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St Matthew MMM 1239 makes sure that the elderly and lonely in Barton Upon Humber have a hearty meal on Christmas Day.

At Christmas the lodge provided the funds for the Barton Upon Humber Rotary Club in order that they could purchase the food for their members to take out to the lonely and elderly in the area around Barton.

The Rotary Club of Barton Upon Humber have been cooking meals for the elderly for many years and last year the St Matthew Chapter provided funds for the purchase of the food.

This last Christmas it was the turn of the Mark members to show support for this very worthy cause.

On Tuesday 11th February the President of the Rotary Club. Eliza Hinksman attended the Masonic Hall with member David Lee. (photgrapher). The lodge Charity Steward W. Bro. Mick Wright had pleasure in presenting a cheque for £200.  W. Bro. Phil Spicksley, Lodge Secretary  is seen in the photograph representing the lodge in the absence of the Master.

Mrs. Hinksman thanked the members and on behalf of the Rotary membership stated that the club were very grateful for the continued support of local Masons,   the donation of the money was very heartwarming and demonstrated how local charity organisations work together.


Provincial Grand Lodge MMM Lincolnshire 2020

Your summons to the Provincial Grand Lodge MMM Lincolnshire meeting for 2020 will be out shortly, but if you are wanting to get your meal booking in ASAP, you can download the MEAL BOOKING FORM HERE.

The meeting will take place, as usual, at the Epic Centre, Lincolnshire Showground, Lincoln. SATURDAY 28th MARCH 2020.



The Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly will this year take place on SATURDAY 6th JUNE at SKEGNESS MASONIC HALL commencing at 11 am.
As usual, our ladies will be invited to accompany us and following the formal business of the Assembly, they will be invited into the Lodge Rooms to hear a talk from the Deputy President of the Mark Benevolent Fund, on the on-going work that the charity undertake on our behalf as Mark Master and RAM Masons and which we supported so well in 2018.
The summons and booking form will be sent out in due course but please make a note of the occasion.
What is different, is that the Assembly will, for the first time, take place on a Saturday.
It is hoped that this change of day from the usual Friday will allow more of the Brethren to attend and that this initiative will swell the numbers present to support our PGM and those brethren who will be receiving preferment.
May I emphasise that the Assembly is not only for Grand and Provincial Officers but that all RAM Brethren of the Province are entitled to attend, so please make every effort to be there.

The Lincolnshire MMM Provincial Draw

The Lincolnshire MMM Provincial draw continues to raise a considerable amount of money to aid the Province to support other charitable causes, whilst offering the opportunity for Brethren to win approximately £3000 of prizes each year.  The prizes are drawn Quarterly, and the next draw will happen at the 50th Anniversary meeting of the Bayons Lodge of MMM on 26th March at Market Rasen.

On this occasion the draw will be for a bumper total prize fund of £1000 with a first prize of £500 

You need to be in it to win it - Do you have a ticket?

The draw application form are available on the Provincial web site or from W. Bro Andy Carr on

Download a form HERE, fill it in and send it off, and you could be sharing the £1000 prize fund in March. 

Tickets cost £5 each month paid straight by direct debit.

The PGM and Draw committee welcome and appreciate all your support.



Latest Draw takes place at Heneage RAM Installation

On Friday 13th December 2019, Bro Craig Maurier was installed into the Commanders chair of Heaneage RAM. R.W.Bro. Gordon Walkerley Smith, representing the R.W. PGM, commended several of the brethren on the manner in which they installed Bro Maurier. 

Drawn at

Heneage RAM Installation






WBro A Carr




Prize Tally:



Ticket No.





£              200.00


S Roberts




£              150.00


M Robinson

St Swithuns



£              125.00


I Slapp

White Stone



£              100.00


G Newstead

St Wilfreds



£                 75.00


P Hooper

St Wulframs



£                 50.00


G Simmons



Updated RAM Tracing Board

At the recent RAM Grand Assembly which was held at Great Queen Street, the MW Pro Grand Master unveiled an updated RAM tracing board which has been hand painted by a Royal Ark Mariner from Essex.
The intention is to digitise the new board with copies being available to Lodges in the near future.

Royal Ark Mariner Annual Assembly 10 December 2019
Pro Grand Master’s Address

Brethren, it is a once again a great privilege, delight and pleasure to have the honour to preside at today’s meeting, to welcome so many to this Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners and supporting this delightful order in our Masonry.

Before proceeding further it is my duty to bring you fraternal good wishes from our Most Worshipful Grand Master. He is unable to be with us today but Brethren I am able to tell you that he has recovered well from a recent operation. It is likely we will have him present on several occasions next year and in particular we hope his busy schedule will permit him to be involved in the Keystone Conference next September when our Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons will be hosting other Mark Grand Lodges from across the world.

This annual meeting of our Order is important, but to more than 130 Brethren who have received appointments to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank, most of whom have been invested today, it marks a most significant milestone in their masonic life. They have shown their dedication to Masonry in general and to this Royal Ark Mariner degree in particular, and have succeeded in extending their Masonic knowledge so successfully to have warranted their appointment to Grand Rank. Congratulations to all of you and it has indeed been my great pleasure and privilege to have invested you today.

All of you who have received preferment should rightly be proud of your achievement and here in this Grand Assembly, in your Provinces and in your Lodges your appointment to this high office will rightly be recognised.

I hope, however, that having achieved such high office your dedication will not diminish but that you will continue with your commitment to this Order and will encourage others to follow in your footsteps.

During the last year this Order of Royal Ark Mariners has seen a drop in head count slightly above the average for all the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall. Such performance whilst disappointing is, I believe, within acceptable margins given the challenges facing Freemasonry at this present time. Memberships fared much better and were almost unchanged at the Masonic year end in August.

Recruitment and Retention initiatives, led by the Working Party, have been rolled out during the year creating important opportunities to attract and retain members.

A number of requests have in the last year or so been received by the Grand Secretary to make available a clearer image of the Royal Ark Mariner Tracing Board. In response to those requests, an artist has been commissioned to paint an updated version and I am delighted to unveil that to you today. Grand Director of Ceremonies would you please present the new Tracing Board.

Brethren, when you have had an opportunity to look closely at it, I am sure you will agree that this is a significant improvement on what we had before and I must thank W. Bro Paul Swinge from the Province of Essex for producing such fine work.

Brethren, the timing of this meeting is not great for many of you, we are well aware the late start causes difficulties with travel. This is due to the Connaught Rooms having a long-term commitment to a third party so are unable to accommodate us until this time of day. We are tentatively exploring other options which would enable us to meet and dine earlier. We hope to make an announcement about this very early in the New Year.Just over three months ago The Grand Secretary launched a new communications strategy focusing on creating an environment where recruitment and retention become less of a challenge and we grow our footprint by educating our members, and those who have not yet joined our Orders, what we are about.

Our vision will be to share best practice, promote growth and safeguard the future of our Orders by sustainable development through a fully integrated recruitment and reinvigoration programme. The strategy speaks of our core values of respect, friendship and care with a strong emphasis on inclusion, creating a sense of belonging and compassion and concern for others.

This will help us to achieve what our Grand Master set out in his Address last June – an enthusiastic membership organisation with a clear purpose and a commitment to supporting our local communities and those in need.

As we approach the Festive period let us adopt the simple word of ‘kindness’. Not just for the Festive period, but for all of next year and thereafter. Simple acts can make such a great difference in the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Tea and cake for a neighbour, help a neighbour with shopping, help your Lodge organise a party at your local Hospice or Care home. Start small, keep it simple but show kindness.

If nothing else from this meeting, on you way home, at breakfast tomorrow and then every day say the word ‘kindness’. Don’t just say the word but act upon it and let the office at Mark Masons’ Hall know of you actions so it can be reported on our social media platforms and thereby encourage others to do the same.

Many of you will have noticed our higher profile on social media recently. I understand that in July of this year 2,344 of our Twitter posts were being read. This had risen to 107,000 at the end of November and coupled with our weekly electronic newsletter ‘Freemasonry@86’ it demonstrates the positive outcome that this work is creating.

Let us show on our social media those acts of kindness I am asking you to undertake.

Two years ago I mentioned that because it is such a long period between the meetings of Mark Grand Lodge in September to the following one in March it was my intention to report on various matters that have happened. I intend to do that again this year.

