David Corby was pleased to receive an early Christmas visit from Santa (Phil Aitken), who popped to Grove, near Retford to present Dave Corby with his Mark Draw winnings cheque. Here’s the evidence.
Please click HERE to see the latest update.
Brethren, the end of year (Q4) prize draw was recently carried out with the winners being chosen at random through Excel by the draw Administrator, W. Bro. Andy Carr
Many congratulations to those who were lucky on this occasion.
On behalf of the PGM, many thanks to all the Brethren who have continued to support the draw this year which in turn continues to strengthen the Province and importantly aids the many charitable causes we contribute to on an ongoing basis - we couldn't do it without your assistance which is so much appreciated.
Wishing you and all your families a safe, peaceful and happy Christmas and with a bit of luck, a better new year than 2020.
Amount |
Ticket No. |
Name |
Lodge |
First |
£ 200.00 |
248 |
David Corby |
St. Oswald's |
Second |
£ 150.00 |
26 |
Ray Duke |
Spurn & Humber |
Third |
£ 125.00 |
33 |
Peter Gibbons |
Sutcliffe |
Fourth |
£ 100.00 |
122 |
C. (Bloss) Billin |
St. Deny's |
Fifth |
£ 75.00 |
234 |
David Shepherd |
Mercia |
Brethren, the 2018 MBF Festival may seem a lifetime away but it's legacy continues.
The attached picture shows the 'Hope for Tomorrow 'mobile Chemotherapy bus which has recently been sited at Pilgrim Hospital in Boston and which has established itself as an essential part of the Chemotherapy service in our County / Province.
The legacy is further strengthened by the young lady in the picture - Lauren is the granddaughter of our recently departed Bro Mark Mason, W. Bro. David Faulkner and she has recently been assigned to be part of the team who looks after the patients who use the service, not forgetting also that the bus is named 'Elaine' after the late wife of W. Bro, Phil Anyan.
David's widow, Kathleen, has kindly sent this picture and having spoken to David about this just before his sad death, I know how proud he was that Lauren was involved in the project which the MBF and Lincolnshire Mark Masons supported so well in partnership with the Hope for Tomorrow Charity.
Brethren I think it can be safely said that the Mark Province of Lincolnshire has marked well and can justifiably be so very pleased with our contribution to this valuable and much needed service.
Remigius Lodge of Mark Master Masons should have celebrated its 150th Anniversary in October, but unfortunately its celebrations have been put on hold until after this Covid-19 Epidemic permits, but doesn’t stop a short History of its founding.
W.Bro Bruce Goodman has compiled this short history, which you can download HERE.
Topic: 'The Importance of Adoniram'
Time: Nov 10, 2020 08:00 PM London
Login details are available from your Lodge Secretary.
Nearly sixty brethren attended a "virtual" meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Lincolnshire.
They were please to witness the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master confirm the Appointments and Promotions for this year, and to have the opportunity to hear his address to the brethren.
Address to the Brethren - Provincial Grand Lodge 5th November 2020 ( Virtual meeting)
Brethren: Welcome to this Provincial Grand Lodge meeting of the Mark degree in Lincolnshire - we are making history today- for all the wrong reasons being deep in the clutches of this dreadful Covid-19 pandemic. I hope those attending and all our Mark Brethren in Lincolnshire are keeping healthy and taking good care of their loved ones and fellow Mark Masons who need assistance? The purpose of this meeting of course is to conduct necessary Provincial business as required by the Constitutions and I will have more to say on our current position a little later. I think we can all agree we are missing our Mark & RAM Masonry terribly and can’t wait for normality to return.
Brethren: I thank you all for attending this zoom meeting today and for your tremendous support during the most difficult of times. At this point in Provincial meetings I would normally welcome distinguished guests from all four quarters of England and Wales- sadly the pandemic has put pay to that possibility and I certainly look forward with confidence so we can re-establish our strong bonds with other Mark Provinces which we visit on a regular basis. Because of our wonderful venue at the Epic Centre our visitors put us high on the list of ‘’go to’’ venues. The Epic Centre in return for our support have been extremely obliging in trying to arrange our next face to face Provincial Grand Lodge. I would not be so foolish as to assume it will be on the usual 4th Saturday in March 2021 - however with major progress on a viable vaccine and people obeying the restriction rules God willing it will take place in 2021 at some point.
