton, so in time honoured fashion, we will claim him as well !!!
Brethren are reminded that the meetings of Grand Lodge are open for all to attend, regardless of rank - the next meeting is scheduled for the 13th September when W. Bro Phil Aiken will receive a promotion to Past Grand Junior Deacon - your support for the PGM and Phil would be more than welcome.

Provincial RAM Assembly

After a 3 year hiatus due to Covid, the Provincial RAM Assembly was again convened on the 4th of June when a total of 80 Royal Ark Mariners and 30 of their ladies attended the day at Skegness Masonic Hall, despite the meeting coinciding with the Jubilee celebrations.

During the Assembly, the recipients of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner rank for 2022 present were invested with their Provincial Collarettes by the Provincial Grand Master, following which he gave an upbeat assessment of the current situation in respect of the Mark / Ark Province following our return after the Covid crisis.


Meanwhile, the ladies were being given a talk by Charlie Tibble, a representative of the RNLI to whom the Provincial Grand Master was pleased to hand over a charity donation of £250 in recognition of all the work  they undertake, particularly on the coast of Lincolnshire, which was received with great thanks.

The formal proceedings were complemented by a superb lunch afterwards, as provided by Rob & Caroline Watson, the caterers at Skegness.

During the response to his toast, the Provincial Grand Master gave his thanks to all those who had attended and also to the Management of Skegness Masonic Hall for hosting the meeting in such a superb setting.

The next meeting of the RAM Assembly is provisionally scheduled to take place at Skegness on Saturday the 3rd June 2023 - be sure you note the date in your diary

 The Magic of The Mark

Intrepid Cyclists from the Province of West Yorkshire

On Monday 6th June, the PGM, RW Bro Steve Hallberg, accompanied by the DPGM, W Bro Steve Roberts, W Bro Phil Aitken and W Bro Chris Oates greeted a team of intrepid Cyclists from the Province of West Yorkshire at Gainsborough Masonic Hall on the last day of their epic cycle ride around their own Province and into its seven neighbouring Provinces, covering just under 370 miles in 5 days.

Cyclists Robin Price, Eddie Wilkinson and Chris Oldfield, assisted by a back up crew of Rod Dyer, Steve Broadbent and Angie Ellis arrived around 10:30 at Gainsborough, having started at Worksop.

The ride started (and finished) in Mirfield, and saw them riding in glorious sunshine, rain, sleet, wind across what must be one of the hilliest Provinces in England. The other Provinces they rode in were N & E Yorkshire, Durham, Cumberland & Westmorland, West Lancashire, West Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.

Whilst topping up with much deserved Coffee, Bacon Sandwiches, Flapjack and Bananas, the PGM presented the team with a cheque for £250 as a donation from Lincolnshire and after the obligatory photos we waved them off as they headed for Swinton on the next leg.

Well done to all.


Installation of W Bro Stephen  Roberts PGJD as Deputy PGM 

The R. W. PGM was delighted to install and invest W Bro Stephen  Roberts PGJD as Deputy PGM at the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers’ Lodge on Friday 27th May. Around 70 were present to see the ceremony of Installation and a happy night was had by all . W Bro Roberts  has been involved as deputy and then Provincial  Secretary for 10 years and was praised by the PGM for his sterling work during the pandemic.

The PGM pointed out to the Brethren his departure left a vacancy for Provincial Secretary and proceeded to appoint and invest W Bro. Neil Hollingsworth PPrGSW in to that office with his grateful thanks for Neil agreeing to accept the challenge.

We now look forward to many years in their new roles.


Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank

On behalf of our RW Provincial Grand Master, it is my pleasure to advise that the following Brethren have been appointed to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank.
Remigius     117     Ivan F. Slapp
Trent           172     Connor P. Burke
Heneage     188     Philip W Spicksley
Heneage     188     Paul W. Doughty
St Wilfrids    209    Paul W. Darlaston
St Mary        326    Steven E. Siddle
St Oswalds  387     David Carswell
St Denys      427    William Stewart
St Swithuns 445     Ian C. Smith
The Haven  1732   Anthony D. Miller.
I am sure that you would wish to join with me in congratulating these Brethren on their preferment which is well deserved by all.
The investiture will take place at Skegness Masonic Hall on Saturday the 4th of June and all Royal Ark Mariner Brethren in the Province, regardless of rank are invited to attend with their partners to support both these Brethren and the PGM - a summons and official invitation will follow in due course.

Grand Lodge Appointments

On behalf of our RW Provincial Grand Master, I am delighted to advise you of the following first appointments and promotions to Mark Grand Lodge for the ensuing year.

First appointments:
W. Bro .Michael Allen-Earl of Scarbrough Lodge MMM no.1032 to Past Assistant Grand Sword Bearer
W. Bro. Graham Steen-St. Matthew Lodge MMM no. 1239 to Past Grand Standard Bearer
W. Bro,. Phillip Aitken-St. Oswald's Lodge MMM no. 387 to Past Grand Junior Deacon
Promotions to Active rank:
W. Bro. Ray Wade-St. Oswald's Lodge MMM no. 387 to Deputy Grand Inspector of Works
W. Bro. David Wheeler-White Stone Lodge MMM, no.1203 to Deputy Grand Sword Bearer.
I am sure that you will join our RW Provincial Grand Master in congratulating all these Brethren on their forthcoming preferments.
The Active ranks and first appointments are scheduled to take place at the next meeting of Mark Grand Lodge on Tuesday the 7th of June at Freemasons' Hall followed by the promotions on Tuesday the 13th of September.
Your support for these Brethren and our Provincial Grand Master would obviously be much appreciated and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at either or both of these meetings.
PLEASE NOTE - the meetings of Grand Lodge are open to all Brethren regardless of Rank - you do not have to be a Grand Officer to attend and Mark Master Masons are particularly encouraged to be present.

Double Exaltation at Haven RAM

At Haven RAM on 7th April 2022, as well as the Commander being proclaimed, there was also a double elevation.

Bros. Norman Mooney and Don Tolson were welcomed to the degree. They are pictured with R W Bro. Steve Hallberg and W Bro Neil Charlesworth the WCN

50th Certificate

On Thursday 24th March at St Wulframs Lodge MMM, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro Jack Geelhoed, was pleased to have the opportunity to present a certificate to W. Bro. Clarry Hunton to celebrate 50 years as a Mark Master Mason. Clarry reminisced about the many changes he has seen in Masonry and Mark Masonry over that period, and how much he had enjoyed being a member of such a wonderful degree. Congratulations to Clarry on such a remarkable achievement.



Grand Mark Lodge Annual Investiture

Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London

Meeting starts at 1.00pm Tuesday 7 June 2022

Sadly I have had to cancel the coach trip to London for the Grand Mark Investiture on 7 June 2022 as only 10 brethren have expressed interest.

Also, the Templars Restaurant has closed and finding a replacement is proving difficult; however, more importantly our usual coach provider cannot supply a 29 seater and having been offered an alternative by PC Coaches it is too costly at £1,600.

I felt is necessary to inform you sooner rather than later to enable those of you who wish to attend Grand Mark can make alternative travel arrangements.

Sincerely and fraternally,  



Provincial Grand Lodge 26th March 2022

Brethren: A warm welcome to Lincolnshire and to our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting . Thank you all for attending today , particularly our friends from other Provinces who have travelled extremely long distances to be with us. The fact that we are now able to do this face to face, and be back in our normal home is not only a great pleasure but an enormous relief for me. Believe it or not it is the fourth time I have addressed you (only once virtually thank goodness) and how things have changed in the last three years.