During 2018 the Worthy Causes Committee of the Mark Benevolent Fund received 40 applications for grants approving 65% of those received totalling £933,024.

This year the Committee received 44 applications of which 80% were approved totalling £1,458,982.

Brethren, it is thanks to your generous donations that the Fund has been able to support more and more community based projects.

The Petitions Committee has received 48 requests for assistance from individuals in need and 81% of those applications have been approved totalling £94,791.

For the first time, this year we asked our Provinces to tell us how much they were giving to local charitable causes over and above the grants from the MBF. Brethren I am delighted to tell you that during the first half of 2019 £151,717 was given directly by Provinces to over 200 charities, the average grant being just over £5,000.It is now my pleasure to welcome on your behalf our distinguished visitors and members from our Districts overseas:

Firstly, I welcome Heads of our other Orders:

R.W. Bro. Paul Clement, the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master of the Great Priory of the United Religious Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple.

R.W. Bro. Kessick Jones, Grand Master of the Grand Council of the Order of Royal and Select Masters.

R.W. Bro. Thomas Jackson, Grand Master of the Grand Council of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees.

R.W. Bro. Ian Currans. Grand Summus of the Grand Senatus of the Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord.

R.W. Bro. Michael Herbert, Past Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master of the Grand Priory of the Knights Beneficent of the Holy City.

R.W. Bro. Sir Frederick Crawford, Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. Sir Fred, what a pleasure it was to have the privilege on behalf of our M.W. Grand Master to very recently present you with your certificate marking 60 years since being Advanced into the Mark. Thank you for all you have contributed over those 60 years.

R.W. Bro. David Williamson, Grand Chancellor of the Ancient and Accepted Rite and
Past Assistant Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.
W. Bro. Tony Llewellyn, Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicrutiana in Anglia.

Brethren, we welcome from overseas:
From Belgium: As usual a very large representation, 12 members led by R.W. Bro. Jean Verbist, the District Grand Master. A very warm welcome to you all.

From Brazil, delighted to welcome W. Bro. Jayme Barboza De Freitas Filho, the Assistant District Grand Master. Thank you for making the long flight to be here today From Germany: RW Bro Michael Cooper, District Grand Master, accompanied by seven members of the District, two of whom received Grand Rank today.

R.W. Bro. Michael Cooper has been the District Grand Master since November 2009, not only has he been an excellent and extremely hard-working leader of his District but he travels extensively to meetings across Europe, representing his District and also on many occasions representing Grand Lodge.

Bro. Grand Director of Ceremonies, would you please present R.W. Bro. Michael Cooper to me that I may, on behalf of our M.W. Grand Master thank him, R.W. Bro. Michael, not only do I wish to thank you before all those present for your loyal and dedicated service but on behalf of our M.W. Grand Master it is my honour and privilege to acknowledge your meritorious service to this Order of Royal Ark Mariner and to confer on you the rank designated the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council (Honoris Causa) and to present to you the jewel of that rank.Michael congratulations and thank you for all your support.

From Hong Kong: R.W. Bro. Herbert Tsoi, the District Grand Master, accompanied by three members of the District. I am very much looking forward to attending your Annual meeting in July next year.

From Singapore: R.W. Bro. Justice Rubin, the District Grand Master, accompanied by W. Bro. Yuen Tin Laurence Wong. A very warm welcome to you both.

From Spain: R.W. Bro. Barrie Mansell, the District Grand Master, accompanied by seven members of the District. I understand the Assistant Grand Master will be attending your annual meeting in January, please take great care of him.

From the Netherlands: R.W. Bro. Cornelis van Putten, District Grand Master, with four members of the District. A very warm welcome to you.

From Romania, our newest Inspectorate: Bros. Silviu Dascal and Florin Serban. Delighted to have both of you with us.

And two Most Worshipful Brethren that I am delighted to have with us today, our Past Pro Grand Masters: M.W. Bro. John Hale and M.W. Bro. Benjamin Addy.

M.W. Bro Richard Wallis is unable to be with us today but we wish him a speedy recovery from his recent minor accident.

We have present 42 of our Provincial and District Grand Masters, thank you all for your support and for the management, leadership and dedication you provide to our Provinces and Districts.

Brethren, always here and always supportive we have 16 Past Provincial and District Grand Masters spread about on the dais behind me. Brethren we will include them in your very warm welcome and appreciation of all those I have just introduced.

Brethren please show that appreciation.

Before I close this meeting I wish to thank the Grand Secretary and the team, both male and female, from Mark Masons’ Hall. Not just for their work preparing for today’s meeting but for their sterling service and dedication over the past year.

My thanks also go to the Grand Director of Ceremonies and the Deputies, both past and present for their work today and for all the support they have given to me, to the Deputy Grand Master and the Assistant Grand Master. On the many visits which takes a Grand Lodge team all over the country, the support of all the active Officers who show such dedication and commitment is very much appreciated.

Brethren it has been an enormous privilege, delight and pleasure to preside at this meeting of Grand Assembly. Thank you all for your presence and support, I shall end by once again congratulating all who received preferment today, On behalf of myself, the Deputy and the Assistant Grand Master we do wish you and all your families a very happy Festive Season, and may the coming year be a healthy, peaceful and enjoyable one for all of us, and may ‘kindness’ be the word we forever associate with this beautiful Order and Royal Ark Mariner masonry.

Thank you and may God bless you all.


Another Grand Day Out

Nineteen brethren travelled to Freemasons' Hall in London with the Provincial Grand Master for the RAM Grand Assembly, where they were delighted to see Worshipful Brothers Geoff Tuckett and Peter Dolby receive Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank.

The Assembly was attended by some 600 Brethren from across the country with the Pro Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Ray Smith presiding, in the absence of the Grand Master who is recovering from a recent operation.

Many congratulations to the recipients, including Worshipful Brother Mick Stocker who was unable to attend due to a long arranged holiday.

A great day of RAM fellowship - the Assembly is open to all subscribing Royal Ark Mariners, not just Grand Officers - why not consider joining the PGM and the other Lincolnshire Brethren next year ?


Royal & Select Masters, District Grand Master Present Cheque for Lincs Mark Benevolent Fund

The annual meeting of the North Midlands District in the Order of the Royal and Select Masters has just been held at the Masonic Rooms in Worksop with many Lincolnshire Mark members attending to support this further Progressive Order and the District Grand Master, Rt. Illustrious Companion Neil Hartburn.

The District which covers both Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Craft areas has eight Councils split between the two Provinces.

It was particularly a special day for our PGM, R.W. Bro,. Stephen Hallberg with him being appointed and Installed as the District Grand Lecturer - further to which he was then called up by the District Grand Master who took the opportunity to present him with a cheque for £400 for the Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund in recognition of the commitment shown by our Provincial Grand Master and the Mark Province of Lincolnshire to charity in general, following the recent donations by the Province and especially after the floods in our Province.

Our Provincial Grand Master received the cheque with gratitude and grateful thanks for the gesture - a great illustration of Freemasons working together across borders for the benefit of those in need and distress.


Ask A Busy Man

They say if you want something doing, ask a busy man.

Well that was certainly the case at the Installation meeting of the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers Lodge no.1910 when our Deputy Provincial Grand Master was Installed as the Master of the Lodge.

An excellent meeting, with 48 brethren being in attendance at Alford was enhanced by a happy and convivial festive board with 20 of the Ladies joining the Brethren following an entertaining  talk by Hannah Dale of Wrendale Designs.

Our DPGM was installed into the chair in an exemplary manner by W. Bro. John Winter and then proceeded to invest his Officers for the year in his inimitable way, including our APGM, W. Bro Jack Geelhoed as his Registrar of Marks, W. Bro Les Darby as DC and W. Bro. Phillip Anyan as Senior Warden - many congratulations to all those who were invested as Officers in this prestigious Lodge.
Quite simply, a super evening in every way.

If you are a Provincial Officer and not yet a member of the Lodge but would like to join, please contact the Provincial Secretary for details etc.