Provincial Grand Lodge even in this format requires a tremendous amount of organisation and once again I do sincerely thank our hard working Provincial Grand Secretary Steve Roberts and my Deputy Provincial Grand Master Ron Harrison (now zoom Master) and all the other Provincial Officers involved for their efforts too. Steve’s work behind the scenes has been phenomenal and he often helps me to interpret rules as well as almost every Secretary or Scribe in Lincolnshire- thank you so much- I could not do this job without you.
My first year in charge HAD been a happy and successful year for the Lincolnshire Mark Degree up until 13th March 2020 a mere 2 weeks before its completion . In the first 7 days of being Installed we undertook a team visit to St Wulfram’s Lodge in Grantham and a few days later handed over on behalf of the MBF the keys to a St John Ambulance at a church service in Spalding. The team of active officers visited 11 Lodges, 2 of which included dedications and we were greeted as only Mark/ RAM Masons can. Sadly, several milestone anniversaries are now on hold due to current restrictions. They are Remigius 150th, St Mary 100th and Bayons 50th- we look forward to the day when we can set that right.
In June last year I was immensely proud that when the flooding disaster occurred in Wainfleet we stood shoulder to shoulder with our Craft Provincial Grand Master Rt. W Bro David Wheeler, a great supporter of the Mark in Lincolnshire and our own Mark Benevolent Fund provided £25,000 ( that is one third) towards the initial £75,000 raised. 4 more sister Mark Provinces donated a further £7,000 towards that appeal and I cannot thank them enough for being so generous without any prompting.
Many aspects of our lives have changed by necessity however I must emphasise the work of the MBF continues, even more so pressing in the current situation. We must keep up our support for the forthcoming Festivals in the same way others supported us - we have this year donated another £5000 to the Craft 2025 Festival and also £3000 to East Lancashire’s 2021 Festival. To that end I ask you all as soon as circumstances permit to continue making donations to our Lincolnshire Mark Benevolent Fund. It sits in a strong position, but a protracted starvation of funds will soon alter that - we will however continue a prudent course and ‘’cut our cloth to fit’’ to coin a phrase.
Linked to this charitable giving is our Mark Prize Draw, still administered by W Bro Andy Carr and his team, for which I am extremely grateful and take the opportunity to thank Andy for his hard and unsung work - I encourage all those participating to continue to do so. Not only does it distribute great prizes, it gives us the ability to fund both our Provincial Grand Lodge and use funds for Festival donations. Please do continue your support for this initiative which brings a big boost to the winners in the most difficult of times.
On the last two occasions I have taken the trouble to hand-deliver the winners cheques and the results can be viewed on our website- believe me the recipients were not bribed to be smiling so broadly as they did!
Turning to Grand Mark Lodge: the last meeting was on the 10th March and those who attended knew that something unpleasant was coming down the tracks- the attendance was down on normal and safety precautions were in use. It was really the first time I’d seen what has now become accepted practice.
Sure enough, UGLE put out a directive on the evening of Thursday 12th and I was invited to a meeting at 8 o’ clock on Friday 13th to discuss its implications. The rest as they say is history.
Unfortunately, the recipients of Grand Rank honours 1st appointments scheduled for June were unable to attend to be invested, which is a very great pity. W Bro Geoff Tuckett, our Provincial Chaplain was appointed an active office as AGIG and I take the opportunity to thank Geoff for his wonderful Orations at the dedications undertaken last year, W Bro Peter Dolby was appointed active Grand Steward , again thoroughly deserved. W Bro Bruce Goodman (our Craft APGM) received PAGDC and W Bro Steve Siddle PAGSwdB.
In September, the Past rank promotions were to be appointed with W Bro Keith Robinson our Prov G DC becoming a Very Worshipful Brother by promotion to PGJO.
W Bro Steve Roberts was promoted to PGJD and likewise W Bro Derek North to PGJD.
I congratulate each and every one of them and commiserate that they were unable to be present and invested by one of the Rulers.
Although thankfully in December last year W Bro’s Mick Stocker, Peter Dolby and Geoff Tuckett were able to attend and received promotions to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank the same will not be possible for this year’s recipients. W Bro’s Phil Anyan, John Speed and Roger Hansard will be victims of the pandemic as the Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners will not take place as planned. Once again, I commiserate with a wonderful day out being denied you.
Turning to our own Province: we all know we are a very happy degree, but we must continue to be a caring degree. In a message from me that was put out on Friday 27th March (the day before Provincial Grand Lodge) I reflected on what was happening and that we were unable to meet the following day. I encouraged the work of the Lodge Almoners- but asked Brethren to assist Lodge Almoners by advising him whenever you hear of a brother or his dependents in need of assistance, and if possible staying in touch by whatever means possible- the old fashioned phone call being favoured.