We have recently lost amongst others through deaths three Very Worshipful Brethren and giants in our Lincolnshire Mark Order. Our Deputy PGM Ron Harrison, our Lecture Master Derek Bontoft and our Past Craft PGM Geoffrey Mawer Cooper. I have to ask myself how on earth do we replace men of such calibre? I feel confident those of us who remain will re-double our efforts to make sure their loss spears us on to greater success and we do this as fitting tribute to their departed merit.

I have previously mentioned my decision to wait until after this meeting to make a decision about appointing a Deputy was mainly out of a deep respect I think we all owe V W Bro. Ron Harrison. He supported me without question when my term of office started, sharing travelling to other Provinces where he was very popular, and was a pillar of strength throughout the pandemic, particularly by organising zoom meetings.

Something not many of us had even heard of before March 2020 but encouraged by MMH as a method of keeping in touch and undertaking necessary business. Ron was the original Mark zoom master for us and I have much to thank him for. We have done everything we can to support Angie his wife over the last few months of his life, and my tribute to him can be viewed on our website. 

Our recovery post pandemic in Lincolnshire is patchy with some Lodges having several candidates being Advanced or Elevated . Others regrettably are not doing so well. I believe we must all assume the responsibility of being assistants to our Lodge Almoners. They cannot be expected to contact every brother who for his own reasons is not attending his Lodge, making a contribution and adding strength to the Lodge they belong to. Make contact with absentees, give them assurance any fears they have about returning can be overcome with careful thought.

On a brighter note - Provincial Grand Lodge requires a tremendous amount of organisation and once again I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial team for all their efforts in making today possible. W Bro. Craig Maurier continues to maintain our website which I hope you will start to re-visit regularly and which hopefully now will start to be filled with good news and seeing Mark Masons enjoying our wonderful Mark & RAM meetings.

I know that the Wardens retiring today have really relished their 7 months of representing me at your Lodges which have included for the first time Installations. Their reports have been comprehensive and give me hope for the future. I’m desperately sad the full Provincial team have only enjoyed three official visits since they were first appointed- they have when asked supported me so well and I’m grateful to all who have done so. In many ways it’s a shame they can’t continue but time moves on and those who have waited so patiently for today can look forward to some milestone events coming up in 2022. Once again the information can be found on the website.

Many aspects of our lives have changed but the work of the MBF continues , even more so pressing now with the horrific events in eastern Europe. I’m sure every one in this room must have felt moved by the images we see and I felt it was appropriate we ask the collection today to be earmarked by the MBF for the relief effort in Ukraine.

In the Autumn I , along with small delegations presented cheques to 6 Hospices in total £22,000 donated by the MBF in Lincolnshire to mark the life-long dedication to duty of the Duke of Edinburgh in total 1.25m throughout the UK to the Hospices whose fund-raising capabilities have been so much neglected due to the pandemic.

We continue despite adversities to keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us- we have again this year donated another £5000 to the Craft 2025 Festival and also supported Surrey’s Festival in July this year and West Yorkshire’s Festival in 2023.We also made a contribution with our good friends in NE and West Yorkshire to the Friends of Connaught Court in their time of need, something we should all be proud of.

To that end I ask you all to continue making donations to our Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund with gift aid envelope collections. Closely linked to this charitable giving is our Mark Prize Draw - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. For those who don’t why not? Not only does it distribute great prizes , it gives us the ability to fund both our Provincial Grand Lodge in this magnificent setting it also provides funds for Festival donations, something we can be very proud of. In real terms we punch above our weight and long may it continue.

Turning to Grand Mark Lodge : I was delighted we were able to see W Bro’s Mike Allan, Richard Garn and Mike Robinson promoted to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in December. I congratulate them all for honours thoroughly deserved.

I congratulate too all Provincial Officers appointed/ promoted and invested today and remind each and every one how very important the rank is- you will be looked up to for an example of good order and practice, and for that reason I ask you set high standards for yourselves and all those around you.