Travelling Gavel

The 'Travelling Gavel' has moved on again, and another great evening was to be had when brethren of the St Matthew Lodge MMM 1239 made the journey to John O Gaunt Lodge MMM No 172 to claim the Travelling Gavel for their lodge.
W Bro, P.W. Spicksley representing St Matthew Lodge MMM No1239, receives The Travelling Gavel from Worshipful S.J. Riding, Worshipful Master of John O Gaunt Lodge MMM No172, at their regular meeting on Monday 18th November. 

PGM Dedicates new collar at Spurn & Humber Lodge MMM

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master was pleased to dedicate a new Master's collar at the Spurn and Humber Lodge meeting on Tuesday 12th November 2019. R.W. Bro Stephen Hallberg had donated the collar to the lodge to mark the 25th anniversary of his advancement into the lodge. R.W. Bro Gordon Walkerley Smith, who was the PGM at the time of the 50th anniversary, was also at this very special meeting which was attended by the team of Provincial Officers for the year. The evening was rounded off by a very convivial festive board heartily enjoy by the brethren who attended.

Left to right: W.Bro Ron Harrison, DPGM, W.Bro. Keith Robinson, ProvDC, R.W.Bro Stephen Hallberg, PGM, W.Bro Nigel Winn,  Master, W.Bro. Geoff Tuckett, ProvGChaplain, W.Bro Jack Geelhoed, APGM.


Sutcliffe Lodge MMM Installation

On Friday 8th November 2019, W.Bro Colin Hill was proud to take the chair of Adoniram in the Sutcliffe Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 188. On this ocassion Rt.W.Bro Gordon Walkerley Smith represented the Rt.W. Provincial Grand Master, and was pleased to remark at the Festive Board, what an enjoyable evening it had been, and congratulated the new Worshipful Master on attaining the chair, and the Installing Master, W.Bro Craig Maurier on the way in which he installed his successor.

Left to right: W.Bro Tolson (Chaplain), Bro Staley (SW), W.Bro Hill (WM), W.Bro Maurier (IPM), Bro Hewitt (JW).


 Mark Master Masons donate £141,000 to Lifelites

Archie Torrance (centre), Mark Benevolent Fund Trustee, presenting the cheque to Lifelites Chief Executive Simone Enefer-Doy alongside (l to r) Bryan Giddings, Lifelites, Daniel Brand, Lifelites, Darren Coleman-Heald, Mark Benevolent Fund, and Caroline Jellyman, Lifelites

Full details can be found on the Freemasonry Today website - click HERE.


Team Visit to the Haven Lodge MMM - 25th Anniversary

R.W. Bro. Stephen Hallberg was pleased to lead his team on a visit to the Haven Lodge MMM at Cleethorpes on Friday 4th October to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the lodge.

The Provincial Grand Master also dedicated three Quarrymen Aprons, donated to the lodge by the secretary W.Bro. Mick Boulton. It was a busy evening, as brethren travelled from all over the province to see the ceremony and welcome Bro Wayne Hill, the newest advancee in the province, through his ceremony of advancement into this happy order.


WM Mark Doughty. SW Michael Stylianou. JW Steve Sykes. Founders; John English, Arthur Baxter and Brian McDonough. SD Leigh Holton. JD Simon Dixon and the Candidate, Wayne Hill. The latter are wearing Quarrymen aprons donated to the Lodge by Mick Boulton to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Haven Lodge. Two other founders, V.W. Bro Roy Eaton, who provided the inspiration for the name of the lodge, and  V. W. Bro John Board were present. R.W.Bro Gordon Walkerley Smith, who was the PGM at the time, and consecrating officer, was also in attendance on this special occasion.

Lincs MMM Draw

Drawn at St Swithuns MMM installation festive board On 26/09/2019 by WBro A Carr and WM / WBro M Robinson

                 Amount Ticket No.   Name                     Lodge
First           £ 200     215            George Young        White Stone
Second      £ 150     22              Shaun Dickson       Alexandra
Third         £ 125        5              Conor Burke          John O Gaunt
Fourth       £ 100     296             David Harness       St Swithuns
Fifth          £ 75       218             Chris Rimington     St Oswald
Sixth         £ 50       162             John Moulson        Sutcliffe


 Travelling Gavel

The Traveling Gavel currently resides at:

John O'Gaunt Lodge MMM No:172

Meeting in Gainsborough on Third Monday, November, January, April (I), September.

Contact the lodge secretary, Martin Levick toget booked in.

Get your brethren together and claim it for yourselves. A great night is always on the cards when you have the gavel at your Masonic centre. 

Leonard Anderson Lodge of IMM, No. 1412


Photograph shows W. Bro. Colin Brader, newly installed WM, presenting a cheque for £100 to Margaret Clarke following her talk to the Ladies who attended the Installation meeting on Wednesday, 11 September at Alford. Looking on is W. Bro. Fred Clarke, a Past Master of the Lodge.

The donation is for the Katie Clarke Memorial Fund, in memory of their daughter. 

All proceeds donated go towards children’s Brain Tumour research in Nottingham University and Queens Medical Centre. Fred and Margaret have raised £105 000, substantial amounts having been raised from charity golf days, where Margaret’s free cakes and scones have become infamous amongst the golfing community! 

Photograph by W. Bro, Ray Wade the IPM.


The PGM congratulates V W Bro Derek Bontoft  PGJO on his appointment

to the Provincial Team as Provincial Grand Lecture Master.

The PGM attended the Sutcliffe Lodge No 188 with a Provincial Team on 13th September 2019, and appointed V W Bro Bontoft PGJO as Provincial Grand Lecture Master.
This new role has been created  to assist the PGM and his team in delivering  success in recruitment, retention and re-invigoration initiatives and running awareness evenings to promote the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees. Derek has educated many of us, over many years,  with interesting and thought provoking Talks on the Mark/ RAM  and several other Orders. His past life as a Head Master qualifies him uniquely for taking on this challenge to grow our wonderful Mark & Royal Ark Mariner degrees, and we all wish him well for a happy and successful time in office.
Immediately following this appointment the PGM called forward W Bro Craig Maurier PrAsstSec  and conferred on  him a field promotion to PPrGInspWks in recognition of his outstanding work and contribution to the Province as Assistant Secretary,  among such tasks  he had created, and regularly maintains and updates our website. He has also been responsible for printing our PGL Summons, charts and many other tasks. The PGM commented the Province is lucky to have such a talent in the team.

The PGM also took the opportunity to remind the brethren of heartfelt items from his provincial address in March which included a reminder of what he said about charity:

"On this subject  I must emphasise  the work of the MBF did not stop at midnight on 7th July 2018. We must keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us . To that end I ask you all and Charity Stewards in particular   to  continue to use the MBF gift aid envelopes in our Mark and Ark Lodges  using the MMM2106 suffix on the form.

You will continue to be eligible for Mark honorifics  and ensure your donations go in to our Relief Chest  so Lincolnshire can afford to be generous to others in Festival over the coming years. I look forward as your PGM to presenting cheques to those in Festival as others have done so generously to us. As tangible evidence  of the MBF’s work  one of their projects in the last few years has been to  replace over  50  St John ambulances  across the country costing approximately £3.2m."

The next Team Visit will be to the Haven Lodge MMM in Cleethorpes on Friday 4th October 2019. A warm welcome is extended to all Mark Master Masons to attend and enjoy not only the meeting and festive board, but to take part in the splendour of a Team Visit.


Another 'Grand Day Out'

Several brethren from our province attended the Septmber meeting at Grand Lodge.

These days are a 'grand day out' and all members are entitled and encouraged to attend.


Magnificent Sum Raised for MBF Festival 2019

The 2019 MBF Sussex Festival which was held in Brighton, raised a grand total of £1,352,563, and was well supported by Lincolnshire Mark Masons.

As you can see below, after the official proceedings, our PGM had great fun on the dodgems.

 Latest Winners of the Draw

Can be found by clicking HERE


Lincolnshire Freemasons donate £75,000 to flood victims in Wainfleet

21st June, 2019

A donation of £75,000 from Lincolnshire’s Freemasons has given a welcome early boost to a relief fund set up in readiness for the rebuilding of homes in and around Wainfleet after the floods.

And in a surprise presentation to Mark PGM Stephen Hallberg, the Mark Masons of Cumberland and Westmorland added a further £2,000 to the pot, taking the donation to £77,000.