I congratulate and confirm all active Officers appointed back in March and reiterate they will be re-appointed in March 2021 for a further year. We as the Mark took this decision very early on not knowing at the time how long this pandemic would affect us. We assumed today would be the day we could meet face to face, but it has proved impossible. A year spent as an active officer is to be treasured and I hope still we can re-group and undertake team visits from restarting up to March 2022. 1st appointments to active office in 2021 will by definition have to be deferred but I’m sure those who were due will fully understand and appreciate the position- knowing that if they had been appointed in March 2020 they would receive the same treatment.
Thankfully, the technology which enables us to meet virtually today has been a Godsend for many of us. Our General Purposes Committee has been meeting once a month since March to keep vital business of the Province functioning. A great deal of work goes on behind the scenes and I can assure you the Executive have been kept extremely busy dealing with changes and putting out guidance.
Perhaps some will feel it is all overwhelming but has been thought necessary. The Mark Order globally has been innovative in allowing Lodges to meet virtually and undertake essential business. It is no substitute for the real thing, but certain things have to be dealt with. I appreciate it is difficult when Masters are obliged to hold office for more than one year- that officers are obliged to hold station- these are extraordinary times and require extraordinary measures. My hope is they will soon be behind us and we look forward to a bright future and we can rebuild our wonderful Mark and RAM degrees. Work which was ongoing with ‘’Awareness evenings’’ planned before the virus intervened.
On that subject I thank publicly V W Bro Derek Bontoft for his work in putting together the ‘’Awareness’’ material for both Mark and Royal Ark Mariners and also for giving us informative and entertaining Zoom Talks whilst the shutdown has been affecting us. His next Talk is next Tuesday at 8pm entitled ‘’The importance of Adorinam’’. Do try and support him and the Province and lets swell the number of attendees to 3 figures- please ! Derek deserves our respect and adoration for his tremendous energy and commitment to our Orders, asking him to become our Provincial Lecture Master a year ago was a key part of my efforts to promote and strengthen our Mark degree in Lincolnshire, and I never regret it for a moment.
Whilst referring to zoom meetings, I encourage the Lodges to hold these whilst we are suffering to keep members in touch- either virtual business meetings or indeed Lodge social meetings- and I would be extremely happy to receive an invitation to join you if I possibly can and perhaps be available to answer any questions those attending want to ask.
I note from the Registrar’s report that we suffered a larger than acceptable reduction in the number of subscribing members particularly in our Royal Ark Mariner Lodges and any decline is to be regretted. If we take the extra time and effort both to prevent resignations and encourage membership things will surely improve? Clearly, we can do little about that until things change. When our Province does re-open for business those Lodges who are presently finding difficulty in attracting candidates and avoiding resignations - we will try to offer help and guidance on initiatives for recruitment and retention being used successfully in various parts of both the country and our Province.
Essential to this is ensuring our Craft Lodges remain vibrant and providing the right men to join us.
I continue to be thankful to you all for the privilege of being your Provincial Grand Master and wish you every happiness in our Mark Masonic Order for many years to come.
May the Great Overseer of the Universe bless you All.
Stay safe - and Mark well.
At a meeting of six brethren, W.Bro Richard Powell was proclaimed Master of Bayons Lodge MMM on 22nd October 2020. Richard said, "It was good to see some good friends that I have not seen since February at our RAM meeting. I spent more time driving to and from the meeting than I did in the Lodge building including the meeting, the photo afterward and a chat before driving home again".
The meeting was of course very different from usual, but was a very cordial affair. Richard remarked "I am of course honoured to be doing a second year and hope that I will at last be able to chair an Advancement, although this is still far from certain with the way things are going".
In the photo (taken using a timer on the camera) from left to right, Jeff Stephenson - DC, Charlie Peatfield who volunteered to be Tyler for the meeting, Jamie Evans – SW, myself, Neil Hollingsworth – Secretary and Dave Pattison – Treasurer.
Ticket No.
£ 200.00
John Stead
£ 150.00
Chris Fletcher
St Matthews
£ 100.00
Roger Ward
Spurn & Humber
£ 100.00
Paul Darlaston
St Wilfred’s
£ 50.00
Geoff Tuckett
Prize Tally:
Ticket No.
