Recently the Air Cadets of 866 (Immingham) Squadron approached the Haven Lodge of Mark Master Masons to ask for assistance in purchasing extra adventure training and camping equipment. When they were made aware of the various activities enjoyed by the cadets and the help that they gave to the community the Lodge was only too pleased to make a donation.
The presentation of a cheque for a considerable amount towards the equipment was made at the Squadron Headquarters recently.

The Worshipful Brother Andy Downes – the Worshipful Master of The Haven Lodge No 1732 of Mark Masters Masons at Cleethorpes – accompanied by the Secretary of the Lodge Worshipful Brother David Maultby, hand over the cheque to the Chair of the Squadron Civilian Committee Joyce Storer. Also present are the Squadron President Air Commodore Neil Gammon, the Squadron Commander Flight Lieutenant Simon Dunn and Committee member Mrs Tracey Pursglove – who had made the first approach to the Freemasons
Flt Lt Simon Dunn said “The money will be spent directly on adventure training equipment. The squadron is very active in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and many weekends are spent on either training or qualifying expeditions and my intention is to use the money to purchase GPS locators. These will allow us to be aware of their exact position at any time on these ventures and greatly increase the safety of the cadets while on the unaccompanied qualifying expeditions at all levels of the Award Scheme. Funds are becoming increasingly hard to raise and we are therefore immensely grateful for donations such as this”
After the presentation the Freemasons were taken for a visit around the squadron to see the cadets at work on projects and other activities.
For details on joining the squadron ring the Adjutant: Wing Commander Tony Lark (01469-573463).
The Province of Lincolnshire Mark Master Masons held a celebration dinner for the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master V W Bro Trevor and Mrs Colleen Kitchen to commemorate his many years of dedication and work and the contribution he has made to Mark and Ark Masonry in the Province.

V.W.Bro. Trevor Kitchen and Mrs. Colleen Kitchen
The event, hosted by Provincial Grand Master Rt.W.Bro. Rev Trevor Walker and Mrs Lynne Walker, was held at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa and was attended by many Masons and their Ladies on Tuesday 29th June who enjoyed a happy evening.