The fund has been set up by the Lincolnshire Community Foundation, which is bringing together fundraising efforts behind the long-term recovery plan which will swing into action once the floodwaters have receded.

Already there have been about 500 people from a number of agencies working around the clock to provide an emergency response to the incident, which has forced the evacuation of almost 300 homes.

But it’s the recovery phase that will take time, and that’s where the Freemasons’ donation will be directed. Provincial Grand Master Dave Wheeler said: “To see anyone driven from their home by flooding is heartbreaking, especially when it’s in your own community.

“The emergency response to the incident has been extremely effective through the days after the torrential rainfall followed by the breach of the banks of the River Steeping, but that is only part of the story. The recovery phase will be long, and will take considerable effort.

“I’m pleased that we have been able to move so quickly in making this donation of £75,000. It underlines that Lincolnshire Freemasons are determined to help put the heart back into this part of Lincolnshire, and we have every confidence that the Lincolnshire Community Foundation will make sure the money is used effectively in making that happen.”

The donation is made up of three Masonic grants of £25,000 each, from The Province of Lincolnshire, the Mark Benevolent Fund, and the Masonic Charitable Foundation. The latter two are national charities subscribed to by Freemasons all over the country, including those in Lincolnshire.

James Murphy, Joint CEO of the Lincolnshire Community Foundation, said: “There are lots of people for whom properties in Wainfleet are their ‘forever home’. We shall be doing what we can to return things to normal for this community. It’s when something like this happens that you find out how good a community is, and Wainfleet’s is particularly strong.

‘The Lincolnshire Community Foundation is working in partnership with the Recovery Coordinating Group to raise funds and support Wainfleet and the surrounding area. Money donated will help to relieve hardship, complete repairs, make good loss or damage, help to prevent the flooding happening again, and to improve the response in the event that it ever does. 100% of donations will be spent in and around Wainfleet,” he added.

To donate online, please go to the Total Giving page at this link.

Here is the article on the Craft website


Grand Mark Lodge Annual Investiture

Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London

1.00pm Tuesday 11 June 2019

The annual coach trip to London set off at 7.30am in the pouring rain but this did not dampen the spirits of the 21 Mark Master Masons on board or spoil this splendid occasion which has traditionally been arranged to support those receiving their first Grand Rank appointments. Sadly two others who should have been on the coach had to withdraw at the last minute.

After a short stop in Baldock for bacon butties, the coach arrived in sunshine at Grand Lodge bang on 12.00h - the planned time of arrival!

A superb day was enjoyed by all, evidenced by the happy faces seen on the attached photograph taken on the return to Baldock for the festive board.

All involved expressed their wish to repeat the same next year.


A Grand Day Out

Tuesday the 11th June saw yet another memorable ' Mark day' with approximately 55 brethren from Lincolnshire attending the annual Investiture meeting of Mark Grand Lodge at Freemasons' Hall in London.
The meeting was presided over by our Most Worshipful Grand Master, his Royal Highness, Prince Michael of Kent with the Temple being completely 'sold out' and overflowing with Brethren from all over the country.
On this occasion, our very own W. Bro Tim Bird and W. Bro. Colin Fox were both invested with the well deserved ranks of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies - Many congratulations to them on the honours conferred.
The Lincolnshire brethren had made their way to London in various ways with a good number of our Brethren taking the opportunity to travel down on the bus arranged by W. Bro. Wade.
A stop on the way down for refreshment was followed by a further stop on the way home for a celebration meal at Baldock -  details regarding future trips may be obtained by contacting W. Bro. Wade or the Provincial Grand Secretary.
Those who had used the train dined at the Connaught Rooms when again the Most Worshipful Grand Master was in attendance along with 980 brethren.
It was particularly pleasing to see our Provincial Grand Master and his predecessor. R.W. Bro. Trevor Walker in attendance and both processing in to the Grand temple with the associated pomp and ceremony.
Brethren are reminded that the meetings of Grand Lodge are not only for Grand Officers but are open to everybody who is a subscribing Mark Master Mason. If you have never been before, you are encouraged to do so and experience the unique fellowship of these meetings.
Following on from the decision last year to separate the first appointments and the promotions, the next meeting of Grand Lodge will be on Tuesday the 10th September, at which W. Bro. Nev Storey, our past DPGM will be promoted to P.G.S.O, W. Bro. Dave Robson will be promoted to P.G.S.D, W. Bro. Arthur Baxter will be promoted to P.G.J.D and W Bro Philip Anyan to PGJD.
The promotions have all been made for their unstinting continued hard work and commitment to the Mark Degree in Lincolnshire and it is hoped that many Brethren will take the opportunity to attend the meeting to support them.


Send your answers to


GRIMSBY-  17th MAY 2019


Brethren I  welcomed you all to our 12th  Lincolnshire Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Assembly at the start of tonight’s proceedings -and  make no apology for doing so again.
 I thank you for your support and I trust you and your ladies will enjoy your visit to Grimsby- not incidentally as advertised  in the Blue Book - due to an  oversight - and nothing to do with me living just 3  minutes down the road ! and no fault of  our hard working Provincial Secretary.
However I can tell you that in an effort to make attendance more easy and fairer for everyone we will be altering the normal format as an experiment next year to hold this meeting in Skegness on the first Saturday in June- 11.30(am)  start to then have our Assembly followed by lunch with our wives and partners. Therefore travelling will be by daylight and hopefully no-one has more than an hour  or so to drive to get there . There will be no more clashes with other Masonic meetings and hopefully attendances will continue to grow so we can enjoy seeing our fellow Ark Mariners receive their Provincial  honours. I can tell you  it  is exactly because of clashes our APGM Jack Geelhoed is not with us- he is representing Lincolnshire in Oxfordshire  today at the Installation of another PGM. Nothing meets on the first Saturday in June so far as I know and should prove a popular date in your busy diaries.
As always  I do wish to record my thanks to those Brethren who have worked so hard    to make this evening possible . I especially thank  W. Bro. Steve Roberts  our  Provincial Grand Secretary and W. Bro. Keith Robinson   our  Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. Included in those thanks is our gratitude to all the staff  at Grimsby for the local arrangements, and accommodating us at fairly short notice when we thought  we had a major problem.
12 years ago at our first Annual Assembly Trevor Walker   was pleased to dedicate the travelling Sceptre. Over the last 12 years the S ceptre has travelled  the length and breadth of  the Province. I am so pleased that it has moved around and encouraged visits between our Lodges. Visiting, entertaining and welcoming Brethren to our Lodges is at the heart of Freemasonry. Especially in the Mark and Ark . Those seeking to claim the Sceptre  makes for some very happy meetings and long may the Sceptre continue to travel bringing joy wherever it goes. I was very pleased to receive the Sceptre tonight from  the St Wilfrid’s Lodge in Alford  and promise to pass it back before  the end of the meeting with the hope it will continue to travel round the province and inspire our members to visit other Lodges.
I was most grateful to  see  the Commanders of the Lodges enter  Provincial Grand Lodge at Lincoln on 23rd March . It is a wonderful dash of colour into the Mark proceedings to see the Commanders parade into Provincial Grand Lodge. 
The main purpose  of  this evening’s Assembly of course   is  to invest worthy brethren with R.A.M.Provincial Grand Rank ,  and it is a privilege for me to have  invested  those most deserving recipients.
 It is an appreciation for their service to the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and I hope they will enjoy their new rank. I congratulate them and also hope they will endeavour to inspire others to greater efforts .  I especially hope they will look to encourage other Mark Masons who are not yet Ark Mariners to consider joining this beautiful  Order.
Some of you may not appreciate the constraints we have to work within when offering R.A.M. Prov. Grand Rank. We get 2 appointments for every 3 RAM Lodges. As you know we have 18 Lodges – divide by 3 = 6 multiply by 2 = 12. That is the number invested tonight but although 2 RAM Lodges are Installed Commanders,  that still  leaves 16 therefore 4 Lodges potentially will miss out every year and that is regrettable for me but ensures we only choose the best of the best. Many years ago you sensibly joined our wonderful Mark degree and became 1 in 4.  Sometime after that you made another good choice by becoming Royal Ark Mariners- you then became 1 in 8! That means there are 7 Craft Masons for every one of us who is yet to appreciate the depth and meaning of our ceremonies. 
I will give you  nine  reasons why I think this Order is so very special :-
1)Exclusivity- Membership of our unique and independent Fraternity is restricted to Brethren who are already Mark Master Masons. It is the only Order in Freemasonry requiring membership of the Mark alone
2)Beauty- The R.A.M. Degree is regarded as the ‘beautiful Degree’ and is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring to be found in Masonry. It teaches many interesting and valuable lessons and contains some of the most beautiful ritual in all Masonry. The regalia worn is amongst the most colourful being symbolically composed of the colours of the rainbow.
3)Fellowship-  There is a very different feel about our Order which is difficult to explain. A very real bond of fellowship exists – particularly shown during the Installation ceremony.
4)Antiquity-The Degree takes its rise from the story of Noah and the great flood, one of the oldest biblical stories. However traces of this Degree can be found in Craft workings going back well over 300 years.
5)Connectivity-Every R.A.M. Lodge is moored to a Mark Lodge and bears the same number (but  not necessarily of course the same name). The core messages of the Mark and Ark beautifully compliment each other.
6)Meaning-In the Mark we learn the value of doing what we know to be ‘right’ and staying on a righteous path when others do not appreciate our actions. The R.A.M. builds on this by demonstrating the strength to be found as part of a family or group ( or Lodge) working together to do  what is ‘right’ in the face of great adversity. Both Mark and Ark Masonry teach the message that virtue has its own reward. It develops the keynote of Initiation: the making of a new beginning or the adoption of a fresh outlook on life.
7)Esteem-As a reflection of the esteem the Order is held executive officers in Mark Grand Lodge must be Royal Ark Mariners and Installed Commanders. We are governed by the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council.
8)Daily advancement- Elevation to an Ark Mariner represents another step in our  constant journey of Masonic discovery and knowledge.
9)Progression- Membership is an important consideration for appointment to senior positions in the Province. Without being a member for example it would be impossible for an active Mark officer to fully enjoy all team visits as roughly one third are to R.A.M. Lodges.
So far as our Province  is concerned I am obviously keen to see the maintenance  and improvements,  if possible of  standards. Not everyone can learn ritual (well). I am fast becoming one myself! However care and thought should be applied to help those individuals who struggle without destroying the fabric of our ceremonies. The explanation of the 9 steps for example should be delegated to a Brother who will explain them well as opposed to a SW going through the motions and making a less than acceptable job of it. Likewise I am concerned about the prevalence of absentee officers and too many resignations- I will be doing something personally regarding the latter in particular.
Brethren I have referred to our ladies and they await the entertainment of the evening in the form of  V W Bro Derek Bontoft
- I’ve heard a version of what he has to talk about and found it enjoyable and fascinating in equal measure . I again thank you as always for your support, fellowship and friendship which means so much to me. 
Enjoy the remainder evening and I look forward to seeing you in your Royal Ark Mariner Lodges during the Masonic year ahead. 
May the Supreme Commander Bless you All 
Thank you  - for allowing me to be your Provincial Grand Master.