£ 200.00
Anthony O'Brien
£ 150.00
Malcolm Forrest
£ 100.00
Frank Powell
John O'Gaunt
£ 100.00
Stephen Hallberg
Spurn & Humber
£ 50.00
Rodney Redhead
John O'Gaunt
Amount |
Ticket No. |
Name |
Lodge |
First |
£ 200.00 |
151 |
Anthony Reeve |
St Oswald 387 |
Second |
£ 150.00 |
68 |
Michael Clay |
Remigius 117 |
Third |
£ 125.00 |
296 |
David Harness |
St. Swithun's 445 |
Fourth |
£ 100.00 |
231 |
Brian Nicholson |
St. Swithun's 445 |
Fifth |
£ 75.00 |
305 |
Colin Fox |
St. Oswald's 387 |
Many congratulations to these Brethren
Brethren, further to the postponement of Provincial Grand Lodge in March.- it is still necessary under the Book of Constitutions to hold a Provincial meeting so as to allow all the essential business of the Province to be carried out.
On behalf of our Provincial Grand Master, you are therefore advised that a
utilising the 'Zoom' facility.
The necessary business paper with details of the agenda, joining link and dress code etc will follow in due course.
Brethren, it is with great regret that you are advised of the decision to abandon the 2020 RAM Provincial Assembly.
Following the postponement of the June meeting, it had been hoped to reschedule the meeting for later in the year but in view of the continuing situation and lack of clarity on the future with regards to our meetings, a judgement has been made that it would be better to take a step back from a meeting this year now, rather than later.
Our PGM is obviously very disappointed at this course of action, as I am sure are many of our members, not least those Brethren who would have been invested with RAM Provincial Grand Rank but it is felt that this is the right decision under the circumstances.
The 2021 meeting will be scheduled into the diary as normal and we look forward to a 'bumper' meeting.
Brethren - A further talk on the Mark Degree will be given by V. W.Bro. Derek Bontoft, our Provincial Lecture Master on MONDAY THE 21st SEPTEMBER AT 8PM and is entitled 'The Importance of Adoniram'.
ALL Brethren are invited and encouraged to attend the talk which on previous occasions has proved to be a very enjoyable get together. .
The necessary joining details for the talk may be obtained from your Lodge Secretary or the Provincial Secretary.
W Bro Phil Aitken's Cycling challenge – update
There is just over a week before W Bro Phil Aitken and his brother Rob head off on their latest Cycling challenge in aid of the Lincolnshire Craft 2025 MCF Festival, this being the first annual cycling challenge until the Festival is over.
This initial Cycling Challenge was originally cycling from London to Paris, but following the issues with COVID-19, it became an unsupported ride between Calais, Paris and Dieppe.
This has now also been thwarted with the introduction of the need to quarantine on return from France so yet another alternative ride has been organised, and put the Calais – Paris - Dieppe route on hold for next year.
The new plan is also unsupported and is a two country Coast to Coast ride with a difference.
Day 1 - Train to Lancaster then ride to Morecambe, and back to Lancaster for an overnight stay. 20 miles.
Day 2 - Lancaster to Penrith, via Kirkby Lonsdale, Sedburgh, Tebay, Shap before finally arriving in Penrith - 55 miles.
Day 3 - Penrith to Moffatt via Dalston, Carlisle, then over the border into Scotland to Gretna, across to Annan then onward to Moffatt - 72 miles!
Day 4 – Moffatt to Edinburgh with a hilly start but via some wonderful countryside, and amazing views - 52 miles!
Day 5 – Edinburgh to Duns via Musselburgh, Dunbar and Cockburnspath before heading south over the hills before arriving at Duns. 53 Miles
Day 7 – Duns to Berwick via the scenic route, crossing the border between Scotland and England several times before arriving at Berwick to catch the train home! 20 miles only but a beautiful ride.
The Total mileage is around 270 miles, with lots of hills to keep them occupied!
You can donate by either following the link to the Everydayhero page -> https://e0151.everydayhero.com/uk/the-london-to-paris-challenge
Or by contacting W Bro Aitken direct on p.aitken2@ntlworld.com or 07747622989 to arrange payment direct.
Please give generously – we all know how wonderful the MCF is and Lincolnshire has benefitted greatly from this excellent Charity.
The Provincial Secretary has been on a walkabout (whilst attempting to get his head around the latest guidance update note from Mark Masons' Hall !!!)
The route included a stop at the Temple Bruer, Knights Templar Preceptory tower which is sited just south of Lincoln. The tower, now the only remaining original structure, was originally part of a much larger complex which was erected in 1160 and gives its name to one of the Masonic Knights Templar Preceptory that meets in Lincoln.
Such was the influence of this particular settlement that at one time it was the second most wealthiest Preceptory in the country.