Work which was ongoing with ‘’Awareness evenings’’ planned before the virus intervened continues and we owe it to Derek Bontoft to continue his amazing work. Watch out for these coming soon in your area. It will be a great opportunity for you to take a Master Mason who is not a member of our Order for a free supper for you both and learn something about what we have to offer, which I’m sure you will agree is something special.

We can all now do a great deal to promote our two Orders of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner, both beautiful in their own rights. Now our Province is open for business those Lodges who are presently finding difficulty in attracting candidates - we will try to offer help and guidance for retention and recruitment . Essential to this of course is ensuring our Craft Lodges remain vibrant and providing the right men to join us.

I continue to be thankful to you all for the great privilege of being your Provincial Grand Master and wish you continued happiness in our Mark & Royal Ark Mariner Masonry.

May the Great Overseer of the Universe bless you All & Mark well.

Provincial Grand Master 

 Lincs MMM Prize Draw

The latest winners were announced by the PGM at the Festive Board after the Provincial Meeting.
Congratulations to theses winners, and remember, "You've got to be in it to win it!"
First £200.00 82 Chris Judge John O'Gaunt
Second £150.00 103 Philip Coxon John O'Gaunt
Third £125.00 2 Nigel Winn Spurn & Humber
Fourth £100.00 135 Raymond Wade St. Oswald's
Fifth £ 75.00  231 Brian  Nicholson St. Swithun's

Mark Grand Lodge at Freemasons' Hall in London

On the 8th of March our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand master. accompanied by a contingent of Brethren from Lincolnshire attended the meeting of Mark Grand Lodge at Freemasons' Hall in London.

This particular meeting is always deemed as the main business meeting of Grand Lodge but it was nevertheless enjoyable with the Pro Grand Master announcing an aid donation of £25,000 from the Mark Emergency Relief fund to assist in the Ukraine, along with details of the ways which any individual donations may be made to the fund.

The donation is to be sent to the Mark Inspectorate of Romania for the specific purpose of easing the hardship being experienced by the refugees fleeing the war In the Ukraine - Freemasonry universal and always there when needed.
The full story may be found in the Freemasonry news letter of 11th March :


The day was completed by an excellent festive board where we were joined by the Provincial Grand Master of Leicestershire and Rutland, R.W. Bro. Phillip Mann.

The next meeting of Grand Lodge will take place on Tuesday the 7th of June and this will be the Investiture of the Brethren being appointed to Grand Lodge for the first time.

Please note the date in your diary and try to attend to support both our Provincial Grand Master and the Brethren being appointed, whilst having an enjoyable day out.


Ronald Henry Harrison - Deputy Provincial Grand Master

15/9/1950 – 27/02/2022 

Lincolnshire Freemasonry and Lincolnshire Mark / Ark Mariner Masonry in particular lost a true friend and eminent colleague when Ron passed away on Sunday 27th February after a prolonged fight with cancer. He leaves wife Angie and two daughters Karen and Paula and their families and our hearts go out to them at this saddest of times.

Ron retired as a police officer in 2004  and was famously accredited with a commendation from the Chief Constable  when he saved a man’s life,  when a travelling circus’s lions escaped from their compound in Grimsby. The story can be found in the archives of the Grimsby Evening Telegraph (click HERE), and Ron said the person whose life he saved from a mauling lion kept in touch with him for many years as a token of his gratitude.

He became a Freemason in 1991 joining the Ancholme Lodge in Brigg. He was advanced into the Mark Degree in 1997 and his career blossomed in the Order he loved above all else - attaining the Chair in 2004 and being honoured with Provincial rank in 2009.

His commitment and potential were recognised by our immediate past PGM and current PGM (who was Provincial Secretary at the time) and Ron was promoted to an active Grand Steward in 2014.