Travelling Sceptre quickly moves on from St Wilfrid's RAM

The Travelling Sceptre didn't get chance to get comfortable at St Wilfrid's RAM, as it was claimed from St Wilfrid's by St Mary's soon after they had claimed it from St Mary's.

There were eight visiting brethren from St Mary's Lodge. The worshipful commander of St Wilfird's can been seen in the above picture presenting the Travelling Sceptre to Bro Dave Hudson the Senior Warden of St Mary's Lodge.

Why not organise a raiding party from your lodge and claim the sceptre for yourselves?


RAM Provincial Grand Assemby


The RAM Provincial Grand Assemby, presided over by the Provincial Grand Master was held on Friday the 17th May at Grimsby with a total of 110 brethren and their Ladies attending.
The Provincial Grand Master who was presiding for the first time since his Installation was particularly pleased to invest the 12 recipients of RAM Provincial Grand Rank and warmly congratulated them all on the work that they had undertaken to achieve the honour bestowed.
Following conclusion of the business, the Assemby was closed and the Ladies were then invited into the Lodge room to hear a very informative and engaging talk by V.W. Bro. Derek Bontoft entitled 'Let us now praise famous men' which was enjoyed by all present.
The evening was concluded with an excellent and convivial Festive board.
Please note that next year, the Assembly will be held on SATURDAY 6th JUNE 2020 AT SKEGNESS.
The change of day and date has been instigated to avoid clashes with any other Lodges which may be taking place on the same day and it is hoped that the brethren will support the change and swell the numbers.

Travelling Sceptre moves on

On Thursday 9th May 2019 the St Wilfred’s lodge RAM 209 claimed the traveling sceptre from the St Mary lodge RAM 326.
It was also the Installation meeting and they were pleased to welcome visitors from St Wilfred's, pictured below.
The new Worshipful Commander of St Mary Lodge, W Bro John Moore, was please the hand over the Sceptre to St Wilfred's very own uncle Albert.

Grand Master's Lodges of Instruction 

Our Provincial Grand Master continued with his hectic schedule since being installed when he recently led a delegation of the Lincolnshire Brethren to York to witness a demonstration of both the Ceremonies of Mark Advancement and RAM Elevation by the Grand Master's Lodges of Instruction at their annual Festival, which this year was being hosted by the Mark Province of North and East Yorkshire.

The Demonstrations were carried out at the Ebor suite of York Racecourse with some 160 Brethren in attendance from all over the country including 12 brethren from Lincolnshire with both ceremonies being undertaken in a superb and exemplary manner by the Lodge members and were a real treat to witness. A very enjoyable Festive Board followed to complete another happy day of Mark Masonry.

NB - The Grand Master's Lodges of Instruction meet at Mark Masons' Hall, fortnightly and although the majority of it's members reside in London and the Home Counties, they are open to membership of all Mark Masons and Royal Ark Mariners wherever they reside in the country.

Please contact the Provincial Secretary should you require further details.

St Mary RAM 326 claim the Traveling Sceptre

Twelve brethren from St Mary RAM 326 visited Trent RAM 172 on Wednesday 17th April 2019 and claimed the travelling sceptre, which had  only recently been claimed  by Trent RAM.

 Provincial Team meeting

The recent meeting of the Mercia Lodge MMM no. 1240 was the occasion for the latest 'Provincial Team meeting' under the direction of our new Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Stephen Hallberg with some 56 Brethren attending and enjoying another happy and memorable evening of Mark Masonry with the PGM being accompanied by his Deputy PGM and Assistant PGM and escorted by a delegation of his Provincial Officers.
Under the leadership of the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. David Dorey, an excellent ceremony of Advancement was carried out by the Officers of the Lodge with Bro. Scott Laird being welcomed into the Mercia Lodge as the latest member of the Mark degree in our Province.
The evening was also further enhanced by the presentation of a 60th year certificate to W. Bro. Bryan Robinson, MBE, by the Provincial Grand Master (yes, you read it right - a 60th).
W. Bro. Bryan was initially advanced into the Mark degree on the 24th March 1959 in Urania Lodge no. 326 at Louth which then allowed him to set up and become a founder member of Mercia Lodge in his home town of Spalding on the 18th November 1959.
Typical of Brian was that he used to travel to Louth on his motorbike, padded out with newspaper to keep out the cold - dedication !
The Provincial Grand Master paid tribute to this remarkable Mark Mason, praising his unstinting diligence and commitment, not only to Freemasonry but also to his service to the local community for which he was honoured by being awarded the MBE in 2016 - quite simply an example to each and every one of us and we wish both Brian and Scott many more good years of health and happiness as Mark Masons.



Grand Rank Appointments & Promotions

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master is delighted to announce that the following Brethren of our Province will receive preferment at Grand Lodge this year;
1st Appointment (to be conferred at the meeting of Grand Lodge on Tuesday  the 11th June)
W. Bro. Colin Fox to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies;
W. Bro Tim Bird to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies.;
Promotion (to be conferred at the meeting of Grand Lodge on Tuesday the 10th  September)
W. Bro. Neville Storey to Past Grand Junior Overseer (becomes Very Worshipful)
W. Bro. Dave Robson to Past Grand Senior Deacon;
W. Bro. Arthur Baxter to Past Grand Junior Deacon.
The promotions have all been made for their unstinting continued hard work and commitment to the Mark Degree in Lincolnshire and it is hoped that many Brethren will take the opportunity to attend one or both of these meetings to support them.

Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master is delighted to announce that the following Brethren of our Province will receive preferment to Royal Ark Mariner Provincial Grand Rank at the forthcoming RAM Assembly which is to take place

W. Bro. Anthony R. Marston         St. Wilfrid's Lodge no. 209

W. Bro. Ian G. Gilliatt                     St. Mary Lodge no. 326

W. Bro. Terence D. Walton             St. Oswald Lodge no. 387

W. Bro. Paul J. Diggins                   St. Deny's Lodge no. 427

W. Bro. Peter Needham                 St. Swithun's Lodge no. 445

W. Bro. Simon H. Butler                 St. Wulfram's Lodge no. 916

W. Bro.  Andrew Black                   St. Wulfram's Lodge no. 916

W. Bro. Anthony Brockbanks         Earl of Scarbrough Lodge no. 1032

W. Bro. Barry C. Harriman              St. Guthlac Lodge no. 1122

W. Bro. Richard A. Garn                  Mercia Lodge no. 1240

W. Bro. Jeffrey H. Stephenson        Bayons Lodge no. 1365

W. Bro. Robert J. Stevens                The Haven Lodge no. 1732

#Ladies and partners are cordially invited to attend the evening and will be invited into the Lodge room after we have conducted the Masonic business of the evening to hear a talk by Very Worshipful Brother Derek Bontoft  -  'Let us now praise famous men'
All Royal Ark Mariners, regardless of rank are able to attend the Assembly and it is hoped that the Provincial Grand Master and the appointees will receive the support of the Royal Ark Mariners of Lincolnshire on this special occasion.

Grand Mark Lodge Annual Investiture
Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London

1.00pm Tuesday 11 June 2019

All Mark Master Masons may attend, and those who have never been to Grand Lodge are particularly encouraged to attend this splendid occasion which has traditionally been arranged to celebrate those receiving their first Grand Rank appointments at a festive board in Baldock.



07.15hrs Depart Eastgate Car Park, Sleaford, (behind The Mallards, NG34 7DJ)
08.00hrs Arrive Asda Supermarket, Union St., Grantham, NG31 6NZ
08.45hrs Arrive Premier Inn, Norman Cross, Peterborough, PE7 3TB
09.30hrs Arrive ‘The Templars Hotel and Carvery’, Baldock, for ‘Bacon butties’
10.15hrs Coach leaves for London
12.00hrs Arrive Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London


16.15hrs Leave Freemasons’ Hall
18.00hrs Arrive ‘The Templars Hotel and Carvery’, Baldock, for evening meal
19.45hrs Leave Baldock
20.45hrs Arrive Norman Cross
21.30hrs Arrive Grantham
22.00hrs Arrive Sleaford

(Note: Times approximate only)


The cost depends on numbers travelling on the coach; with a full 29-seater coach this would be approx. £54; this includes travel, bacon buttie/coffee or tea on outward journey and a 3-course evening meal on the return journey (excluding drinks).

R. Wade, Esq.
15 Westwood,
N. Lincs.,
DN20 0AU

Tel. No.: 01652 652592; e-mail:



The Installation meeting of The Earl of Scarbrough Lodge No1032 of Royal Ark Mariners (RAM), was held on 27 March 2019, at the Skegness Masonic Centre.

The Lodge was honoured by the presence of R.W.Bro. Gordon Walkerley-Smith as the personal representative of the PGM (R.W.Bro Stephen Hallberg). After a very successful meeting all RAM brethren joined their partners and retired to the ‘White Table’ festivities, which had been opened up to all Mark Master Masons and their partners with a view to giving them a greater understanding of the Order with the hope that they may make further enquiries and ultimately make an approach to join.

Subsequently at the very convivial Festive Board, of some 74 diners, a raffle was organised to raise funds for the local RNLI, which was very well supported. The newly installed Worshipful Commander (W.Bro Norman Rollitt) was pleased to present W.Bro Alan Fisher, in his capacity as Skegness Lifeboat Operations Manager, with the proceeds of the raffle some £275.

W.Bro Norman Rollitt (Right) presenting W.Bro Alan Fisher with the proceeds of the raffle.

“The Degree of Royal Ark Mariner is worked in Royal Ark Mariner Lodges, but such Lodges are, and must be, attached (“moored”) to a Mark Master Masons Lodge.”

Any MMM interested in this most rewarding degree can find more information at:

 St John’s Ambulance Dedication at St Mary & St Nicolas Church Spalding

Sunday the 31st March proved to be yet another day to remember for the Mark Masonic Province of Lincolnshire with the official handover and blessing of the Treatment centre vehicle which has been donated by the Mark Benevolent Fund for use by the volunteers of the St. John Ambulance in Lincolnshire who provide such a valuable community service to the people of the County.

The handover took place at the Parish church of St. Mary and St. Nicholas in Spalding following a delightful service of Evensong and was attended by our Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Stephen Hallberg and his Assistant, W. Bro Jack Geehoed, along with a sizable contingent of Mark Master Masons and their wives, many of whom had travelled long distances to witness and share the occasion with Grand Lodge being represented by W. Bro. Dan Heath, one of our Assistant Grand Secretaries.

The Blessing of the vehicle was undertaken by the County Chaplain of the St John Ambulance following which our Provincial Grand Master ceremonially handed over the keys to the head of the Spalding St John Ambulance unit.

The treatment centre is one of 52 which have been donated by the MBF for use across the country, a donation of which the Mark Masons of Lincolnshire can be justly proud, having contributed to the fund so generously during our 2018 Festival.

 Team visit to St Wulfram's Lodge MMM

On Thursday 28th March 2019, The St. Wulfram’s Lodge of Mark Master Masons 916 in Grantham was honoured by the visit of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, the Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Worshipful Assistant Provincial Grand Master, other distinguished brethren and most of the Provincial team on their first Provincial visit following the recent installation of Right Worshipful Brother Steve Hallberg as PGM.

The visiting Provincial team witnessed the Installation of Bro. Steve Heath into the Master’s chair, which was undertaken with great proficiency and sincerity by the Installing Master, W. Bro. Peter Chandler. During the Lodge meeting, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master kindly agreed to make a presentation, on behalf of the Lodge, to the retiring Secretary, W. Bro. David Burnett, to thank him for 18 years of service to the Lodge in that role.

Earlier in the meeting, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master had informed the brethren that the date of the meeting was very meaningful to him and the Lodge as it was 12 years earlier, on 28th March 2007 that he was present at Grantham for the Installation of the Past Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Reverend Trevor John Walker.





Memories of a Wonderful Day at PGL and Installation of new PGM


Congratulations to 4 brethren from St Oswald's Lodge MMM

St Oswald's MMM lodge at Provincial Mark Grand lodge on Saturday had four Brethren receiving Active Provincial Grand Rank: W.Bros. Phil Aitken David Metcalf Richard Brady Martin Cooper.

A Message from RW Bro Dave Wheeler, the Provincial Grand Master and Most Excellent Grand Superintendent

... who was one of the first to offer sincere congratulations to R.W. Bro Steve Hallberg on his being installed as Provincial Grand Master for the Mark Masonic Province of Lincolnshire.

You can read his message HERE.


Address to Provincial Grand Lodge by R.W.Bro. Stephen Charles Hallberg

Provincial Grand Lodge 23rd  March 2019.

Brethren- It is an enormous  privilege to be in this position and addressing  you today. At the outset, I pay tribute  to our immediate Past Provincial Grand Master ,  RW Bro Rev. Trevor Walker for leading us so magnificently for almost 12 years. I had the honour to serve under him for all but one of those 12 years and can state that so far as I am concerned our philosophy remains unaltered- that we continue to enjoy our happy and friendly Order to its fullest. If I learnt anything from Trevor, it was to have a good time enjoying the undoubted privileges that being a Mark and Ark Mariner  Mason brings. I cannot replicate his personality but I can carry on the legacy he has left us, and try to build on that .   I am confident our new Deputy and Assistant PGM’s will prove excellent choices and join with me in steering   our Mark Province to greater success. One thing I can guarantee is if the subject of a new Provincial Mark tie ever crops up -  I will be thinking long and hard about changing -I don’t have the luxury of a Priest’s collar to blame for not joining in with the rest of you!