Whilst looking around the site, the Mark Masonry connection was also quite evident with many of the prepared stones bearing the 'marks' of the Craftsman employed in it's construction along with the ubiquitous graffiti added over many centuries.
The explanatory information board reminded him of the laminated cards that V. W. Bro. Trevor Kitchen, a Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire used to present to the newly advanced Mark Master Masons at the various Lodges that he attended, depicting marks which were to be found in St Botolphs Church which is also known as 'Boston Stump'.
The marks at Temple Bruer were clearly seen around the building and a reminder that Mark Masonry has been with us a very long time - Well worth a visit even if you are not a Knights Templar.
Just a quick note to thank you for the visors that are currently being used at The Old Library Residential Home in Cleethorpes.
We are delighted to say that our Home has been COVID free since the beginning of the pandemic and remains so at this current time.
Once again, thank you so much.
Kind regards
The team @ The Old Library
The Old Library Residential Home Limited
Isaacs Hill, Cleethorpes, DN35 8JR
By popular request, V. W. Bro. Derek Bontoft will be giving a 3rd Mark talk on Thursday the 6th August at 7pm and is entitled:
'So you think you know your Mark Masonry ...MK 2'
and will follow the enjoyable quiz format of the previous one but this time with 20 questions, so pens and papers at the ready again.
The talks by V. W. Bro. Derek have proved to be really pleasurable as well as being informative and it is hoped that as many Brethren as possible will again be able to join in the meeting.
The Zoom link is available from your Mark Lodge Secretary.
The Provincial Grand Master, Rt W Bro Stephen Hallberg has today sent this letter to the Brethren of Lincolnshire, and reminds us all that the judicious use of common sense is to be encouraged.
Click HERE to download and read his letter.
Phil Aitken has created a page donation because he wants to make a difference. He said:
I'm inspired by the work of Masonic Charitable Foundation and wanted to support them by raising money as part of my participation in E0151 - Lincolnshire 2025 Festival.
Months before my 60th birthday, my brother Rob suggested we did something special to celebrate it, and of course it had to involve cycling, and in the blink of an eye I heard myself agreeing to undertake the London to Paris ride - 275 miles in 4 days - certainly out of my comfort zone and the biggest continuous rides I will have done!
My aim is to raise £10 per mile, so please help me help them by giving whatever you can using the 'Give Now' button. The more people that know about Masonic Charitable Foundation, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!
Prize Tally: |
Amount |
Ticket No. |
Name |
Lodge |
First |
£ 200.00 |
112 |
Geoffrey Newstead |
St. Wilfrid's |
Second |
£ 150.00 |
42 |
David Harness |
St. Swithun's |
Third |
£ 125.00 |
61 |
David McKee |
White Stone |
Fourth |
£ 100.00 |
200 |
Hugh Smith |
St. Swithun's |
Fifth |
£ 75.00 |
82 |
Chris Judge |
John O'Gaunt |
W. Bro. Bruce Goodman Remigius Lodge no. 117
W. Bro. Paul Ellis Heneage Lodge no. 188
W. Bro. Denzil John St. Wilfrid's Lodge no. 209
W. Bro. Ken Rose St Mary Lodge no. 326
W. Bro. Richard Brady St. Oswald Lodge no. 387
W. Bro. Derek North St. Deny's Lodge no. 427
W. Bro. John Cundall St. . Swithun's Lodge no. 445
W. Bro. Gary King St. Nicholas Lodge no. 946
W. Bro. Michael Holmes St. Nicholas Lodge no. 946
W. Bro. James Childs Earl of Scarbrough Lodge no. 1032
W. Bro. Stephen Cole Mercia Lodge no. 1240
W. Bro. Alan Mawer The Haven Lodge no. 1732
The appointments are effective from today and I am sure that you will join the PGM in offering sincere congratulations to these Brethren and trust that they take pride in this well deserved honour,
best regards, S & F, Steve Roberts (Povincial Grand Secretary)
The current suspension of all Masonic meetings has tested many of us in different ways, not least the loss of the fellowship and enjoyment that we all experience with our Brethren and friends at our Mark Lodge meetings.
Our PGM is very aware of this and after a number of other successful trials of virtual talks and meetings, I am pleased to advise that a virtual talk will be given for Mark Brethren by our Provincial Grand Lecture Master and Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, V. W. Bro. Derek Bontoft by means of the 'Zoom' on screen facility.