V.W.Bro Kitchen and the Provincial Grand Masters he has served under (L to R) V.W.Bro. Trevor Kitchen, Deputy Provincial Grand Master MMM; Rt.W.Bro. Rev Trevor Walker, Provincial Grand Master MMM and the Past PGM, Rt.W.Bro. Gordon Walkerley Smith
Rt.W.Bro. Trevor Walker and the Past PGM, Rt.W.Bro. Gordon Smith, in their speeches after the dinner praised V.W.Bro. Trevor Kitchen for his 16 years service and assistance as Deputy.
W.Bro Paul Doughty and his wife, Allison, have made a significant contribution to the 2014 Festival by donating the proceeds of their Ladies Festival to the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys.
Paul has been the Worshipful Master of Sutcliffe Lodge MMM No:188 for a two year spell and has enjoyed two Ladies Festivals with Allison as a result - in 2009 and 2010.
The total raised was £1175.00 and this was presented at the Provincial Meeting of Royal Ark Mariners at the Masonic Hall Grimsby and will be passed to the 2014 Festival by the Mark Degree..
Paul and Allison thanked all the Mark Masons, their Ladies, Guests and friends for their support in raising such a wonderful sum for charity.
St Matthew Lodge of Mark Master Masons’ Held their regular Lodge meeting, at the Masonic Hall, Barton on Humber to celebrate their 50th Anniversary, and to dedicate a new Bible for use in the Lodge.
The event was attended by the Provincial Grand Master, Rt Worshipful Brother Trevor John Walker and his team on an official visit.
Following the dedication and Lodge business, cheques were presented for the Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Association in respect of the 2018 Lincolnshire Mark Festival to the Provincial Grand Master, by Worshipful Brother Dave Robson, ProvGJO, Treasurer of the Millennium Lodge of Installed Commanders for £2,500.00 on behalf of that Lodge.(Above)
Also, Brother Graham Summerell of the St Wilfrid’s Lodge presented two cheques for the Benevolent association, of behalf of the St Wilfrid’s Lodge of MMM and the St Wilfrid’s Lodge of RAM in the sum of £300 each. (Above)
Rt Worshipful Brother Trevor John Walker thanked both the Brethren and their Lodges and stated how grateful he was to the Mark and Royal Ark Brethren for their generosity shown by these cheques. The Provincial Grand Master reminded us all that charity is at the heart of Freemasonry and should be in the heart of every Freemason and especially Mark Master Masons. It is his earnest wish that all Mark Brethren will be at the forefront in Lincolnshire by fully supporting the Craft 2014 Festival. However as Mark Master Masons we know how much more enjoyment we receive from our freemasonry - but the more we receive the more we must give. In this respect the 2018 Mark Benevolent Fund Festival to be held in Lincoln must also be fully supported. The Provincial Grand Master commended the 20 pence daily savings scheme suggested by his Deputy V.Wor. Bro. Trevor Harold Kitchen. The Mark Brethren should all be able to save their twenty pences and still fulfil their obligations to the 2014 Craft Festival. Rt. Wor. Bro. Trevor Walker thanked W. Bro. Robson and Bro. Summerell for their presentations and also for helping to keep our charitable obligations at the front of our minds.”
Below is the Celebratory cake which was received end enjoyed at the festive board, kindly made by the daughter of W.Bro Arthur Baxter, Secretary of the Lodge.
Rt Wor Brother Trevor John Walker pictured with the current Master W. Bro Michael Robinson, and the much loved but now departed cake.
On saturday 25th April 2009, a new Mark Lodge was consecrated at Grantham. The Mayflower Lodge of M.M.M. No. 1899 was consecrated by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. The Rev. Trevor John Walker, assisted by his Provincial team.
The picture shows the PGM,R.W.Bro. the Rev. Trevor Walker; the Deputy PGM, V.W.Bro. Trevor Kitchen; the Provincial Chaplain, R.W.Bro Gordon Walkerley Smith and the Past Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Raymond Leonard Ringrose as the W.Master, Ian Charlton receives the warrant from the PGM.
It is a first for the Province in that it will be held in "daylight" hours at Spilsby.
The consecration was followed by installation and W.Bro. Ian Charlton was installed as the first Master by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro Trevor Harold Kitchen. The first meeting at Spilsby takes place on Tuesday 5th May at 11am.
V.W.Bro.Trevor Kitchen conratulates W.Bro Ian Charlton after installing him as the first Master of the Mayflower Lodge MMM No:1899.
St Swithuns Lodge of Mark Master Masons which meet at the Masonic Hall, Crowle continued their record of charitable giving by making a donation of £500.00 to the St Andrew's Childrens Hospice which is based at Peakes Lane in Grimsby.
Ever the gentleman, W.Bro. Cliff Reeves lets his wife Pamela present the cheque to Mr Mike Gresham of St Andrews Hospice as he shakes hands.
W.Bro. Reeves, of St Swithuns Lodge MMM, took the opportunity to visit the hospice along with his wife Pamela before enjoying a visit to Cleethorpes. The presentation was going to be made by W.Bro. Mike Robinson the Lodge Charity Steward but, unfortunately, his wife Isabel broke her ankle and they could not attend.
St. Andrew’s Hospice really does make each day count. They provide holistic care for children and young people living throughout Lincolnshire, Hull and East Riding who have a progressive life limiting illness. Their main aims are to improve their quality of life, to bring fun into their everyday routines by providing specialist medical and nursing care and to keep them smiling. They also offer extensive help and support to their families and carers.
Visit the St Andrew's Children's Hospice web site by Clicking Here
St Swithuns Lodge MMM No:445 had a wonderful night of celebration to mark their 100th Anniversary.
In addition to the ceremony, the evening was made all the more special by the presentation of a '50Years Certificate' to W.Bro. Victor Hirst PGStB by V.W.Bro. Trevor Kitchen the Deputy Provincial Grand Master together with a Rose Bowl and Stand which W.Bro. Cliff Reeves (WM) presented to W.Bro. Hirst on behalf of the Brethren of the Lodge.
Left to right: W.Bro. J. C. Board GSD the Provincial DC, V.W.Bro. T.H. Kitchen the DPGM, W.Bro. C.V. Hirst holding the Rose Bowl and W.Bro. C.M. Reeves.
St Swithuns Lodge of MMM No:445 meet on the fourth Wednesday, September (I), October, March, May and June at the Masonic Hall Crowle.