I thank you all for attending and especially thank our distinguished guests for making many long journeys to join us today.  We certainly hope this will be just one of many visits to Lincolnshire. I also welcome all who are attending Provincial Grand Lodge for the first time. It is a pleasure for me to welcome newly Advanced Brethren into our happy Order and I hope this will be the first of many Provincial Grand Lodge meetings for them.

 Provincial Grand Lodge requires a tremendous amount of organisation , especially during  this past year with two major events  to plan,  administer  and deliver and I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial Grand Secretary Steve Roberts, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies  Keith Robinson and all  the other Provincial Officers involved  for their efforts too.  The Brethren of  today’s sponsoring  Lodge St.Oswald’s  Lodge , Scunthorpe,  and,  as always, the Lincoln Lodges have been busy setting up the rooms, transporting furniture,  and undertaking many  tasks.

Sadly V W Bro John Clements steps down as our Provincial Charity Steward after 25  years in the role. John I cannot comprehend how many gift aid envelopes have passed through your hands and how many  hours you and Pam have given up in dealing with our charitable giving. Thank you for making our LMBA Charity run so well for a quarter of a century, particularly culminating in the 2018 Festival .  We wish you and Pam our very best wishes for a long and peaceful retirement.

Taking over from V W Bro Clements is W Bro Mick Stocker and so  Nene Lodge can now boast three very eminent Brethren in the permanent Offices  in Provincial Grand Lodge- I know you  all work very well together. We also welcome W Bro Les Darby in to the fold as Provincial Almoner.  Regrettably  W Bro Malcolm Forrest  steps down after a decade of entertaining us with his wonderful music and we welcome W Bro Graham Steen who I know will delight us in similar fashion. All those I have invested today have been rewarded for services past, present and more especially future and I am confident you will all serve  me and the Province well over the coming months and years.

We also mark the retirement of W Bro Neville Storey as our Deputy PGM .  He has served our Province with distinction  for  many  years  since being made  Provincial Grand Senior  Warden in 2003, Provincial Director of Ceremonies in 2010,  and  serving the last two years as Deputy Provincial Grand Master .

This last year has been a happy year for the Lincolnshire Mark Degree. The 150th MBF Festival was held here on a red hot summer’s evening on 7th July last year. What a wonderful occasion that was with our Provincial Grand Master hosting the event and in good form. The staggering final total of £853,023 exceeded all  expectations and can make us all very proud of the contribution made by Lincolnshire- not forgetting the financial support given by other Provinces  particularly London  , East Anglia and our own Craft Province . I also thank once again, our Craft PGM Rt W Bro David Wheeler and his Festival Committee   for so ably steering  us to the end result . We thank each and every one of the contributors and I take the opportunity  to wish RW Bro Martin Wilson PGM of Sussex every good wish for the  151st MBF Festival to be held in Brighton on 6th July – (Sir,) we are  bringing a bus load to give you our support.

On this subject  I must emphasise  the work of the MBF did not stop at midnight on 7th July 2018. We must keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us . To that end I ask you all and Charity Stewards in particular   to  continue to use the MBF gift aid envelopes in our Mark and Ark Lodges  using the MMM2106 suffix on the form.

You will continue to be eligible for Mark honorifics  and ensure your donations go in to our Relief Chest  so Lincolnshire can afford to be generous to others in Festival over the coming years. I look forward as your PGM to presenting cheques to those in Festival as others have done so generously to us. As tangible evidence  of the MBF’s work  one of their projects in the last few years has been to  replace over  50  St John ambulances  across the country costing approximately £3.2 m.

I will be attending on your behalf a hand-over ceremony a week tomorrow -  31st March-  in Spalding.  It will be my first official engagement and I welcome as many of you as can make it to come along to St Mary & St Nicholas Church at 6.30pm, to show our support for both the MBF and St John’s ambulance service.

Linked to this charitable giving  is our Mark Prize Draw, necessarily  tweaked in its constitution after the Festival, and now administered by W Bro Andy Carr and his team - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. Not only does it distribute great   prizes , it gives us the ability   to fund both this Provincial Grand Lodge and use funds for Festival donations. Please do continue your support for this initiative which , thanks to the foresight of W Bro Mike Robinson when the Festival was launched  raised over £50,000 for the2018 Festival.

 Turning to Grand Mark Lodge- I wish to thank publicly W. Bro. Ray Wade for organising the annual coach trip to the Investiture meetings  in June- regrettably  he has been unable to gain enough support to run it again this year and for that I am very disappointed- hopefully it means more of you will join with me and  dine in the Connaught Rooms after the Grand Lodge meeting.  Over the past 12 years our support for the quarterly meetings has been excellent and I very much hope you will support me and continue in the same vein. The dates and  start times  are on the GLMMM website to enable trains to be booked in good time and cheaper rates, however I can tell you it is a 1pm start in June  . It will be good to have a strong contingent from Lincolnshire at each meeting and will also please the Pro Grand Master.

We are a very happy degree but  we must be a caring degree. To that end I encourage the work of the Lodge Almoners-  do assist your Lodge Almoner by telling him whenever you hear of a brother or his dependents  in need of assistance. Likewise I am  of the opinion we can and should do everything in our power to prevent resignations . I charge every proposer and seconder to work with the Almoner  and  others to encourage that Brother to reconsider his decision.  I note from the Registrar’s report that we suffered a larger than acceptable  reduction in the number of subscribing members. It is about 2.6% but any decline is to be regretted . If we take the extra time and effort both to prevent resignations and encourage membership things will surely improve?

However we  remain  a strong Mark Province - but we do need to ensure that we provide for the future.  First we must make sure our Craft Lodges are strong and attracting new members .


Secondly amongst the members of our Craft Lodges we must seek out men who will both enjoy and enhance our Mark Degree -they will then certainly bring in their friends.

For those Lodges who are presently finding difficulty in attracting candidates -  we will try to offer help and guidance on initiatives for recruitment being used successfully in various parts of the Province. I encourage all Lodges to consider helping  neighbouring  Lodges in need of support  by  reciprocal visiting by Lodges close to one another. Perhaps once each year get group  together and go along and support a neighbouring  Lodge, I’m sure they in turn will do likewise. It only takes one individual with a bit of effort  to make these things happen.  You should bear in mind that the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers’ Lodge  will willingly help Lodges by providing Officers at short notice or indeed put on  demonstration ceremonies to assist struggling Lodges. Contact the Provincial Secretariat for information if that appeals to you.

Visiting is at the heart of all  Masonry and especially so in the Mark degree. I was pleased to receive the Travelling gavel from W Bro Michael Drury  the  IPM  of John O’ Gaunt  Lodge, Gainsborough . The gavel has journeyed around Lincolnshire encouraging visiting between our Lodges. It really does work and  I encourage the Lodges to arrange raiding parties – if you aren’t successful - I guarantee you a super night out with some friendly banter and  competition . Please continue to chase the gavel and keep it moving – the  revised rules of man/ miles encourages even the smallest of Lodges to have a good chance of claiming and then reaping the benefit  of  a bumper attendance at your next meeting. Visit  our Provincial website to keep an eye on where the Gavel has moved. I thank you for the privilege of becoming your Provincial Grand Master and wish you every  happiness in our Mark Masonic  Order  for many years to come.

 May the Great Overseer of the Universe bless you All

- and Mark well.

Deputy PGM saves Grimsby man from the clutches of an escaped lion.

The brethren were reminded by the PGM during the installation of Deputy PGM W.Bro Ron Harrison that our DPGM had once saved a man from the clutches of an escaped lion. You can read the story HERE.