The talk, entitled, “The Mysteries of Freemasonry with special reference to the Mark degree” will be delivered by V. W. Bro. Derek on THURSDAY THE 18TH JUNE AT 7PM and it will obviously give us all an opportunity for us all to have a fraternal gathering, albeit on a screen.
The talk is only for Mark Masons and also can only be accessed by those Brethren who have the 'Zoom' facility which has proved very successful in facilitating other Masonic gatherings in the past few months whilst we have been in suspension.
The downloading of 'Zoom' is relatively easy (even Our Provincial Grand Secretary has managed it) and when downloaded a link will be provided which should provide easy access to the meeting - The necessary link is available from your Lodge Secretary or the Provincial Grand Secretary.
We have some 880(ish) members in the Mark Degree in our Province, it would be a real tonic if we could achieve a large percentage of those members tuning in - you will even be able to see their smiling faces.
Our PGM and V.W. Bro. Derekreally look forward to sharing time with you virtually as we hopefully start to return to some kind of normality,
At the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, which was due to held on 28th March at the Lincoln Showground, it was the intention of our PGM to present the retiring Provincial Registrar, Worshipful Brother Dave Robson, with a personal Certificate of Merit in recognition of his great service to the Mark Province of Lincolnshire. Sadly, we now know that the meeting had to be postponed but our PGM was determined that Dave should receive the certificate sooner rather than later.
Regrettably because of his underlying health problems Dave has been forced to shield himself for the last 10 weeks, dutifully cared for by his lovely wife Doris and the PGM decided it was time was right to deliver into his hands his richly deserved Certificate of Merit (observing social distancing of course). Dave was both surprised and delighted by the impromptu arrival of the PGM in shorts and T shirt, enforced casual dress due to the baking sunshine we have been enjoying of late!
Dave moved to Lincolnshire from his home county of Derbyshire in 2000 to retire close to the sea in Sandilands, where he has remained to this day.
His enthusiasm for the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees was evident from the day he arrived in our Province and he soon joined St Wifrid’s Lodge MMM and also RAM, taking the chair of the RAM Lodge in 2002 and the Mark Lodge in 2004. He was given a Rule 78 appointment in 2005 to recognise his Provincial rank in Derbyshire and in 2010 took over the role of Provincial Deputy Secretary, this coincided with our PGM been given a ‘’year out’’ of that role to be Provincial Junior Warden. Dave was rewarded in 2011 by being appointed Provincial Junior Warden himself and immediately his year finished in 2012 he was promoted to acting Provincial Registrar when our PGM took on the role of Provincial Secretary on V W Bro Roy Eaton’s retirement. He has held that office for 8 years and has notably overseen the implementation of the Keystone Online system (KOL) as well as giving invaluable advice and help to numerous Lodge Secretaries and Scribes throughout the process in his own inimitable and caring manner. He was also a founder member of the Lincolnshire Provincial Officers’ Lodge MMM in 2010.
In 2013 he received Grand rank as PAGDC and was further promoted in 2019 to Past Grand Senior Deacon, to cap a memorable Mark Masonic career.
His Royal Ark Mariner career is no less impressive, having been Scribe of the Haven Lodge RAM since 2008 and the founding Secretary of the Mayflower Lodge in 2010 and the Ark Lodge RAM in 2014.
He was promoted to RAMPrGR in 2009 and RAMGR in 2016.
He is succeeded by W Bro Tony Marston who we wish well in his new role.
Dave – please accept our very best wishes for a long , happy and peaceful retirement, your endeavours will leave a lasting legacy to the Mark Masonic Brethren of Lincolnshire- thank you for everything you have done from us all.
Due to a very successful launch of the masks which were made to support the Scrubs for the NHS appeal, wehave been a victim of our own success and cannot keep up with the response and continue to supply the masks!
Click HERE to see an interesting article from the website of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Surrey.
Taken from ‘English Freemasonry during the Second World War’ by W,Bro. Chris Eley, Provincial Grand Orator, Craft Province of Surrey.
Dear Brother Mark Mason.
You are all aware of the NHS appeal for scrubs. The St Matthew MMM Lodge together with the other orders that meet at Barton Upon Humber responded last week to a local appeal from a seamstress who was asking for material to make scrubs.
She is one of 300 seamstresses in North Lincolnshire who are making scrubs at home. Although they are donating their time, they struggle for materials.
Our lodge donated £100 to the cause, together with the other lodges and the chapter to the same amount, hence £400 was pledged, since then members have pledged sums of £100 each and more, in a week over £1k has been sent to appeal.