He made many friends through the Grand Stewards Lodge and travelled (often with Angie ) to visit other Provinces from 2014 right up until the autumn of 2021, despite his health problems, and was a very popular representative of Lincolnshire and widely respected wherever he travelled.

The summation of his Mark career saw him invested as APGM in 2017 and two years later our current PGM promoted him to Deputy PGM. As a reward for his unstinting work he then received the Grand rank of Very Worshipful Brother in September 2021 as a PGJO - a fitting end of a truly amazing masonic career.

Rest in peace Ron - may the Great Overseer of the Universe take good care of you.


St Mary Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners - Successful 'Raid' for the "Travelling Sceptre" accomplished!

The Regular meeting and "White Table" event of the St Mary Lodge of RAM No326 (Louth) on 22 Feb 22 saw two 'Raiding Parties' attempt to claim the "Travelling Sceptre" for their respective Lodges.  The 1st 'Raiding party' claim was made from St Wilfrid's RAM Lodge No 209 (Alford), bravely led by their W.Cdr: W.Bro C.J. Woods and 8 of his trusty brethren, this claim was contested by a 'Raiding party' from The Earl of Scarbrough (EoS) RAM Lodge No 1032 (Skegness) boldly led by their W.Cdr: W.Bro M.T. Robinson and 6 of his loyal brothers.  After some calculations by the St Mary Scribe (W.Bro G.A. Tuckett), utilising the mileage matrix, it was declared that the EoS Lodge were the victors much to the disappointment of the St Wilfrid's team!

On learning of the victory for the EoS Lodge, W.Bro Mick Robinson was magnanimous in the EoS triumph declaring that all contenders (Teams of 4 or more RAM Brethren) would be welcome to make a claim for the 'Sceptre' at the next meeting of the EoS RAM No 1032 and the Lodge looked forward to welcoming any and all Royal Ark Mariners; a demonstration of the principles and goals of the "Travelling Sceptre".

The next meeting of Earl of Scarbrough RAM Lodge No 1032 is on Wednesday the 23rd March (Installation Ceremony) at the Skegness Masonic Centre and all RAM Lodges will be most welcome to attend and make a claim for the 'Sceptre' on that evening.  Please contact the EoS Scribe (W.Bro P.W.M. Mason) for further details including the Dining details (places limited to 100 brethren dining).

Two Wheels for Lincolnshire Craft 2025 Festival 

W Bro Phil Aitken, our Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary is once again taking to two wheels in order to raise money for the Lincolnshire Craft 2025 Festival. The Covid pandemic prevented him from doing the London to Paris ride last year, it being replaced by a ride across Scotland.

This year the ride to Paris is once again on the cards, with a difference – Starting at Calais, Phil and his brother Rob are cycling to Paris (195 Miles), then from Paris to Dieppe (138 Miles). They will then catch the Ferry from Dieppe to Newhaven and cycle from Newhaven to Dover (84 Miles), a total of around 440 miles and 1200 feet of elevation (hills)!

The ride is unsupported so the riders have to carry all their luggage for the 7 days.

“It’s a tough but hopefully enjoyable ride, through some lovely French countryside and for a great cause”

Please support Phil by sponsoring him -and if possible, gift aid your donation. He can be contacted by email ( or phone (07747 622989).

Or click on the JUST GIVING link HERE.


Provincial Active Officers Dinner – February 18th 2022

Despite the best efforts of Storm Eunice, the Harbour Lights Restaurant at Burton Waters successfully hosted the 2nd Provincial Active Officers Dinner, where 25 Brethren and their partners met to relax and celebrate their time in office together. It should be remembered that these officers have effectively served 2 years in Office, but due to the Covid pandemic have only been able to meet since the lifting of the restrictions in September 2021.


It was a night of great company, great food and everyone had a wonderful time.