St John Ambulance Handover

Our recent 2018 Festival raised an astounding £853,023, an amount of which we as Lincolnshire Mark Masons should be justly proud. 
This donation, along with the money already in the fund and that collected since has been used by the MBF to fund a number of projects and schemes which assist both Freemasons and the general public, including a substantial donation to the 'Hope for Tomorrow' charity which provides mobile Chemo therapy units, one of which is now operating in Lincolnshire.
A further scheme initiated has been the funding to provide 52 new ambulances and mobile stations for the St John Ambulance across the country costing £3 million over 2 years, an organisation which provides invaluable assistance to the community including ourselves at our various meetings.
It is not often that we get the chance to see the fruits of our labour but please be advised that an ambulance is to be provided for the Lincolnshire Division of the St John Ambulance.
It is customary for the vehicles to be blessed by the St John County Chaplain along with an official handover and I therefore advise you that the handover of our vehicle will take place at the annual Service of the St John Ambulance at the church of their Chaplain in Spalding
The vehicle blessing/handover will be on 31 March 2019 at St Mary and St Nicholas Church, Spalding. PE11 2RA. The service will commence at 18.30 hrs and will last approximately 50 minutes and then we will go outside for the blessing and dedication.
This is a unique occasion and I would therefore be obliged if you could circulate the details of the handover to all  your members and request their support.
Not only is it a celebration of our efforts but it will also be one of the first occasions that our new PGM will be 'out and about' in his new Office and it is hoped that a substantial number of the Brethren of the Province will turn out.
To assist with the arrangements. Brethren who wish to attend, please let your Secretary know.

Sceptre goes to Gainsborough

A raiding party from the Trent Lodge of RAM managed to claim the Sceptre from St Oswald lodge of RAM on the 21st of March in Scunthorpe .

Gainsborough now have the Gavel, and the Sceptre, and all those who wish to visit and make a claim will be made most welcome. 


Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge, Neville Andrew Storey presents 50 year Certificate

Another great night of Mark Masonry at White Stone Lodge in Lincoln with some 57 brethren attending.


The occasion was the presentation of a 50th year certificate to W. Bro Brian Hunt by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge, Neville Andrew Storey  who took the opportunity to bring together brethren of the current active Provincial team for the last time before Provincial Grand Lodge takes place on the forthcoming Saturday.


Our DPGM in charge gave a brief overview of W. Bro. Brian' s Mark Masonic service  and thanked him for his commitment and contribution, both to the White Stone Lodge and also the Province of Lincolnshire.


W. Bro. Brian himself  was genuinely shocked at the presentation, being completely unaware that it was to take place and in turn thanked the Brethren for all their best wishes and kind thoughts..


The evening was rounded off by an excellent advancement ceremony of Bro Darren Sewell by the Worshipful Master and his Officers and the usual enjoyable and convivial festive board.

Travelling Screptre Moves On

On Wednesday 27th Fabuary, St Oswald RAM Lodge No 387 claimed the Travelling Sceptre from St Denys Lodge.
Eight Brethren travelled to Sleaford to claim the Sceptre. At the same time, eight Brethren from Trent RAM Lodge in Gainsborough also travelled to claim the Sceptre but St Oswalds won by virtue of superior mileage.
The travelling Sceptre was an inspiration the late W Bro Alan Birkett, a member of St Oswalds MMM and RAM as an incentive to encourage visiting to other Lodges and last night it proved how successful it was, St Denys had a total of twenty Visitors.
I am sure there will be an attempt by other RAM Lodges to reclaim the Sceptre at the next St Oswalds RAM lodge on 21st March.

Letter of thanks for Retirement Gift

31st. January, 2019.

 Dear Brethren,

 I should be very grateful if you would please convey to all the brethren of your lodge my sincerest thanks for the exceedingly generous cheque that was presented to me at the St. Wilfrid’s Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners Burns Night last Monday. When the Deputy Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Nev Storey rose to make the presentation I was taken completely by surprise and most unusually for me was lost for words. I am overwhelmed by this generosity and do thank you all.

 It has been a wonderful delight to be Provincial Grand Master for nearly twelve years. They have been very happy years and I have been so proud to be PGM of such a wonderful Province as ours in Lincolnshire. Through all these years I have been fortunate to have the support of my wife Lynne who has enjoyed visiting other Provinces and attending our gatherings when ladies have been invited. She was quite overwhelmed by the beautiful bouquet of flowers that I brought home to her on Monday and asks that you note her gratitude for such a lovely gift.

 The generous cheque will allow us to plan a trip together that will not also involve a Provincial visit so Lynne is very grateful for that as well! She does though join with me in her thanks for this great generosity.

I now ask you all to please fully support the Deputy in Charge over the next few weeks and then please enjoy the installation of W. Bro. Steve Hallberg as Provincial Grand Master in March. It will be a splendid meeting and I know with your support he will lead our happy degree in the Province of Lincolnshire to greater success in the future.

With my very best wishes,

 Yours most sincerely and fraternally,

Revd. Trevor John Walker  -  Provincial Grand Master

Superb Evening of Mark Fellowship

The St Wilfrid's Lodge of Royal Ark Mariner has just held  it's annual Burn's night following the  regular January meeting and an enjoyable and fraternal evening was held  with 88 Brethren attending, the Lodge being honoured by the Provincial Grand Master and the Provincial Grand Master designate who were further supported by the Deputy PGM, the Assistant PGM and the Past Deputy and Assistant also.
Having completed the necessary business, the brethren retired to the Festive board with the haggis being piped in by Bro Daniel Fleming who gave the address to the haggis and also the immortal memory.
The event has gone from strength to strength since it's inception in 2002 and is now firmly bedded in the RAM calendar of the Province.
As is now the custom , the Provincial Grand Master Designate. W Bro. Steve Hallberg. used the occasion to announce his Senior and Junior Wardens whom he will invest at Provincial Grand Lodge in the afternoon of March 23rd, these being W. Bro, Richard Garn, (Mercia 1240) and W. Bro. Andy Carr (White Stone 1203) respectively.
The Provincial Grand Lodge meeting will be preceded by the Installation of our Provincial Grand Master Designate in the morning and he further took the opportunity to announce that he will be especially delighted to  invest W. Bro. Ron Harrison as his Deputy and W. Bro. Jack Geelhoed as his Assistant, both of whom were present and received great acclaim from the Brethren attending.
Many thanks to W. Bro. Tim Bird and W. Bro David Richardson for all their efforts in arranging such a wonderful evening of Mark/RAM Masonry (not forgetting W. Bro. Robbie  Burns also).

Presentation to Rt. W. Bro. Trevor Walker 

The recent Burns night held by St Wilfrid's Lodge RAM at Alford proved to be a memorable night for a number of reasons.
The Burns celebration in itself was a superb evening of Mark fellowship at which the Provincial Grand Master Designate, W. Bro Steve Hallberg took the opportunity to announce his intended DPGM and his APGM along with his Wardens for the ensuing year.

However, it was also the last meeting that our current Provincial Grand Master, Rt. W. Bro. Trevor Walker would attend in his role in which he has served the Province of Lincolnshire in such an exemplary manner for 12 years. He will of course retire from his Office on the 31st January.

The current Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro Neville Storey gave a short speech regarding the Provincial Grand Master and his legacy to the Mark Province of Lincolnshire and presented him with a cheque for £2750 on behalf of all the Lodges and Brethren in the Province who had so generously donated to a retirement fund as a measure of their appreciation.

R.W. Bro Trevor replied with his usual warmth and humour, advising the brethren that it was his wish to undertake a quite a bit of travelling in the near future (beyond Southport and Blackpool) following his retirement and that the Brethren of Lincolnshire would be in his thoughts when he did so, following which he received a standing ovation from the brethren who were privileged to be present.


The Travelling Sceptre sails on

The Travelling Sceptre was last night successfully claimed from the St Wulfram's Lodge RAM by the Worshipful Commander and a further 9 brethren of the St Denys Lodge RAM.

An enjoyable night all round with a good ceremony and an excellent happy festive board with the usual fellowship amongst those attending - The Provincial Grand Secretary even leant how to fire - eventually !!!

The next and Installation meeting of the St Denys Lodge RAM is scheduled to be held on Wednesday the 27th February at Sleaford and all other Lodges are warmly invited to attend this meeting to claim the sceptre for themselves.

District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Mumbai,

Annual Convocation, Saturday 5th January.

Lincolnshire was well represented at the District Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Mumbai, Annual Convocation, Saturday 5th January, by our very own Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Ron Harrison and W.Bro. Phil Anyan.
The District Grand Master, Stephen Hindes, third from the right in the picture below, originates from Woodhall Spa, Lincs.
I am sure observant brethren will notice that the Festive Board shown in the pictures below, was somewhat different, being held outside.