Today it was suggested that the sale of masks would be a good idea, the Government guidelines suggest that masks do not protect against infection but do help to stop the spread of the virus to some extent and suggest that scarves or cloth masks should be worn when out and about.
I spoke to the seamstress who is making the scrubs and she had already designed a suitable mask or snood which fits the bill. She has agreed to make as many as we would like to order. Working out the costs with a profit to provide additional income to purchase materials for scrubs cloth, the mask or snood is on sale at a price of £2.50 including postage.
Made of a double layer of lycra the mask is easy and comfortable to wear and can easily be pulled up or down over the face or around the neck, it is washable and can be used over and over again.
For an order form please email W. Bro. Phil Spicksley on pwspicksley@gmail.com
Sincerely and fraternally yours
P. W. Spicksley.
Pro Grand Master taking "Tea at Three" relaxing at home but always thinking of others.
In these unprecedented times where covid-19 is a global crisis, it’s important that we maintain our links and think not just of those Brethren we are used to seeing or hearing from frequently but, perhaps more especially, of those we haven’t seen for some time. The United Grand Lodge of England has been encouraging its members to raise a glass to Absent Brethren at 9pm wherever in the world you maybe.
Thanks to our Brethren in the Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire, a ‘tea at 3 o’clock’ toast has been started encouraging all Mark Master Masons throughout the world to take a cup of tea at 3pm and remember, phone or email a friend and brother to check they are ok. At the same time, sparing a thought for all Mark Master Masons throughout the Constitution, trusting that they are safe and well.
The Pro Grand Master has committed to support this initiative and he will take tea (and a biscuit or two) at 3pm. So, come on Brethren, let’s get on board with this – why not post something on social media showing you taking tea at 3?
Wishing you continued good health. Stay safe.
With fraternal regards and best wishes.
R.W.Bro. Ryan A. Williams, P.G.J.W.
Grand Secretary
Dear Brother Mark Mason,
I hope this message finds you staying safe and keeping well.
Tomorrow was to have been our Provincial Grand Lodge at the Epic Centre and I still have to pinch myself as to how things have changed in the last 27 days. Even as long ago as 10th March we were thinking it was ‘’business as usual’’. How wrong we were and how circumstances have developed at an astounding rate. In hindsight I believe the actions taken by Masonry on Friday 13th (another black Friday!) were entirely right and went above and beyond what the government were telling us at the time. If those actions saved one life of a Brother or someone connected to him and his family it was entirely justified. I have today heard news of the first Mark Mason to fall foul of this dreadful disease, albeit in another Province. That doesn’t make the news any more palatable of course.
The good news is we are very much hoping our postponed Provincial meeting can go ahead at the usual location on 5th November and more details will be coming out as things progress- do make a pencil note in your diaries! I urge all members in the Province to think about others who might need a call or some assistance to make contact and ensure they are being catered for, I’m sure your Lodge Secretary will be only too glad to give you their details if you don’t already have them. The Lodge Almoner can’t be expected to do this job on his own and everyone, including myself must make perhaps one call every day until this horror story is over.
- I look forward to the day when we can recommence our merry meetings and wish you, your families, and everyone associated with our wonderful Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Degrees, every good wish so we can get back to something called ‘’normality’’.
God Bless you All
Mark Well
Lincolnshire’s Mark Masons have given £5,000 to the Lincolnshire 2025 Festival with a surprise donation – Craft PGM Dave Wheeler said, "an indication that normal life, although subdued, is still going on".
Our Mark PGM Steve Hallberg asked Mick Stocker to pop a cheque for the amount through Dave’s front door, prompting him to say: “It was a lovely surprise and shows that, behind the scenes, life is still able to go on as normal. It’s amazing to think that, despite all that’s happening, the Mark degree continues to support the 2025 festival. I just hope that other Brethren, who may not have the opportunity to donate at Festive Boards at the moment, may consider a direct debit or similar".
He added, “I’d like to thank al of Lincolnshire’s Mark Masons for their fantastic support which is, as always, very much appreciated.”
Drawn at |
Random selection of numbers with no names due to Covid |
On |
26/03/2020 |
By |
Prize Tally: |
Amount |
Ticket No. |
Name |
Lodge |
First |
£ 200.00 |
113 |
John Board |
Sutcliffe |
Second |
£ 150.00 |
111 |
Phil Anyan |
John O'Gaunt |
Third |
£ 125.00 |
152 |
Colin Burke |
St Swithuns |
Fourth |
£ 100.00 |
144 |
John Cousins |
St Swithuns |
Fifth |
£ 75.00 |
266 |
James Kendall |
Haven |
Sixth |
£ 50.00 |
155 |
Gerald Simmon |
Alexandra |
You will no doubt be aware of the ongoing problems with the COVID-19 virus and its effect on numerous events, including Masonic commitment.