Provincial Wardens for the forthcoming year

On behalf of our RW PGM, I am delighted to advise you that at the recent Lodge meeting & annual Burns night held by St Wilfrid's Lodge, RAM, the PGM took the opportunity to announce that his Provincial Wardens for the forthcoming year will be:
SW - W. Bro. Phil Spicksley - St. Matthew Lodge MMM, no. 1239;
JW - W. Bro. Maurice Cockburn - St Guthlac Lodge MMM, no. 1122.
These Brethren will be invested at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge which is to be held at the Epic Centre, Lincoln on Saturday the 26th of March and I am sure that you would wish them many congratulations and best wishes on their appointments and for their term of Office.

The Travelling Sceptre moves on.

The annual Burns night at St Wilfrid's RAM no. saw the Travelling Sceptre claimed by St Mary Lodge RAM no. 326, who meet at Louth, with 10 of their members attending to support their W. Cdr, W. Bro. Andrew Wrisdale in taking home the trophy - a super turnout by their members and a testament to the ideals and aims of the Traveling Sceptre.
The next meeting of St Mary RAM is on Tuesday the 22nd February and they welcome any other Lodges and their members who wish to claim the prize from them on that evening.
*** picture shows the W. Cdr of St Mary Lodge - W. Bro. Andrew Wrisdale receiving the Travelling Sceptre from W. Bro. Christopher Woods, the W., Cdr of St Wilfrids Lodge

Team Visit to John O'Gaunt

R.W.Bro Stephen Hallberg PGM was pleased to attend John O'Gaunt Lodge MMM No 172 on Monday 17th January 2022 with a goodly number of Active Provincial Officers. In the presence of such illustrious company, Bro Crosskill was advanced to this honourable degree. It was a superb evening and reminded the brethren of what we've all been missing during the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. The PGM expressed a hope that now most people have been vaccinated against this terrible virus, more brethren may feel confident to return to the fellowship and fraternity of our Mark meetings.

Mark 50 Year Certificate.

It was the PGM’s privilege and pleasure to attend the Earl of Scarbrough’s Lodge meeting on 12th January to present W Bro. David Gaylor with his Mark 50 year certificate.

David  was advanced in to the Mark in the Thistle Lodge No 62 (Scottish Constitution) on 19th February 1968, transferring to the English Constitution on 3rd February 1977. He pursued a colourful career in the Armed Forces serving in amongst other places Germany and as he describes it, "as a member of the United Nations of Mark Masonry visited several Mark Lodges in Europe". He eventually returned to the UK and settled as a joining member of the Earl of Scarbrough Lodge MMM No 1032 in February 1994. Now a Provincial officer he told the PGM his Father would have been very proud to see him awarded a 50 year certificate in our wonderful Mark Degree.

The evening was capped off with a most interesting talk by W Bro. Chris James GSD on the life and times of Rudyard Kipling titled "A man and a Mason" which was greeted warmly by those who had the good fortune to attend.

On the 8th of March our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand master. accompanied by a contingent of Brethren from Lincolnshire attended the meeting of Mark Grand Lodge at Freemasons' Hall in London.

This particular meeting is always deemed as the main business meeting of Grand Lodge but it was nevertheless enjoyable with the Pro Grand Master announcing an aid donation of £25,000 from the Mark Emergency Relief fund to assist in the Ukraine, along with details of the ways which any individual donations may be made to the fund.
The donation is to be sent to the Mark Inspectorate of Romania for the specific purpose of easing the hardship being experienced by the refugees fleeing the war In the Ukraine - Freemasonry universal and always there when needed.
The full story may be found in the Freemasonry news letter of 11th March :


The day was completed by an excellent festive board where we were joined by the Provincial Grand Master of Leicestershire and Rutland, R.W. Bro. Phillip Mann.

The next meeting of Grand Lodge will take place on Tuesday the 7th of June and this will be the Investiture of the Brethren being appointed to Grand Lodge for the first time.

Please note the date in your diary and try to attend to support both our Provincial Grand Master and the Brethren being appointed, whilst having an enjoyable day out.