Our PGM has issued the following statement (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) and postponed Provincial Grand Lodge on 28th March 2020, and suspended the following Team Visits etc
Bayons MMM 26th March
Provincial Grand Lodge 28th March
St Guthlac 30th March
The Haven 2nd April
Mercia MMM 15th April (Awareness Evening)
St Botolphs MMM 28th April
St Swithuns MMM 27th May
LPOL MMM 29th May
Keep an eye on this website to be kept up to speed as things develop.
The Provincial Grand Master RW Bro, Stephen Hallberg, supported by RW Bro, David Wheeler ,Prov GM of Lincolnshire Craft Masonry, along with Bro, David Atkinson of Bayons Lodge, VW Bro, Ron Harrison Dep, ProvGM , Bayons Lodge, W Bro’s, Steve Roberts, PAGSwdB ,ProvGSec, Phil Anyan PGJD ,John O Gaunt Lodge, Mike Robinson PAGDC, St Swithun’s Lodge, W Bro, Arthur Baxter PGJD, St Matthew Lodge attended Grand Mark Lodge, on Tuesday 10th March.
Grand Mark Lodge was “called off” to receive trustees and members of “LifeLites”. Lifelites being the Charity who provide support and various facilities to Children’s Hospice’s throughout the country.
About a dozen ladies and gentlemen were processed in! Carrying Lanterns, which were taken by the attending Grand Stewards and placed to the side of Grand Lodge! With one lantern placed in front of the presiding officers Pedestal.
A Presentation was delivered by Ms Simone Enefer-Doy. Who! Read a very “moving” letter from W Bro, Rick Wakeman (Yes! “Thee” Rick Wakeman) who is a lifelites Patron, along with comedien Joe Pasquale. An “iPad” adapted for the children to use to communicate with, was set in motion, with a child’s voice, thanking all the Mark Masons for their support. This particular moment and the Rick Wakeman letter which was read, Proved to be quite emotional to all present.
Our attention was drawn to the Balcony to the rear of the Grand Temple, by the Grand Secretary. Where 10 ladies were seated. At the given prompt! They stood, and each holding cards declaring, that Lifelights had received a magnificent sum of £141,423-00 from the Mark Benevolent fund.
It was a very proud moment for us all. Knowing the donations we make to the Mark Benevolent Fund, enhances the lives of these children, who don’t have long to live.
The funding will provide some 15 Tech Trunk packages, which will give around 3000 children chance to play and communicate.
A very rewarding day.
The excellent Harbour Lights Restaurant at Burton Waters, Lincoln was the venue for Lincolnshire’s first Mark Active Provincial Officers Dinner, where Brethren who are part of the Provincial Team, together with their partners, met for a night of good food and good company.
It was an opportunity for the team to relax at the end of their year together, and for RW Bro Steve Hallberg to personally thank his team for their support throughout the year.
It proved to be a real success, so much so that it will now become an annual event!
Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London
1.00pm Tuesday 9 June 2020
All Mark Master Masons may attend, and those who have never been to Grand Lodge are particularly encouraged to attend this splendid occasion which has traditionally been arranged to celebrate those receiving their first Grand Rank appointments at a festive board in Baldock.
07.15hrs Depart Eastgate Car Park, Sleaford, (behind The Mallards, NG34 7DJ)
08.00hrs Arrive Asda Supermarket, Union St., Grantham, NG31 6NZ
08.45hrs Arrive Premier Inn, Norman Cross, Peterborough, PE7 3TB
09.30hrs Arrive ‘The Templars Hotel and Carvery’, Baldock, for ‘Bacon butties’
10.15hrs Coach leaves for London
12.00hrs Arrive Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London
16.00hrs Leave Freemasons’ Hall
18.00hrs Arrive ‘The Templars Hotel and Carvery’, Baldock, for evening meal
19.45hrs Leave Baldock
20.45hrs Arrive Norman Cross
21.30hrs Arrive Grantham
22.00hrs Arrive Sleaford
(Note: Times approximate only)
The cost depends on numbers travelling on the coach; with a full 29-seater coach this would be approx. £54;this includes travel,bacon buttie/coffee or tea on outward journey and a 3-course evening meal on the return journey (excluding drinks).
Contact Ray Wade:
Tel. No.: 01652 652592; e-mail: raymond.wade@outlook.com